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nootn edited this page Feb 6, 2012 · 1 revision

Thanks to Bddify for generating this output:

Story: Application can start and stop

As a user
I want to be able to start and gracefully stop the application
So that I can use the application and not corrupt any data

Can be initialized

Given the application is created
When initialize is called
Then the application is successfully initialized

Can be initialized then run then shutdown

Given the application is created
When initialize is called
And run is called
And shutdown is called
Then the application is successfully stopped

Can be run

Given the application is created
When run is called
Then the application is successfully started

Can be shutdown

Given the application is created
When shutdown is called
Then the application is successfully stopped

Story: Import selected images

As a user
I want to be able to import selected images
So that I can save them somewhere associated with the patient and possibly clear them off the drive

Can finish if images to import are valid and images can be imported

Given images are not selected thus invalid
And user is on the import images screen
Then user is finished and back on start screen
And then all screens are cleared

Can go back

Given valid images are selected
And user is on the import images screen
Then user can progress to the previous step

Cancel confirm navigates to start screen

Given valid images are selected
And user is on the import images screen
When user clicks cancel and confirms
Then all screens are cleared
And then the user is returned to the start screen of the application

Cancel not confirm does nothing

Given valid images are selected
And user is on the import images screen
When user clicks cancel and does not confirm
Then all form fields are preserved
And then the form is still valid

Cannot progress if images could not be imported

Given images are not selected thus invalid
And user is on the import images screen
Then user cannot progress to next step

Cannot progress if images to import are invalid

Given images are not selected thus invalid
And user is on the import images screen
Then user cannot progress to next step

Story: Select drive to preview

As a user
I want to be able to select a drive
So that I can preview the images available on the drive

Can progress if drive is valid

Given a valid drive is selected
And user is on the select drive screen
Then user can progress to next step

Cancel confirm clears form

Given a valid drive is selected
And user is on the select drive screen
When user clicks cancel and confirms
Then all form fields are cleared
And then the form is invalid
And then the user is still on the select drive screen

Cancel not confirm does nothing

Given a valid drive is selected
And user is on the select drive screen
When user clicks cancel and does not confirm
Then all form fields are preserved
And then the form is still valid

Cannot go back on first screen

Given user is on the select drive screen
Then user cannot go back

Cannot progress if drive has no images

Given a valid drive with no images is selected
And user is on the select drive screen
Then user cannot progress to next step

Cannot progress if no drive is selected

Given a drive is not selected
And user is on the select drive screen
Then user cannot progress to next step

Selecting drive with images can produce preview

Given a valid drive with images is selected
And user is on the select drive screen
Then the correct number of image files are available for preview

Selecting drive with no images cannot produce preview

Given a valid drive without images is selected
And user is on the select drive screen
Then image files are not available for preview

Story: Select images to delete or edit or import

As a user
I want to be able to select images
So that I can delete them, edit them or let the system know which ones I want to import

Can go back

Given valid images are selected
And user is on the select images screen
Then user can progress to the previous step

Can progress if valid images are selected

Given valid images are selected
And user is on the select images screen
Then user can progress to next step

Cancel confirm navigates to start screen

Given valid images are selected
And user is on the select images screen
When user clicks cancel and confirms
Then all screens are cleared
And then the user is returned to the start screen of the application

Cancel not confirm does nothing

Given valid images are selected
And user is on the select images screen
When user clicks cancel and does not confirm
Then all form fields are preserved
And then the form is still valid

Cannot progress if selected images are invalid

Given images are not selected thus invalid
And user is on the select images screen
Then user cannot progress to next step

Story: Select patient to associate images with

As a user
I want to be able to select a patient
So that I can associate images with that patient

Can go back

Given a valid patient is selected
And user is on the select patient screen
Then user can progress to the previous step

Can progress if patient is valid

Given a valid patient is selected
And user is on the select patient screen
Then user can progress to next step

Cancel confirm navigates to start screen

Given a valid patient is selected
And user is on the select patient screen
When user clicks cancel and confirms
Then all screens are cleared
And then the user is returned to the start screen of the application

Cancel not confirm does nothing

Given a valid patient is selected
And user is on the select patient screen
When user clicks cancel and does not confirm
Then all form fields are preserved
And then the form is still valid

Cannot progress if patient is invalid

Given an invalid patient is selected
And user is on the select patient screen
Then user cannot progress to next step

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