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European Union / European Regional Development Fund / Investing in your future

MISP2 Installation and Configuration Guide

Version: 1.0

Version history

Date Version Description Author
06.04.2023 1.0 Add installation manual for Ubuntu 22.04 Raido Kaju


This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Table of content

1 Introduction

This document describes the installation and configuration of the MISP2 application.

2 Environment requirements

  • Supported operating system: Ubuntu Server 22.04 Long-Term Support (LTS), 64-bit.
  • Supported Java version: 8
  • Needs connection with an X-Road Security Server (internal interface), which has an X-Road setup in place; MISP2 operates through X-Road.
  • Recommended hardware requirements: 64-bit processor, 4 GB of RAM
  • Optional requirements:
    • OCSP validation service contract with Estonian Certification Center if you enable query response signing in MISP2 web application and use OSCP to check user certificates during ID-card identification.
    • OCSP responder certificate for OCSP response signature check.

3 MISP2 installation

This chapter describes the installation of MISP2 portal components. Installation requires root privileges. These can be gained using the following command:

sudo -i

4.1 Setup package repository

Add the MISP2 repository’s signing key to the list of trusted keys:

wget -qO - | apt-key add -

The following information can be used to verify the key:

  • key hash: 935CC5E7FA5397B171749F80D6E3973B
  • key fingerprint: A01B FE41 B9D8 EAF4 872F A3F1 FB0D 532C 10F6 EC5B
  • 3rd party key server: Ubuntu key server

Add MISP2 package repository:

apt-add-repository " main"

The package list should then be updated with the command:

apt-get update

3.1.1 Doing a version upgrade

Due to a known issue in the installation package, please perform the following action after upgrading your MISP2 installation:

  • Open the file /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/misp2/WEB-INF/classes/config.cfg.
  • Uncomment the line = MOBILE_ID_TRUST_STORE_PATH by removing the # symbol from the beginning of the line (the value can remain as is).

3.2 MISP2 database package

The MISP2 database package xtee-misp2-postgresql is installed with default settings using the command:

apt-get install xtee-misp2-postgresql

Below is a list of questions and answers displayed after this command is run. The default role i.e. username is misp2 and only the password is queried.

Creating database 'misp2db'
Enter password for new role:
Enter it again:

The same password is needed again during MISP2 application installation.

3.3 MISP2 application

Install the package xtee-misp2-application.

apt-get install xtee-misp2-application

This package is dependent on the xtee-misp2-base and xtee-misp2-orbeon packages, which, in turn, are dependent on the apache2, libapache2-mod-jk, and tomcat9 packages. These packages will be installed automatically.

The installation utility will ask a number of questions, which will be explained in the chapters below.

Due to an issue with Tomcat 9 and JAVA8 on Ubuntu 22.04, the following additional steps need to be taken:

sudo apt install libecj-java
sudo ln -s /usr/share/java/ecj.jar /var/lib/tomcat9/lib
sudo systemctl restart tomcat9

More information about the issue is available here.

3.3.1 Apache Tomcat + Apache HTTP Server + MISP2 base package

Overview of operations performed by the installation package:

  1. Configures memory for Tomcat in the file /etc/default/tomcat9:

    JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} –Xms512m –Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
  2. Opens the Tomcat AJP connector on port 8009: removes comment symbols from the line <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3" redirectPort="8443" /> in the Tomcat configuration file server.xml.

  3. Prohibits access to the Tomcat port 8080 in the server.xml configuration file.

  4. Creates the mod_jk configuration file and stores it in the /etc/apache2/mods- available directory (see the supplied example file: jk.conf) and adds the corresponding link in the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory (e.g.: a2enmod jk).

  5. In addition, activates the following modules: rewrite (a2enmod rewrite), ssl (a2enmod ssl), headers (a2enmod headers) and proxy_http (– the proxy module required for proxy_http is activated automatically).

