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211 lines (163 loc) · 6.73 KB

BLOM standard set-up output

Monthly averaged output

abswnd = "Absolute wind speed"

bflx = "Brine flux"
bfsq = "Squared buoyancy frequency"
bfsqlvl = "Squared buoyancy frequancy"
brnpd = "Brine plume depth"
btmstr = "Barotropic mass streamfunction"

difdia = "Diapycnal diffusivity"
difdialvl = "Diapycnal diffusivity"
difint = "Layer interface diffusivity"
difintlvl = "Layer interface diffusivity"
difiso = "Isopycnal diffusivity"
difisolvl = "Isopycnal diffusivity"
dp = "Layer pressure thickness"
dp_trc = "Layer pressure thickness"
dz = "Layer thickness"
dzlvl = "Layer thickness"

eva = "Evaporation"

fice = "Ice concentration"
fmltfz = "Fresh water flux due to melting/freezing"

gls_psi = "GLS_PSI"
gls_psilvl = "Generic length scale"

hflx = "Heat flux received by ocean"
hmltfz = "Heat flux due to melting/freezing"

idkedt = "Mixed layer inertial kinetic energy tendency per unit area"
idlage = "Ideal age"
idlagelvl = "Ideal age"
lip = "Liquid precipitation"

massgs = "Sea water mass"
maxmld = "Maximum mixed layer depth"

mhfld = "Meridional heat flux due to lateral diffusion"
mhflx = "Meridional heat flux"
mhftd = "Meridional heat flux due to thickness diffusion"

mld = "Mixed layer depth"
mlts = "Mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t"
mltsmn = "Minimum mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t"
mltsmx = "Maximum mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t"
mltssq = "Maximum mixed layer thickness squared defined by sigma t"

mmflxd = "Overturning stream-function on z-levels"
mmflxl = "Overturning stream-function on isopycnic layers"
mmftdd = "Overturning stream-function due to thickness diffusion on z-levels"
mmftdl = "Overturning stream-function due to thickness diffusion on isopycnic layers"

msfld = "Meridional salt flux due to lateral diffusion"
msflx = "Meridional salt flux"
msftd = "Meridional salt flux due to thickness diffusion"

mtkebf = "Mixed layer turbulent kinetic energy tendency per unit area related to buoyancy forcing"
mtkeke = "Mixed layer turbulent kinetic energy tendency per unit area related to kinetic energy change"
mtkeni = "Mixed layer turbulent kinetic energy tendency per unit area related to near inertial motions"
mtkepe = "Mixed layer turbulent kinetic energy tendency per unit area related to potential energy change"
mtkers = "Mixed layer turbulent kinetic energy tendency per unit area related to eddy restratification"
mtkeus = "Mixed layer turbulent kinetic energy tendency per unit area related to friction velocity"

mty = "Wind stress y-component"
mxlu = "Mixed layer velocity x-component"
mxlv = "Mixed layer velocity y-component"

nsf = "Non-solar heat flux"

pbot = "Bottom pressure"
psrf = "Surface pressure"
pv = "Potential vorticity"
pvlvl = "Potential vorticity"

rfi = "Frozen runoff"
rnf = "Liquid runoff"

saln = "Salinity"
salnga = "Global average salinity"
salnlvl = "Salinity"
sbot = "Bottom salinity"
sealv = "Sea level"
sfl = "Salt flux"
sflx = "Salt flux received by ocean"
sigmx = "Mixed layer density"
slvsq = "Sea level squared"
sop = "Solid precipitation"
sss = "Ocean surface salinity"
sssga = "Global average sea surface salinity"
ssssq = "Ocean surface salinity squared"
sst = "Ocean surface temperature"
sstga = "Global average sea surface temperature"
sstsq = "Ocean surface temperature squared"
swa = "Short-wave heat flux"

t20d = "20C isoterm depth"
taux = "Momentum flux received by ocean x-component"
tauy = "Momentum flux received by ocean y-component"
tbot = "Bottom temperature"
temp = "Temperature"
tempga = "Global average temperature"
templvl = "Temperature"
tke = "TKE"
tkelvl = "Turbulent Kinetic Energy"

ubaro = "Barotropic velocity x-component"
uflx = "Mass flux in x-direction"
uflxlvl = "Mass flux in x-direction"
uhflx = "Heat flux in x-direction"
uhflxlvl = "Heat flux in x-direction"
usflx = "Salt flux in x-direction"
usflxlvl = "Salt flux in x-direction"
ustar = "Friction velocity"
ustar3 = "Friction velocity cubed"
uvel = "Velocity x-component"
uvellvl = "Velocity x-component"

vbaro = "Barotropic velocity y-component"
vflx = "Mass flux in y-direction"
vflxlvl = "Mass flux in y-direction"
vhflld = "Heat flux due to lateral diffusion in y-direction"
vhfltd = "Heat flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction"
vhflx = "Heat flux in y-direction"
vhflxlvl = "Heat flux in y-direction"
vmfltd = "Mass flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction"
volgs = "Sea water volume"
voltr = "Section transports"
vsflld = "Salt flux due to lateral diffusion in y-direction"
vsfltd = "Salt flux due to thickness diffusion in y-direction"
vsflx = "Salt flux in y-direction"
vsflxlvl = "Salt flux in y-direction"
vvel = "Velocity y-component"
vvellvl = "Velocity y-component"

wflx = "Vertical mass flux"
wflx2 = "Vertical mass flux squared"
wflx2lvl = "Vertical mass flux squared"
wflxlvl = "Vertical mass flux"

ztx = "Wind stress x-component"

Daily averaged output


maxmld = "Maximum mixed layer depth"
mlts = "Mixed layer thickness defined by sigma t"

sealv = "Sea level"
sss = "Ocean surface salinity"
ssssq = "Ocean surface salinity squared"
sst = "Ocean surface temperature"
sstsq = "Ocean surface temperature squared"

t20d = "20C isoterm depth"