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Data Functions


These functions are designed to be used by themes.

All data functions will return true (meaning return code 0) when they are both enabled and have data. They will return false (meaning return code 1) when they do not have data. Most will return 2 when they are disabled, either through the config or because the tool they depend on is not installed. Such disable config options will be documented. Exceptions to this rule are explicitly documented.

When a function returns false, any return variables are not guaranteed to be set. If running with set -u (or when building a theme to be distributed), guard any return variable accesses with a check of the return code, or use ${var-} syntax.


_lp_battery() -> var:lp_battery

Returns a return code depending on the status of the battery:

  • 5 if the battery feature is disabled or not available
  • 4 if no battery level is found
  • 3 if charging and the level is above the threshold
  • 2 if charging and the level is under the threshold
  • 1 if discharging and the level is above the threshold
  • 0 if discharging and the level is under the threshold

Returns an integer percentage of the current battery level.

If the threshold is not surpassed, the battery level is still returned.

The threshold is configured with LP_BATTERY_THRESHOLD.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_BATT.

2.1 Implemented sysfs method as the default way of getting battery status.

Development Environment

_lp_cmake() -> var:lp_cmake_compiler, var:lp_cmake_generator, var:lp_cmake_buildtype

Returns true if a CMake context is found. Parse the data in CMakeCache.txt and returns the basename of the configured compiler, generator (e.g. "Unix Makefiles"), and build type ("Debug", "Release", etc.). Some generator names are shorten: "Makefiles" becomes "Make" and "Visual Studio" becomes "VS".

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_CMAKE.


_lp_kubernetes_context() -> var:lp_kubernetes_context, var:lp_kubernetes_namespace

Returns true if a Kubernetes context is found. Returns the Kubernetes context name or the first name component.

Splitting long context names into components is defined by LP_DELIMITER_KUBECONTEXT_SUFFIX and LP_DELIMITER_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX. Both use greedy matches - see ../config for examples.

If enabled by LP_ENABLE_KUBE_NAMESPACE, will also return the default namespace for the current context, if one is set.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_KUBECONTEXT.


_lp_node_env() -> var:lp_node_env

Returns true if a Node.js environment is detected. Returns the virtual environment name.

Can be enabled by LP_ENABLE_NODE_VENV.


_lp_perl_env() -> var:lp_perl_env

Returns true if a Perlbrew or PLENV Perl environment is detected. Returns the virtual environment name.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_PERL_VENV.


_lp_python_env() -> var:lp_python_env

Returns true if a Python or Conda environment is detected. Returns the virtual environment name.

If the environment name contains a forward slash (/), only the substring after the last forward slash is returned.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_VIRTUALENV.


2.1 Displays the "prompt string" first (the --prompt argument when setting up the virtualenv).

_lp_ruby_env() -> var:lp_ruby_env

Returns true if a RVM or RBENV ruby environment is detected. Returns the virtual environment name.

In the case of a RVM environment, the label displayed can be customized with the LP_RUBY_RVM_PROMPT_OPTIONS.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_RUBY_VENV.


_lp_software_collections() -> var:lp_software_collections

Returns true if a Red Hat Software Collection is enabled. Returns the software collection name.

If the software collection name has trailing whitespace, it is removed.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_SCLS.


_lp_terraform_env() -> var:lp_terraform_env

Returns true if a Terraform workspace is detected. Returns the workspace name.

Can be enabled by LP_ENABLE_TERRAFORM.


Disks and Memory

_lp_disk -> var:lp_disk, var:lp_disk_human, var:lp_disk_perc

Gather information about the current state of the hard drive hosting the current directory:

  • available space in kibi-bytes (lp_disk, that is, 1024 bytes),
  • available space in human-readable form, using binary unit prefixes (lp_disk_human, see also __lp_bytes_to_human).
  • available space as a percentage of total (lp_disk_perc).

Returns true if the used space is below at least one of the user-defined thresholds:


Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_DISK.


_lp_ram -> var:lp_ram, var:lp_ram_human, var:lp_ram_perc

Gather information about the current state of the RAM:

  • available space in kibi-bytes (lp_ram, that is, 1024 bytes),
  • available space in human-readable form, using binary unit prefixes (lp_ram_human, see also __lp_bytes_to_human).
  • available space as a percentage of total (lp_ram_perc).

Returns true if the used space is below at least one of the user-defined thresholds:


Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_RAM.



_lp_aws_profile() -> var:lp_aws_profile

Returns true if the AWS_PROFILE, AWS_DEFAULT_PROFILE, or AWS_VAULT variables are found in the environment (in that order of preference). Returns the contents of the variable.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_AWS_PROFILE.



Returns true if there is a connected X11 display.


2.2 Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_DISPLAY.

_lp_connection() -> var:lp_connection

Returns a string matching the connection context of the shell. Valid values:

  • ssh - connected over OpenSSH
  • tel - connected over Telnet
  • su - running in a su or sudo shell
  • lcl - running in a local terminal

It is not possible for more than one context to be returned. The contexts are checked in the order listed above, and the first one found will be returned.