  6. Creates a virtualhost using an SSL connection in the Apache configuration file.

  7. Allows only SSL connections: redirects HTTP connections to HTTPS (443) port (to 4443 in the case of software-initiated queries).

  8. Configures the mod_jk module in the Apache configuration file.

  9. Installs the HTTPS server (generated) certificates.

  10. Estonian ID-card root certificates, and the Mobile-ID security certificate if estonian installation is selected.

  11. InstallsthecertificatesofrevocationlistsandOCSPquery.

  12. Restarts Apache (apache2ctl restart).

Configuration files and directories installed:

  • /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl.conf
  • /etc/apache2/ssl/
  • /etc/apache2/ssl/
  • /etc/apache2/ssl/
  • /etc/apache2/ssl/
  • /etc/apache2/ssl/
  • /etc/apache2/ssl/
  • /var/lib/tomcat8/conf/server.xml

3.3.2 MISP2 web application

Answer y to the next question to configure MISP2 as an international (EU) version or n to configure it as an Estonian version (see below for the configuration parameters corresponding to each):

Configure international version instead of Estonian? [y/n] [default: n]:

In the case of the international version, the following configuration is used:

languages = en
countries = GB

In the case of the Estonian version, the following configuration is used:

languages = et
countries = EE

The next question will ask for the following MISP2 database parameters: database server IP, port, database name, database username, and password. In general, all the default values fit, except for the database password.

NB! These parameters must match the ones given during xtee-misp2-postgresql package installation.

Please provide a database host IP to be used [default:]:
Please provide a database port to be used [default: 5432]:
Please provide a database name to be used [default: misp2db]:
Please provide a username to be communicating with the database [default: misp2]:
Please enter a password for the database user 'misp2':

Answer y to the following question to enable Estonian mobile-ID authentication (also assumes a respective service contract):

Do you want to enable authentication with Mobile-ID? [y/n]

When answering yes to the previous question, a mobile-ID service UUID and name must be entered:

Please provide your Mobile-ID relying party UUID: (format: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
Please provide your Mobile-ID relying party name:

Next, e-mail related parameters are specified (SMTP server address, e-mail address used by MISP2):

Please provide a SMTP host address [default:]:
Please provide a server email address: [default:]:

In the case of the international version, the user is also asked to provide X-Road version 6 instances and member classes. Both must be provided in a comma separated list.

Please provide x-road v6 instances (comma separated list)? [default: eu-dev,eu- test,eu]
Please provide x-road v6 member classes (comma separated list)? [default: COM,NGO,GOV]

After installing the web application you can proceed to configure MISP2 administrator account and IP addresses from where administrator web interface can be accessed as described in the Admin Tool user manual.

In a production environment, the particular institution’s certificate should also be added to the Apache HTTP server to allow for HTTPS connections. This is described in Section 4.3 of this guide.

If the Estonian ID-card based authentication needs to be supported, please read Section 4.7 of this guide.

4 Configuration

4.1 Configuring an HTTPS certificate for the MISP2 Apache web server

During initial installation, a self-signed certificate is generated for the Apache HTTP server. In a production environment, it is advisory to replace this with an actual CA- issued certificate.

By default, Apache uses the following certificate files:

 SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/httpsd.cert
 SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/httpsd.key

It is recommended to use the same filenames for your own certificates and use these to replace the default files (changing the apache configuration file is not recommended, as it is overwritten when MISP2 is updated, which can cause changes to be lost). The contents of the DH parameter file (/etc/apache2/ssl/dhparams.pem) should also be added at the end your certificate file (httpsd.cert).

4.2 MISP2 configuration file

The MISP2 installation script will configure the database connection and other parameters in the config.cfg configuration file. After installation, some parameters can be changed in the configuration file. By default, its location is:


Below is a list of some parameters which, though automatically set during installation, may later need to be changed when the application is reconfigured.

NB! Due to a known issue in the installation package, please perform the following action after completing your MISP2 installation:

  • Open the file /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/misp2/WEB-INF/classes/config.cfg.
  • Uncomment the line = MOBILE_ID_TRUST_STORE_PATH by removing the # symbol from the beginning of the line (the value can remain as is).

