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Gollum is a graphical user interface post-commit hook tool for TortoiseSVN to create Review Board tickets and update BugZilla bugs. It provides an easy way to create a diff of a commit, post the diff to Review Board and update a bug on BugZilla if one was fixed in the commit.

Setting up Gollum

Configuring Gollum

To use Gollum the URL to Review Board and optionally BugZilla need to be defined in the application configuration file Gollum.exe.config. The file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- URLs should point to the root of the service -->
        <add key="ReviewBoardUrl" value="https://intra/reviewboard/"/>
        <!-- leave empty to disable bugzilla integration -->    
        <add key="BugzillaUrl" value="https://intra/bugzilla/"/> 

ReviewBoardUrl is the url to the base address of Review Board, Gollum will fill the rest of the path to the API itself. ReviewBoardUrl is the url to the base address of BugZilla, Gollum will fill the rest of the path to the API itself. If this is left empty the BugZilla integration will be disabled in the user interface.

Setting up Gollum for a SVN check out

Gollum needs to be configured separately for each SVN checkout. This can be done easily by running Gollum.exe without any arguments. A window called "Project specific settings" will be opened. Enter the SVN checkout working copy path in the first text field and press OK.

Gollum will find the path to the gollum.exe, open the gollum.xml configuration file for the checkout in question in notepad and open the TortoiseSVN settings window. First the gollum.xml file needs to be configured. This is what the created Gollum.xml file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ProjectSettings xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

ReviewBoardRepositoryName is the name of the repository on Review Board which corresponds to this SVN repository. ReviewBoardGroup is the group on Review Board to which the tickets from this SVN repository are associated with. RepositoryBasePath is the difference between the SVN path defined in Review Board and the path to the SVN repository.

Input the correct values for these three options in the gollum.xml, save the file and close it.

Creating the post-commit hook in TortoiseSVN

Next TortoiseSVN needs to be configured to run Gollum as a post-commit hook. Depending on your TortoiseSVN version, follow the instructions below. After configuring TortoiseSVN, close the Gollum settings window. Gollum will now be started automatically after each commit for the configured SVN checkout.

TortoiseSVN 1.7 and older

  • For each working copy, add a client-side hook in TortoiseSVN settings. Enter the following information:
    • Hook Type: Post-commit hook
    • Working Copy Path
    • Command Line To Execute: The path to gollum.exe
    • Check "Wait for the script to finish"
    • Uncheck "Hide the script while running"

TortoiseSVN 1.8 and later

In TortoiseSVN 1.8 (or latest trunk version) hook script can be specified in svn properties. This avoids the need to install the script for each developer individually.

  • In the repository, create a property with name tsvn:postcommithook
    • Fill in the dialog in the same way as done in the settings dialog in TortoiseSVN 1.7
    • The program can either reside in the repository or in each developers' machine, in a directory found in the PATH variable

Using Gollum

Gollum can be used to create a Review Board ticket in two ways.

When Gollum is started by running Gollum.exe without any arguments, just as when configuring a new SVN checkout, a previously commited revision or revisions can be submitted. Using the "Submit old revision" part of the "Project specific settings" window do the following:

  1. First the full path to the SVN checkout directory should be given in the "Project directory" field.
  2. The "Revision from" field can be used if the diff consists of multiple commits to indicate the first revision of the ticket.
  3. The "Revision to" field is used to indicate the last revision of the ticket, or the only revision if the ticket contains only one commit.
  4. Press Go and the main window of Gollum will be opened to submit the ticket.

The second way to use Gollum is the intended way as a post-commit hook tool which will be opened after each SVN commit. The main window of Gollum will be opened. Gollum will prompt for Review Board and BugZilla user credentials when they are needed. Both APIs use authentication cookies, which will be stored in the isolated storage files so that the credentials do not need to be entered every time.

The first part of the window contains the SVN commit information which was received from TortoiseSVN. This information is not editable.

The next part contains the summary, description and bugs fixed of the Review Board ticket. These are automatically filled with the commit message. Review Board summary will not allow line breaks and if one is entered Gollum will replace line breaks with whitespace. The bugs fixed field will check the commit message and tries to detect if it contains bug fixes. Multiple bugs can be entered using comma or space as a separator.

The third part will normally be hidden. If the Bugzilla integration is active and something is entered in the bugs fixed field the third part will be shown. The first bug entered in the bugs fixed field will be retrieved from Bugzilla and shown. Bug number and summary will be shown, but will not be editable. A comment can be added and the bug status and resolution can be changed. A default comment will be generated containing the repository name, revision, the repository path and a link to the Review Board ticket created.

Pressing the "Post review" button will first submit the Review Board ticket, copy the ticket url to the user clipboard and update bugzilla is necessary.