It is not possible for no context to be returned.

2.0 Return method changed from stdout.

_lp_container() -> var:lp_container

Returns true if the shell is running in a container. In that case, the return variable is set to a string matching the container type. Possible values include (but are not limited to):

  • Singlrty - running in a Singularity container
  • Toolbox - running in a Toolbox container
  • Podman - running in a Podman container
  • Docker - running in a Docker container
  • LXC - running in an LXC container
  • nspawn - running in a systemd-nspawn container

It is not possible to detect more than one containerization type to be returned. The containers are checked in the order listed above, and the first one found will be returned.

Can be enabled by LP_ENABLE_CONTAINER.


_lp_dirstack() -> var:lp_dirstack

Returns true if directory stack support is enabled and the directory stack contains more than one directory. In that case, the return variable is set to the number of directories on the stack.

Can be enabled by LP_ENABLE_DIRSTACK.


_lp_env_vars([color_if_set, [color_if_unset, [end_color]]]) -> var:lp_env_vars

Gather the states of the environment variables indicated in the LP_ENV_VARS array, and put them in the lp_env_vars array.

LP_ENV_VARS should be a list of environment variable names to look for, along with the string to be displayed if the variable is set, and an optional string to be displayed if the variable is not set. The string to be displayed may contain a %s marker, which will be replaced by the variable's content.

If color_if_set is passed, it will be used to color the set variables string. If color_if_unset is passed, it will be used to color the unset variables string.

end_color is added at the end of each variable string. It defaults to "$NO_COL" (color reset).

Returns true if at least one variable representation is added to the result array. Returns 1 if the no variable representation is set. Returns 2 if the user disabled the feature with LP_ENABLE_ENV_VARS.


_lp_error() -> var:lp_error

Returns true if the last user shell command returned a non-zero exit code. Returns (in the return variable) the exit code of that command.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_ERROR.


The return variable lp_error will always be set with the last command return code, as it must be the first thing done by the prompt. This function should still be used, as it checks for the feature being disabled by the user.


_lp_error_meaning() -> var:lp_error_meaning

Returns true if the last user shell command returned a non-zero exit code. Returns (in the return variable) a guess of the meaning of that error.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_ERROR_MEANING.


_lp_http_proxy() -> var:lp_http_proxy

Returns true if an HTTP or HTTPS proxy is enabled through environment variables in the shell. Returns the first found proxy string.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_PROXY.


_lp_multiplexer() -> var:lp_multiplexer

Returns true if the current shell context is inside a terminal multiplexer. Returns a string matching the multiplexer:

  • tmux
  • screen


2.2 Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_MULTIPLEXER, except if --internal is passed (i.e. for internal use only). Return variable renamed from lp_mulitplexer to lp_multiplexer.

_lp_shell_level() -> var:lp_shell_level

Returns true if the shell is a nested shell inside another shell.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_SHLVL.


_lp_terminal_device() -> var:lp_terminal_device

Returns the basename of the terminal device connected to the shell's standard input.


This value should never change during the life of the shell.


This data source is unlikely to be wanted by the user, and should not be included in themes by default.



_lp_detached_sessions() -> var:lp_detached_sessions

Returns true if any detached multiplexer sessions are found. Returns an integer count of how many sessions were found.



_lp_jobcount() -> var:lp_running_jobs, var:lp_stopped_jobs

Returns true if any shell background jobs are found. Returns an integer count of how many jobs are running and how many are stopped.

Stopped jobs are jobs suspended with Ctrl-Z.

Running jobs are jobs started with the command & syntax, or stopped jobs started again with the bg command.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_JOBS.



_lp_cpu_load() -> var:lp_cpu_load

Returns a string of the system load average smallest increment, usually 1 minute. The return code is not defined.

_lp_load() -> var:lp_load, var:lp_load_adjusted

Returns true if the system load average scaled by CPU count is greater than the threshold. Returns the system load average in lp_load, and the average scaled by CPU count, multiplied by 100 in lp_load_adjusted. In other words, the load average is multiplied by 100, then divided by the number of CPU cores.

lp_load should be displayed to the user, while lp_load_adjusted should be used to compare values between machines using LP_LOAD_CAP. The default theme uses this to generate a color scale.


LP_LOAD_CAP is a raw floating point configuration value that is difficult to do math on. _LP_LOAD_CAP contains the same value, but multiplied by 100 to make comparisons to lp_load_adjusted simple. Use it along with lp_load_adjusted as arguments to _lp_color_map.

If the threshold is not surpassed, the load average is still returned.

The threshold is configured with LP_LOAD_THRESHOLD.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_LOAD.



_lp_chroot() -> var:lp_chroot

Returns true if a chroot environment is detected. Returns a string matching the chroot string if one is found.


2.2 Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_CHROOT.

_lp_hostname() -> var:lp_hostname

Returns true if a hostname should be displayed. Returns 1 if the connection type is local and LP_HOSTNAME_ALWAYS is not 1.