After the configuration file is changed, tomcat must always be restarted using the command:

systemctl restart tomcat9

Parameters for establishing a connection with a database server:

# DB Info – database server and user parameters

Language and country parameters:

# Languages to which the user is allowed to switch and in which can descriptions be set for different elements. Defined in
# If no suitable languages are defined, then the system will use the default locale language
languages = et
# Countries which can be as the user’s country. Defined in
# If no suitable countries are defined, then the system will use the default locale country
countries = EE

Server ID-card parameters (for server-side digital signing and encryption):

# ID Card and its usage settings


Mail server parameters: = = MISP2 Support =

Mobile-ID authentication setup parameters:

# Mobile ID and its usage settings
mobileID.digidocServiceURL =
mobileID.serviceName = Testimine = CHANGEME = MOBILE_ID_TRUST_STORE_PATH

4.3 Configuring HTTPS connection between MISP2 application and X-Road Security Server

The steps for configuring HTTPS:

  1. Export the Security Server’s certificate file certs.tar.gz from the Security Server (see Chapter 9 of the X-Road 6 Security Server user guide: 9 Communication with the Client Information Systems) and copy it to the MISP2 server’s /usr/xtee/apache2/ directory. The name of the certificate for X-Road v6 Security Server is certs.tar.gz.

  2. Run the configuration script on the MISP2 server:


    The script checks for the existence of the certs.tar.gz or proxycert.tar.gz security certificate archives in the MISP2 server’s /usr/xtee/apache2/ directory, creates key repository misp2truststore.jks, generates the certificate for communication with the Security Server, installs the private key and certificate obtained in the misp2keystore.jks key repository, creates the key repository and imports the PKCS12 file obtained, sets the necessary system parameters for the MISP2 server in the Tomcat configuration file /etc/default/tomcat8, and restarts Tomcat.

    The script uses following prompting when started: If the file has been copied to the MISP2 server, the user should answer y. Answer n if you wish to cancel the operation, in which case the HTTPS configuration can be performed again later as described in chapter 3.3.

    Please add the Security Server certificate archive 'certs.tar.gz' to the MISP2 server directory '/usr/xtee/apache2/'.
    Proceed with HTTPS configuration? (Answering 'no' means that HTTPS configuration will not be done this time) [y/n] [default: n]

    Once this has been completed, the passwords for the truststore and keystore certificate repositories must be entered. These must be at least 6 characters long. The passwords will not be displayed while typing.

    Enter the truststore password:
    Enter the keystore password:

    When the Security Server’s certificate is added to the certificate repository, the user will be asked if they trust the certificate. You should answer yes.

    Trust this certificate? [no]: yes

    The installation script will then generate a MISP2 certificate file and display its location to the user.

    Get '/usr/xtee/app/cert.cer' and add it to your Security Server.

    The certificate file (/usr/xtee/app/cert.cer in this example) should be copied to the Security Server.

  3. Configure the Security Server to use HTTPS to connect to the information system and add the certificate generated in step 2 (for X-Road v6 /usr/xtee/app/cert.cer) to the Security Server (see the Security Server’s user manual for additional instructions).

  4. Open the administrator interface of the MISP2 portal and change the address of the institution’s Security Server and the address of sending queries options from HTTP→HTTPS. If the Security Server’s IP or domain name is SEC_SERVER_IP, then replace:

    • http://SEC_SERVER_IP → https://SEC_SERVER_IP
    • http:// SEC_SERVER_IP/cgi-bin/consumer_proxy → https:// SEC_SERVER_IP/cgi-bin/consumer_proxy

4.4 Configuration of Mobile-ID

4.4.1 Service parameters

Before moving forward with the configuration, create a p12 trust store containing the correct certificates based on the documentation provided in the following sections of SK-s documentation for the JAVA client:

Once the trust store has been created, move it to the /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/misp2/WEB-INF/classes folder in order to use it from the classpath or to your preferred folder anywhere in the filesystem and update the file permissions so that it is accessible by the system user tomcat8. This can be done with the following command:

# In this example, the truststore was created with the name mid_trust_store.p12
sudo chown tomcat:tomcat mid_trust_store.p12

In the configuration file, parameters, and must be set up with the correct value. The Certification Centre (SK ID Solutions) assigns the respective service name value to every institution.

