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File metadata and controls

143 lines (105 loc) · 4.5 KB

db-kit schema definition spec

db-kit schema definitions are written in special YAML files with .yml extension.

Schema definition may include collection definitions and relation definitions.


Every table in db-kit is defined as collection. Collections have fields and options.

Here is an example of collection definition that should be used in .yml files

	type: collection
		email: string
		firstName: string
    	lastName: string
    	timestamps: true

Each YAML file can contain multiple collection definitions.

Here User is the name of the collection and a table with the same name will be created to store collection items. If you need to use other name for the table, please specify tableName option inside options block.


Collection fields are specified in special fields block. Each field is a key-value pair where key is the name of the field and value is the description of the field.

Keys are used as table column names and also as accessor names on collection items.

Values in their simplest form can be just a string naming the data type that defined field will have.

email: string

Complex definition of a field is represented as an object where key is the option name and value is the option value.

	type: string
	length: 255

Field definition can have following options

option name possible values default description
type data type N/A field data type
primary true/false false is the field primary key
autoIncrement true/false false is the field auto incrementing
optional true/false true will use "NOT NULL" if false
readOnly true/false false value can not be changed
hidden true/false false value will not be fetched from db until explicitly requested during #find() and #findOne() method calls
length true/false type dependent length of the field value
multilang true/false false multilingual text support
default type dependent N/A default value for the field

Data types

Listing of available data types and respective MySQL counterparts.

type MySQL type default length
string VARCHAR 255
text TEXT N/A
int INT N/A
double DOUBLE N/A
bool BOOL N/A
date DATE N/A
timestamp TIMESTAMP N/A


Options block allows configuration of collection. Possible options are presented in the table below.

option name possible values default description
tableName table name collection name table name to use
timestamps true/false false weather to track create and update time
createdAt field name createdAt createdAt field name
updatedAt field name updatedAt updatedAt field name
isTree true/false false enable support for encoded tree structures


Many to one

To define a collection field that points to an object from other collection you simply need to use that collection's name prefixed for dollar sign ($OtherCollection)

	type: collection
    	startDate: date
        endDate: date

	type: collection
    	firstName: string
        lastName: string
        schedule: $Schedule

This allows to link an employee to any single schedule.

Many to many

If you need to link a single object to multiple objects from the same or other collection you need to use connection definition.

	type: collection
    	startDate: date
        endDate: date

	type: collection
    	firstName: string
        lastName: string

	type: connection
    parent: $Employee
    child: $Schedule
    accessor: schedules

Here EmployeeSchedule is a definition of connection between Employee and Schedule collections. You need to specify which one of that collections is the parent and which one is the child.

Also you need to specify the accessor name (schedules) which will be added to parent collection items to access child items.