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How do I reset my password?

One way is to use jitsu. Simply type:

jitsu users forgot :username

where :username is your username. Alternately, go to and click the "login" link; then search for the link "Did you by any chance forgot your password?", where you will be prompted for your username. Either process will send you an email with further instructions.

Is there a cheatsheet somewhere?

There sure is! Check out

How are programs kept alive? Do I need to use Forever?

Nodejitsu's cloud services watch your programs for you! You shouldn't have to do anything special to keep your apps running, much less use Forever or similar tools.

How can I make my app use a port other than port 80?

Connecting to other servers using arbitrary ports requires no special considerations. However, listening for outside connections is currently limited to port 80 on the Nodejitsu platform because we require http host headers for domain name resolution of subdomains. Consequentially, each subdomain may only host one listening service. Note that this does not mean you can only listen to port 80 from your app; since Nodejitsu redirects it to port 80 you can listen on any port from your app. However, you can only access your app externally through port 80.

The ability to host TCP applications on nodejitsu and listen on non-80 ports is on our roadmap but has no associated timeline.

How do I make Koding work with jitsu?

By default, Koding will not install packages globally, due to a permission error. You can fix this by setting the npm prefix to a location that you have permissions to access, like your home directory. To do this, simply run:

npm config set prefix ~

And then you can install jitsu normally:

npm i jitsu -g

Can I use jitsu with Cloud9 IDE?

Yes! Follow these steps to install jitsu:

  1. Install the latest npm globally: npm install -g npm
  2. Install the latest jitsu locally: npm install jitsu

Now you can use jitsu as usual. If you get error, try npm rm -g jitsu && npm cache clean.

How can I turn off the require-analyzer in jitsu? I want to manage my own dependencies!

There are three ways to disable the require-analyzer:

  • Use the --noanalyze flag when running jitsu commands to disable it on a one-time basis.
  • Add "analyze": false to your package.json to disable it on a per-app basis.
  • Set "analyze" to false in your jitsu config using the command: jitsu config set analyze false to disable it on a global level, or add the option to the config file ~/.jitsuconf

How Do I add my GitHub repository as a dependency?

Use the following format:

Why won't this C++ addon compile?

Many C++ addons require libraries that are not included in Nodejitsu's infrastructure by default. For example, node-canvas requires cairo. Nodejitsu has cairo and many other such libraries, but may not have some more obscure ones.

How do I specify which files not to bundle? How do I know what files are getting bundled?

jitsu uses npm to bundle files, meaning that jitsu bundles files in exactly the same manner than npm bundles published modules. You can read about this in npm's documentation.

In more detail: npm uses a file called .npmignore, which should contain a list of files and folders to ignore for the purpose of bundling. If this file does not exist, npm will use git's ignore file, called .gitignore, instead. This means that, if you want to bundle files that are ignored by git, you should create an .npmignore even if it's blank.

Finally, jitsu has the ability to bundle your app without deploying with the jitsu package create command. You can use this to make sure that the resulting .tgz file is as you expect.

How do I fix Error: package.json error: can't find starting script?

Nodejitsu requires a starting script in the package.json to know which script to run to start your application. You need to make sure that the scripts.start field in your package.json points to the correct starting script.

A common issue is using "node app" as the value of scripts.start in your package.json. This won't work on Nodejitsu because the file extension is not specified. You'll need to do something along the lines of "node app.js".You can also use just the name of the main file, "app.js".

How do I choose what port to use in Nodejitsu?

At Nodejitsu it's super important for us that you can run your application just like you do in your local machine. That said, you don't have to choose a specific port: just make sure it is either 80 or > 1024. (to listen on those ports you need to run with sudo, and we don't do that in our servers. Port 80 gets overriden to 1024).

Internally our load balancers know what port your application is listening on. If you chose port 1337 our load balancer will proxy the traffic that is directed to your Nodejitsu application (e.g. on port 80 to whatever the port you choose in your application (e.g. 1337).

I'm getting an error: listen EACCESS when starting my application in Nodejitsu

Check the answer above, How do I choose what port to use in Nodejitsu?. You are trying to use a root level port (between 0-1024). Please set your app to listen on a port greater than 1024.

How do I force my clients to use HTTPS with my application?

You'll need to redirect your clients to the HTTPS address when they make a request with HTTP. See the following code for an example:

// http
var http = require('http');

var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  // optional, for HSTS
  // see
  res.setHeader('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=8640000; includeSubDomains');

  if (req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] !== 'https') {
    var url = 'https://' + + '/';
    res.writeHead(301, {'location': url});
    return res.end('Redirecting to <a href="' + url + '">' + url + '</a>.');


var express = require('express');

var app = express();

app.use(function (req, res, next) {
  // see above
  res.setHeader('Strict-Transport-Security', 'max-age=8640000; includeSubDomains');

  if (req.headers['x-forwarded-proto'] !== 'https') {
    return res.redirect(301, 'https://' + + '/');



How do I change the timezone on my drone?

You can set the TZ environment variable with jitsu env. A list of time zones can be found here. Here is an example:

jitsu env set TZ America/Los_Angeles

How do subdomains work and what are the valid subdomains?

Valid subdomains are strings 1-n characters long that begin and end with alphanumerical characters while the remaining letters can be alphanumerics, hyphen or a underscore.

Valid subdomains would be


Note: the use of periods in subdomains is deprecated.

Where are personal plan drones hosted?

Drones for personal plans on Nodejitsu are hosted on Joyent's us-east-1 datacenter. Note that this is only for personal plans, business plan users are able to choose their datacenter.

Can I use cluster to improve the availability of my app?

Nodejitsu's cloud services watch your programs for you! You shouldn't have to do anything special to keep your apps running. If you need to scale your app, we offer the simple way of "drones", where you can add more drones to fit your needs.

When we push our app to Nodejitsu, does it start a new instance, then cut the traffic over from the old one if successful? Or would the app be down if something went wrong?

We always provision a new virtual machine. The old one gets decommissioned if and only if everything went ok, so a failed deploy does not equate to down time.