In addition auth.mobileID must be set to true for the authentication method to be enabled.

The parameters and should be updated so that the path variable refers to the trust store created before (e.g. /mid_trust_store.p12) and password contains the key needed to access it.

NB! The searches from the following places in order:

  1. The classpath (e.g. if mid_trust_store.p12 was placed inside /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/misp2/WEB-INF/classes, then it can be found if path has been configured to /mid_trust_store.p12)
  2. The filesystem (e.g. if mid_trust_store.p12 was placed inside /var/foo/bar, then it can be found if path has been configured to /var/foo/bar/mid_trust_store.p12)

4.5 Other settings

4.5.1 Configuration of the JAVA VM

If required, Java system parameters can be modified in the file /etc/default/tomcat9.

The installation script configures the memory usage parameters as follows but increase the values provided, if required, for example:

JAVA_OPTS="${JAVA_OPTS} –Xms2048m –Xmx2048m-XX:MaxPermSize=256m"

4.5.2 Logging settings

Logging settings are set in the file /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/misp2/WEB-INF/classes/log4j2.xml

The mainly used properties in the file are <Root level="info">, <Logger name="org.hibernate" level="info" additivity="false">, and <Logger name="ee.aktors.misp2" level="info" additivity="false">.

If there is a need to see more information in the log, set the level of these parameters as DEBUG.

For example, instead of <Root level=”info”> use <Root level="debug">

4.5.3 Adding a HTTPS certificate

HTTPS certificates can be added using the keytool command.

keytool -import -keystore /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts -storepass changeit -file [CERT_PATH] -alias

Restart the Tomcat service for the changes to take affect.

systemctl restart tomcat9

4.6 Enabling the Orbeon inspector

The inspector (Orbeon inspector) is an Orbeon module, which allows the user to inspect X-Road messages and other application data sent and received by services.

In MISP2, the inspector can be enabled by changing the value of the oxf.epilogue.xforms.inspector parameter in the /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/orbeon/WEB-INF/resources/config/properties-local.xml file.

By default, after MISP2 installation this line is set to false.

To enable the inspector, its value needs to be true:

<property as="xs:boolean" name="oxf.epilogue.xforms.inspector" value="true"/>

Once changed, the file must be saved and the inspector should appear in the interface.

The Tomcat server does not need to be restarted.

4.7 Configuring support for the Estonian ID-card

In order to configure the Estonian ID-card based authentication to work properly, please complete the following steps after the package has been installed (if you have upgraded from version 2.5.0 and had the ID-card previously set up, only step 6 is required):

These steps require root privileges. These can be gained using the following command:

sudo -i
  1. Download the required certificates from the Certificate Authority:

    cd /etc/apache2/ssl
    wget -O sk_root_2011_crt.pem
    wget -O sk_root_2018_crt.pem
    wget -O sk_esteid_2011_crt.pem
    wget -O sk_esteid_2015_crt.pem
    wget -O sk_esteid_2018_crt.pem
  2. Create the client_ca folder under /etc/apache2/ssl install the certificates there with the following commands:

    mkdir client_ca
    cp -v sk_esteid_2011_crt.pem sk_esteid_2015_crt.pem sk_esteid_2018_crt.pem client_ca/
    openssl x509 -addtrust clientAuth -trustout -in sk_esteid_2011_crt.pem -out sk_esteid_2011_client_auth_trusted_crt.pem
    openssl x509 -addtrust clientAuth -trustout -in sk_esteid_2015_crt.pem -out sk_esteid_2015_client_auth_trusted_crt.pem
    openssl x509 -addtrust clientAuth -trustout -in sk_esteid_2018_crt.pem -out sk_esteid_2018_client_auth_trusted_crt.pem
    rm sk_esteid_2011_crt.pem sk_esteid_2015_crt.pem sk_esteid_2018_crt.pem
    c_rehash client_ca/
  3. Install the root certificates by running the following commands under /etc/apache2/ssl:

