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Equinox JS

This is a JS port of jet's Equinox.

Equinox is a set of low dependency libraries that allow for event-sourced processing against stream-based stores handling:



First clone this repository and enter the directory

$ docker-compose up -d # starts message-db
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm build
$ pnpm test

Notable differences from Equinox

TypeScript doesn't have DU's

Well, that's technically not true, we can approximate them as such:

type Data = { hello: "world" }
type Event = { type: "Something"; data: Data }

TypeScript doesn't have modules

We can replace them with namespaces, but people will look at you funny for using them for some reason 🤷.

export namespace Events {
  type Data = { hello: "world" }
  export type Event = { type: "Something"; data: Data }