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Priyanka Bhardwaj edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 7 revisions

The NO ESCAPE platform GitHub wiki is an all-inclusive resource for developers and stakeholders involved in building and maintaining the platform. It includes a variety of sections that cover the product's features, technical specifications, implementation details, testing, security, scalability, monitoring and logging, maintenance and support, and roadmap. Additionally, it provides guidelines on how the community can contribute to the development of the platform.

Product Requirements

This section provides a thorough overview of the NO ESCAPE platform and its features, including online and offline technical competitions, problem-solving-based approaches, a people-friendly interface, a challenges library, a hacking platform for coders, a unique terminal with a code editor, and continuous activity logging. It also covers fraud detection, activity tracking, character building, and analysis reports, along with information about the strategic fit and customer fit of the product.

Technical Specifications

This section delves into the technical details of the NO ESCAPE platform, including information about the programming languages, frameworks, and tools used to build the platform. It also includes information about the platform architecture, security features, database design, and hosting environment.

Implementation Details

This section provides step-by-step instructions on how to set up and configure the NO ESCAPE platform. It includes information about the installation process, database setup, API integrations, and deployment procedures. Additionally, it covers best practices for maintaining and scaling the platform.

User Stories

The wiki includes user stories that illustrate how different users interact with the platform, what they're trying to achieve, and how the platform helps them achieve it. These stories help stakeholders understand the platform's user base and the different use cases that the platform supports.


The testing process for the platform is described, including unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing. The wiki provides information about the testing tools used, the testing methodology followed, and the different testing phases.


The deployment process for the platform is explained, including deployment environments, deployment tools, and automation techniques. The wiki describes the deployment process from development to production and provides information about the different deployment strategies employed.


The security measures implemented in the platform are discussed, including encryption, authentication, authorization, and access control. The wiki explains the different security measures employed to protect the platform, its users, and their data.


The techniques used to scale the platform are described, including load balancing, caching, and database sharding. The wiki explains the different scaling strategies used to ensure that the platform can handle large volumes of traffic.

Monitoring and Logging

The wiki explains how the platform is monitored and logged, including the tools used, metrics tracked, and log aggregation techniques. It covers topics such as real-time monitoring, alerting, and log analysis.

Maintenance and Support

The ongoing maintenance and support requirements for the platform are detailed, including bug fixing, feature enhancements, and user support. The wiki explains the different support channels available to users, including email, chat, and forums.


A roadmap for the platform is provided that outlines future enhancements, new features, and planned improvements. The wiki details the different features and enhancements planned for the platform and provides information about their implementation timelines.


Guidelines on how to contribute to the platform are provided, including code contributions, bug reports, and feature requests. The wiki explains how contributors can get involved with the platform and provides information about the contribution process.

Overall, this GitHub wiki serves as a one-stop-shop for all information related to the NO ESCAPE platform, providing detailed and comprehensive documentation to ensure that users have all the information they need to use and maintain the platform effectively.