    openssl x509 -addreject clientAuth -trustout -in sk_root_2011_crt.pem -out sk_root_2011_CA_trusted_crt.pem
    openssl x509 -addreject clientAuth -trustout -in sk_root_2018_crt.pem -out sk_root_2018_CA_trusted_crt.pem
    rm sk_root_2011_crt.pem sk_root_2018_crt.pem
  4. Install the OCSP certificate by running the following command under /etc/apache2/ssl:

    wget -O sk_esteid_ocsp.pem
  5. Update the CRL and rehash Apache symbolic links under ssl by running the following commands under /etc/apache2/ssl:

    ./ "norestart"
    c_rehash ./
  6. Open the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl.conf and change the parameter SSLCADNRequestPath on line 164 to be the following (be sure to also remove the # from the beginning so that it isn't commented out):

    SSLCADNRequestPath /etc/apache2/ssl/client_ca/
  7. After the configuration file is changed, Apache must be restarted using the following command:

    systemctl restart apache2

4.7.1 Additional ID-card configuration options

It should be noted that the default configuration is set up so that the authentication certificate is requested on the root of the application. This means that the session does not get terminated until the user has closed the browser tab or navigated to a different webpage. If they do not do so, it might be possible to log in again without having the ID-card in the reader (hence why the system shows a message asking the user to close the browser window after logging out). If this behaviour is not appropriate for your use-case, it is possible to configure the apache2 proxy in such a way that the certificate request and renegotiation happens as a result of the ID-card login action itself. To do this, please follow these steps:

  • Open the apache2 configuration file located at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ssl.conf with your preferred text editor.
  • Modify the line (160) SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3 so that it reads SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1.2 instead.
  • Remove the following lines from the block <VirtualHost *:443>:
    • (line 168) SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
    • (line 169) SSLVerifyClient optional
  • Add the following <Location> block inside the <VirtualHost *:443> block:
<Location "/*/IDCardLogin.action">
  SSLVerifyClient require
  SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
  • Reload the configuration: service apache2 reload.

NB! It should be noted that this approach configures the server so that it will only use TLS 1.2 and not TLS 1.3. This is due to browsers currently not supporting post-handshake authentication that is required for this to work:

4.8 Updating EHAK classifiers to EHAK2021v4

NB! The current EHAK classifiers in MISP2 are specific to Estonia, if you are using MISP2 in another country or are not using the classifiers, you do not need to run the update.

To update the EHAK classifiers in the database, please follow these steps:

  • Download the update file EHAK2021v4.sql and move it to an appropriate location on the MISP2 server.
  • Execute the following command on the server: psql -p 5432 misp2db -U postgres -f /path/to/EHAK2021v4.sql
    • If you chose a different database name during installation, substitue misp2db with that. If you are unsure, the details can be checked from /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps/misp2/WEB-INF/classes/config.cfg.

5 MISP2 administration interface

Append /admin to the portal URL to enter the administration interface. For example: https://<portaali_aadress>/misp2/admin/.

Before accessing the administration interface admin account needs to be created and access to the interface has to be enabled from authorized ip-adresses in apache web server configuration.

5.1 Administration of MISP2 administrator accounts from the command line

A utility is installed alongside MISP2 to help manage administrator accounts, for more information on how to use it, please refer to the Admin Tool Manual.

5.2 Additions to the Apache web server configuration

When administrator account has been created according to previous section, you need to specify allowed IP addresses from where the admin web interface can be accessed.