Returns the hostname string in lp_hostname.

Can be disabled by LP_HOSTNAME_ALWAYS set to -1.


2.1 Returns the actual hostname instead of a shell prompt escape code. No longer sets LP_HOST_SYMBOL to the same return string. Added LP_HOSTNAME_METHOD to configure display method.

_lp_os() -> var:lp_os_arch, var:lp_os_family, var:lp_os_kernel, var:lp_os_distrib, var:lp_os_version

Gather data about the current Operating System.

Returns true if it was able to gather all possible data. Returns 1 if some expected information was missing. Returns 2 if the user disabled the feature with LP_ENABLE_OS.

Returns data in lp_os_* variables:

  • processor architecture (e.g. x86_64, i686, etc.),
  • OS family (BSD, UNIX, GNU or Windows),
  • OS kernel (Linux, Darwin, Cygwin, etc.),
  • Linux distribution (e.g. ubuntu, arch, mandrake, etc.),
  • Linux distribution version codename (e.g. focal, ada, buzz, etc.)

Each data source can be disabled via its corresponding configuration variable:




Returns true if sudo is currently activated with valid credentials. If sudo is configured to always allow a user to run commands with no password, this will always return true.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_SUDO.


2.1 If the user has NOPASSWD powers, that is cached on startup to prevent multiple sudo calls.


Returns a return code depending on the logged in user:

  • 2 - the user is root
  • 1 - the user is a user other than the original login user
  • 0 - the user is the login user


_lp_username() -> var:lp_username

Returns true if a username should be displayed. Returns 1 if the user is the login user and LP_USER_ALWAYS is not 1.

Returns the current user ID in lp_username.

Can be disabled by LP_USER_ALWAYS set to -1.


2.1 Returns the actual username instead of a shell prompt escape code.


_lp_path_format(path_format=$LP_COLOR_PATH, last_directory_format=$path_format, vcs_root_format=$last_directory_format, shortened_directory_format=$path_format, separator="/", [separator_format]) -> var:lp_path, var:lp_path_format

Returns a shortened and formatted string indicating the current working directory path. lp_path contains the path without any formatting, custom separators, or shell escapes, intended for use in the terminal title. lp_path_format contains the complete formatted path, to be inserted into the prompt.

The behavior of the shortening is controlled by LP_ENABLE_SHORTEN_PATH, LP_PATH_METHOD, LP_PATH_LENGTH, LP_PATH_KEEP, LP_PATH_CHARACTER_KEEP, and LP_PATH_VCS_ROOT. See their descriptions for details on how they change the output of this function.

The last directory in the displayed path will be shown with the last_directory_format.

If a VCS repository is detected with _lp_find_vcs, the root of the VCS repository is formatted with vcs_root_format. The detection method is the same as for all other VCS display, so if a VCS type or directory is disabled, it will not be detected.

If the path shortening shortens a directory (or multiple consecutive directories), they will be formatted with shortened_directory_format.

A custom separator will only be substituted in the lp_path_format output. Note that this will cut into maximum path length if the separator is longer than one character.

With no specified separator_format, each separator will take the format of the directory section preceding it. Otherwise every separator will be formatted with separator_format. Note that the root directory is treated as a directory, and is formatted as such.


2.1 Changed lp_path to no longer contain shell escapes.


_lp_runtime_format() -> var:lp_runtime_format

Returns true if the last command runtime was greater than the threshold. Returns a formatted string of the total runtime, split into days, hours, minutes, and seconds. Ex: 3h27m6s.

The threshold is configured with LP_RUNTIME_THRESHOLD.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_RUNTIME.



_lp_temperature() -> var:lp_temperature

Returns true if the highest system temperature is greater than the threshold. Returns the highest temperature integer.

If the threshold is not surpassed, the highest temperature is still returned.

If no temperature data is found, returns false and lp_temperature will not be set.

The threshold is configured with LP_TEMP_THRESHOLD.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_TEMP.

2.0 Note that a function by this name was renamed to _lp_temperature_color.


_lp_time() -> var:lp_time

Returns true if digital time is enabled. Returns the current digital time string, formatting set by LP_TIME_FORMAT.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_TIME, or LP_TIME_ANALOG set to 1.


2.1 Returns the actual time instead of a shell prompt escape code.

_lp_analog_time() -> var:lp_analog_time

Returns true if analog time is enabled. Returns the current analog time as a single Unicode character, accurate to the closest 30 minutes.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_TIME, or LP_TIME_ANALOG set to 0.



_lp_wifi_signal_strength() -> var:lp_wifi_signal_strength

Returns true if the lowest wireless signal strength is lower than the threshold. Returns the lowest strength percentage.

If the threshold is not surpassed, the lowest signal strength is still returned.

If no wireless signal data is found, returns false and lp_wifi_signal_strength will not be set.

The threshold is configured with LP_WIFI_STRENGTH_THRESHOLD.

Can be disabled by LP_ENABLE_WIFI_STRENGTH.
