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Code of our FYP

This repository contains the complete implementation of my final year project, details of the contents can be found in my dissertation (later will be published to arXiv)


  • Python >= 3.6.5
  • Pytorch 1.4.0
  • Gensim 3.8.1
  • emoji 0.5.4
  • nltk 3.4.5


The code has been tested on MacOS, Windows and Ubuntu. For mac users, there is a known bug caused by the multiprocess package of Python, you can ignore the warning message since it doesn't affect the output. The scripts are in the 'code' file, and they are independent from each other. un_data and su_data directories in 'code' contain our own datasets, while in 'cluster', you can find 6 more open-sourced short text datasets.

1. Preprocess data
We provide a python script to preprocess data

$ python <fname> <outpath>
fname    the path of the file that you want to process
outpath  the path of where you want to save the result

2. Train a classifier
We provide a pre-trained TextCNN used for data filtering, you can train your own model by run:

$ python <embed> <train> <test> <dataset> <epoch> <restart> <savestep>
  embed     the path of pre-trained word embeddings
  train     the path of training set
  test      the path of test set
  dataset   the name of the dataset
  epoch     the maximum training epoch
  restart   whether to continue training a existing model
  savestep  when to save the model

The trained model will be saved to current directory with name $dataset$_model.pkl by default

3. Filtering data
We provide a filtered data for demo, but you can use your own model and your dataset by run

$ python <fname> <dataset>
fname   the path of the data needed to be filtered
dataset the name of the dataset

By default, the script will load the model from _model.pkl file in the current directory

The result will be output to '$dataset$.txt' file in 'temp' directory

4. Topic discovery and visualization
Finally, we provide a python script to generate topics of given corpus.

$ python <fname> <model> <iter> <K> <maxwords> <dataset>
  fname    the path of the file needed to be clustered
  model    which model you want to use, currently we only provide  'ebtm' and 'btm'
  iter     the maximum iteration of training
  K        the number of topics you want to generate
  maxwords the number of words that used to represent a topic
  dataset  the name of the given corpus

The output will be saved to the 'visulization' directory with prefix '$dataset$'

Related codes

If there is any question, feel free to contact: Yuyang Liu.