5.2.1 Using the tool

This is done by modifying the Apache configuration file, but there is also a tool for that. It provides you with good defaults. The tool can be started:


Tool shows the current setting, and proposes to add ip address from where the terminal is ssh accessed. Just press enter to accept the proposal and script will restart apache2 for the change to take effect. Further options for the tool usage can be obtained using:

/usr/xtee/app/ help

5.2.2 Editing manually

If you wish to change or edit the IP addresses allowed to access the administrator interface, you can edit the Apache configuration file:

vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/ssl.conf

Find the following lines in this file:

<Location "/*/admin/*">
  Order deny,allow
  Deny from all
  Allow from

Add the address of your own computer <Location> to the end of the line below, e.g.:

Allow from

Restart the web server:

systemctl restart apache2

5.3 Portal administration

This chapter describes the administration of a portal in the MISP2 web application.

5.3.1 Creating portal

Enter the administration interface to create a portal. A form containing the following fields is displayed to create a new portal:

  • Portal name * – the name of the portal

  • Portal short name * – a short name for the portal used to identify the portal for the application and saving the history of activities. The short name of the portal must be unique within the application.

  • Organization name _ and Organization code _ are the name and the registry code of the main institution associated with the portal. The registry code of the main institution is included with every query. If the registry code of the main institution corresponds to an existing institution in the application, the portal is associated with the existing institution and the existing institution name is overwritten with the name entered last. X-Road version 6 also uses the institution’s registry code as the member code in the header of an X-Road query (xrd:client/iden:memberCode).

  • Portal type – indicates the type of portal. Portal types are described in more detail in Chapter 1 of the user's guide. Possible options are as follows:

    • Open services portal
    • Organization's portal
    • Universal portal
  • X-Road protocol version determines the message format for the portal’s users and meta services. This is used when communicating with the X-Road Security Server. It should always be set to 4.0 (X-Road version 6).

  • X-Road member class – a configuration parameter, which determines the general category of the X-Road client, i.e. whether it is a government institution (GOV), commercial institution (COM) or some other kind of institution. The option becomes available if X-Road has been configured to use protocol 4.0. The parameter is included in the header of X-Road queries in the xrd:client/iden:memberClass line.

  • X-Road subsystem code – a configuration parameter, which allows for the differentiation of various X-Road client and server applications within the same institution. The option becomes available if X-Road has been configured to use protocol 4.0. The parameter is included in the header of X-Road queries in the xrd:client/iden:subsystemCode line.

  • Security host * – the address of your Security Server.

  • X-Road client instance – a configuration parameter of X-Road version 6, which determines the X-Road environment used, e.g. ee-dev and EE denote the Estonian X-Road development environment and production environment, respectively. The option becomes available if X-Road has been configured to use protocol 4.0. The parameter is included in the header of X-Road queries in the xrd:client/iden:xRoadInstance field.

  • X-Road instances for services – can be used to select from a predetermined list which X-Road instances are used when services are updated in the portal manager. Based on this selection, the manager can determine which X-Road instance services are included in the manager’s interface.

    By default, the list of instances is loaded from the portal’s configuration file.

    Pressing load instances from Security Server will add all federated X-Road instances from the X-Road security server to the list. After this, they can be used in the portal.

    Pressing load default instances will reload the list of instances from the configuration file.

    The service instance is included in X-Road queries in the xrd:service/iden:xRoadInstance line.

  • Services sending address * – the address of the server through which all queries pass

  • Developer view – if set to On, adds an add database (add database manually) button to the Services section of the service- or portal manager. A From WDSL button is added to the database subsection. This allows for a list of services to be updated by using WSDL.

  • Send audit log to Security Server – determines whether a logOnly request will be sent to the Security Server, so that actions logged in the MISP2 application are also included in the Security Server’s logs. The logOnly service data must also be entered: logOnly service member class, logOnly service member code and logOnly service subsystem code. These fields are only displayed in the administrator portal if X-Road version 6 is used.

