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SMBClient Cheat

File metadata and controls

65 lines (47 loc) · 2.29 KB


Basic usage

To connect to a file share using smbclient, use the following syntax:

Copy code

smbclient //server/share [options]

Replace server with the name or IP address of the server hosting the file share, and share with the name of the file share.

You will be prompted for your username and password for the file share. Once authenticated, you will be presented with a command prompt where you can enter various commands to interact with the file share.


Here are some of the options you can use with smbclient:

  • -U: Specify a username to use when connecting to the file share.
  • -W: Specify the domain or workgroup that the server belongs to.
  • -I: Specify the IP address of the server.
  • -p: Specify the port number to use for the connection.
  • -d: Set the debug level.
  • -N: Do not ask for a password when connecting to the file share.

Available commands

Here are some of the most common commands you can use with smbclient:

  • ls: List the files and directories in the current directory.
  • cd: Change the current directory.
  • put: Upload a file to the file share.
  • get: Download a file from the file share.
  • mput: Upload multiple files to the file share.
  • mget: Download multiple files from the file share.
  • rm: Delete a file from the file share.
  • mkdir: Create a new directory on the file share.
  • rmdir: Delete a directory from the file share.
  • pwd: Print the current working directory.
  • exit: Disconnect from the file share and exit smbclient.


Here are some examples of using smbclient to connect to and interact with a file share:

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# Connect to a file share and list the files and directories in the current directory 
smbclient //server/share ls  

# Connect to a file share using a specific username and password 
smbclient //server/share -U username%password  

# Connect to a file share using a specific IP address and port number 
smbclient //server/share -I -p 139  

# Upload a file to the file share 
smbclient //server/share put /path/to/local/file  

# Download a file from the file share 
smbclient //server/share get /path/to/remote/file  

# Create a new directory on the file share 
smbclient //server/share mkdir newdirectory