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Module gcp-pubsub

KotlinX integration for TopicAdminClient, SubscriptionAdminClient, Susbcriber and Publisher.

This modules exposes following types that correspond to their relevant Gcp PubSub types but expose suspend APIs, that await the operations in a suspending way.

Name Description
GcpPublisher Exposes publish methods, and automatically caches the Publisher under-the-hood for optimal performance. All publish methods suspend until all methods are published to the topic.
GcpPubSubAdmin Combines the API of TopicAdminClient and SubscriptionAdminClient, and awaits the succesfully result of their operations in a suspending way.
GcpSubscriber Exposes a single subscribe method that subscribes to PubSub and exposes the stream of messages as a KotlinX Flow.
[GcpPull] Exposes a single pull method that pulls messages from PubSub in a back-pressured way.


All types can be created using the ProjectId, and a configuration lambda using the original Builder types from Google's Java lib so the original documentation and techniques apply. It keeps the original default settings, see all the examples below.


Configuring the GcpPublisher can conveniently be done using the lambda using the Google Publisher.Builder API. The GcpPublisher type implements AutoCloseable so most conveniently you can consume it with use from the Kotlin Std. Alternatively you could also use try/finally, or similar strategies.

GcpPublisher(ProjectId("my-project")).use { publisher ->


Publishing messages from different types String, ByteArray, ByteBuffer, ByteString is support out-of-the-box, this can be done by providing a single value or an Iterable of any of these types.

publisher.publish(TopicId("my-topic"), "msg1")
publisher.publish(TopicId("my-topic"), listOf("msg2", "msg3"))
publisher.publish(TopicId("my-topic"), "msg1".toByteArray())

You can also publish custom types, but need to provide a MessageEncoder<A>. See pubsub-kotlinx-serialization-json on how to publish messages using Json with KotlinX Serialization.

If you want to implement your own serializers, you can use the MessageEncoder interface.

data class MyEvent(val key: String, val message: String)

object MyEventEncoder : MessageEncoder<MyEvent> {
  override suspend fun encode(value: MyEvent): PubsubMessage =

publisher.publish(TopicId("my-topic"), MyEvent("key", "msg1"), MessageEncoder)
publisher.publish(TopicId("my-topic"), listOf(MyEvent("key", "msg2"), MyEvent("key", "msg3")), MessageEncoder)


Configuring the GcpPubSubAdmin can conveniently be done by any of the overloads, it wraps both TopicAdminClient and SubscriptionAdminClient. You can manually construct both, and pass them into the constructor, remember that you need to close both TopicAdmintClient and SubscriptionAdminClient so you can either use use or manually close TopicAdminClient and SubscriptionAdminClient.

val topicAdminClient: TopicAdmintClient = TODO("Create TopicAdmintClient")
val subscriptionAdminClient: SubscriptionAdminClient = TODO("Create SubscriptionAdminClient")
).use { admin ->


Or, there is also the option to rely on the lambdas to configure the TopicAdminSettings.Builder and SubscriptionAdminSettings.Builder.

val credentials = GoogleCredentials.fromStream(FileInputStream(PATH_TO_JSON_KEY))

  configureSubscriptionAdmin = { setCredentialsProvider(credentials) },
  configureTopicAdmin = { setCredentialsProvider(credentials) }
).use { admin ->


Once the admin is created we can use all of its convenient suspend functions.

GcpPubsSubAdmin(ProjectId("my-project")).use { admin ->
  admin.createSubscription(Subsriptionid("my-subscription"), TopicId("my-topic"))
  // delete, get or list topics and subscriptions


The GcpSubscriber can easily be created by just providing a ProjectId, since a new [Subscriber] will be created for every [subscribe] call that is made. Optionally, a common configure lambda can be provided for configuration that is common for all [Subscriber] instances. GcpSubscriber doesn't implement AutoCloseable as it internally takes care of the lifecycles of the created [Subscriber].

val subscriber = GcpSubscriber(ProjectId("my-project"))

val subscriber2 = GcpSubscriber(ProjectId("my-project")) {

Then we can simply call the subscribe method, of which two simple variants exist to subscribe to a given [SubscriptionId].

val subscription = SubsriptionId("my-subscription")
val subscriber: GcpSubscriber = TODO("Create subscriber")
  .collect { record ->
    println("Processing - ${}")

There is also a variant that takes a MessageDecoder in case you want to process decoded messages of A.

data class Event(val key: String, val message: String)

val eventDecoder = object : MessageDecoder<Event> {
  override suspend fun decode(message: PubsubMessage): A =

val subscription = SubsriptionId("my-subscription")
val subscriber: GcpSubscriber = TODO("Create subscriber")
subscriber.subscribe(subscription, eventDecoder)
  .collect { (event: Event, record: PubsubRecord) ->
    println("event.key: ${event.key}, event.message: ${event.message}")

Using in your projects


Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):

dependencies {


Add dependencies (you can also add other modules that you need):