    To start the logOnly.v1 service, the misp2-soap-service-v6.war addon module is included in MISP2, which the manager can run in its environment. This is described in further detail in the installation guide for addon modules.

  • Topics in use – if this is marked, services will be grouped for users according to topics. Portal administrator deals with topics administration. Topics administration will be discussed in another chapter. If topics are not used, services will be grouped per database as usual.

  • The folder field is used in the input of the service – this field is no longer used in the lastest version of X-Road

After entering all of the required data, click on Save portal configuration. The portal data is written to the database as a result.

Portal administration is somewhat different in the case of a universal portal.

The following fields must be completed for a universal portal in addition to the standard fields:

  • Unit registering is allowed – a check box indicating whether the registration of new units by users is allowed in the application. If marked, the following fields marked with ** must be filled in.
  • Auth query service name ** – the name of the meta query used to check the unit’s representation rights. The protal presents the user with a selection of services previously defined in the configuration file. In a universal portal, services are defined in the uniportal-conf.cfg file. In a legal person portal, the services for sending queries to determine the right of representation are defined in the orgportal-conf.cfg file.
  • Check query service name* – the name of the query used to check the unit’s validity. The portal presentsthe user with a selection of services previously defined in the uniportal-conf.cfg configuration file.
  • Auth query control time (hours) ** – the period of time after which a new query must be performed as the validity of the old query ends.
  • Auth query maximum control time (hours) ** – the maximum time period allowed during which users can perform queries related to an institution’s rights if the check query does not respond.* **Use permission manager** – if checked, the user with representation rights section will include an access rights manager menu option, provided that the current role has been accessed via the registrar role. If it has been accessed via the portal manager role, this option is always visible. Using this menu option, users with representation rights can assign query-performing rights to access rights managers and users in the course of registering a new unit. Otherwise, assigning managers is not allowed. This field is also displayed for legal person portals, as they are a sub- type of the universal portal. Note that for legal person portals this value is valid only if institutions have rights of exclusive representation.
  • Portal unit is X-Road organization – if selected, the code of the active unit is included in service message headers in the consumer field. If left unselected, the code of the main institution is included in service message headers in the consumer field and the code of the active unit is included in the unit field.

5.3.2 Modifying portal

Enter the administrator interface to modify a portal. The portal registered to you is displayed. Click on Save portal configuration to save the changes. You cannot change the portal type. To do this, you must delete the existing portal and add a new one. The registry code of the main institution associated with the portal cannot be changed.

5.3.3 Deleting portal

You can delete a portal via the administration interface by clicking on Remove portal on the portal administration form. The portal and all objects associated with it are removed from the application if this button is pressed.

5.3.4 Adding portal manager

Click on Add new manager on the portal configuration form to add a portal administrator. As a result, you will be directed to the managers view, where you can search for users from existing user accounts and add new portal managers. To add one, the portal in question must first be saved.

The mandatory fields – personal identification code and family name – must be filled in when adding a new administrator. The e-mail address and job title are associated with the main institution and will not include subsequently added units.

Click on Add manager after filling in the user form. The user is then granted the roles of portal administrator and standard user of the main institution. The Remove user button removes the user and all relationships of this user to institutions and groups.

If a user search is used, a search is conducted among all system users to find those matching the entered parameters. The matches found are then listed.

Clicking on a user’s name opens the edit user form filled in with the data of the selected user, whereas the e-mail address and job title are associated with the main institution.

Clicking on Add as manager immediately adds the user as a portal administrator.

5.3.5 Removing a portal administrator

Use the portal configuration form to remove a portal administrator. This form includes the list of existing administrators.

The user is removed from the portal administrator role by clicking on the X-icon in the administrator’s row.

5.4 Administration of global XLSs

In addition to managing the portal, administrator rights also include the adding and administration of global XSLs used by the portal. Global XSLs are XSLs applied last to all queries according to priorities. The administration of global XSLs is similar to the administration of XSLs internal to the portal. (See the description of the service administrator role in the User’s Guide.)