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FEW 2.1 - Assignment 7 - Date Lib


Dates are super important. You'll use them often. The goal of this assignment is to become more familiar with the Date object it's methods and how to work with Dates.

Why Do this assignment?

You'll make use the JS Date Object often. Building a library around dates will give you a better understanding of it works and what you can do with it.

Project requirements

Your job is to make a class that wraps the Date object. Your class should have a Date it keeps internally. It should be able to instantiate itself with the same parameters that are used with the Date Object.

Challenge 1

The Date Object can be instantiated with a date string, or with a list of parameter for: year, month, date, hours, mins, secs.

class D {
	constructor(...args) { = new Date(...args)

Read about ...args:

tl;dr args is an array with all of the parameters passed to the function/constructor. The ... (spread operator) deconstructs the array. This allows for a variable number of arguments to be passed.

You should be able to instantiate this class like this now:

const d = new D('9/26/1965') // Create a date from a string
const e = new D(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)

Challenge 2

Your class should provide human readable values for year, month, date, hour, mins, secs.

// Gets the current date with no params
const d = new D()
console.log(d.year())  // 2019 fullYear
console.log(d.month()) // July 6
console.log(   // 27
console.log(d.hours()) // 18
console.log(d.mins()) // 6
console.log(d.secs()) // 5

Challenge 3

You need a format method that takes a "mask" string. The mask will contain formatting characters which displays various date elements, other characters are displayed unchanged.

List of formatting characters:

  • 'Y' -> 2019
  • 'y' -> 19
  • 'M' -> July
  • 'm' -> Jul
  • 'D' -> 01
  • 'd' -> 1
  • 'H' -> 05
  • 'h' -> 5
  • 'I' -> 08
  • 'i' -> 8
  • 'S' -> 04
  • 's' -> 4

The format() method should provide an acceptable default formatted date with no parameters.

For example:

// Make a date with values for Y, M, D etc.
const d = new D(2017, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5)
console.log(d.format()) // 2017 January 02
console.log(d.format('y/m/d')) // 17/Jan/2
console.log(d.format('H:I:S')) // 03:04:05
console.log(d.format('h:i:s')) // 3:4:5
console.log(d.format('Y-M-D h:I:S')) // 2017-January-02 3:04:05

Challenge 4

Make a when() this should return a human readble description of 'when' a date will occur.

This method should compare the date owned by your class instance with the current date.

const d = new D(2019, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5)
console.log(d.when()) // 6 months ago
const d = new D(2019, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5)
console.log(d.when()) // 3 months from now
const d = new D(2024, 9, 2, 3, 4, 5)
console.log(d.when()) // 5 years from now
const d = new D(2019, 6, 30, 3, 4, 5)
console.log(d.when()) // 3 days from now

Stretch Challenge

Look for edge cases in the when() method. When does it not work?

  • Decribe the edge case the problem and what casues it
  • Solve the problem in code

Stretch Challenge

Make when() work for time hours minutes, seconds.

  • 1 hour from now
  • 3 hours ago
  • 23 mins from now
  • 11 mins ago
  • 23 seconds from now
  • 52 seconds ago

Stretch Challenge

Take the challenge above one step further by including both date and time. This is an open ended challenge you can make it as detailed as you care to take it. Feel free to interprept the challenge and make your best judgement as to how it can be implemented.

Here is some sample output:

  • 2 days three hours from now
  • 3 years 5 months 2 days from now
  • 1 year 4 months 23 days ago
  • 3 hours and 24 minutes from now
  • etc.

Challenge 5

Document your date lib. Do this by writing JS Doc string comments describing each method.

Output the documentation to your repo or write it to your file.


Challenge 6

Publish your date lib to npm. Include the following badges in your

  • npm version
  • license
  • size
  • GitHub Issues

Challenge 7

Add continuous integration. Use Travis-ci and Coveralls.

Add badges for:

  • Build
  • Coverage

Challenge 8

Use Rollup to bundle your date lib. Include both umd and esm bundles.

Stretch Challenge

Use .toPrimitive() to allow your Data object to return a String or Number depending on context.


After completing the challenges above post a link to your npm package on npm.