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File metadata and controls

343 lines (181 loc) · 6.35 KB


error ArrayLengthMismatch(string array1Name, string array2Name)

Thrown when two arrays are not of equal length.

Name Type Description
array1Name string The name of the first array variable.
array2Name string The name of the second array variable.


error FunctionDisabled()

Thrown when an unsupported function is called.


error SenderNotRemovalContract()

Thrown when a function that can only be called by the Removal contract is called by any address other than the Removal contract.


error NonexistentSchedule(uint256 scheduleId)

Thrown when a non-existent rNORI schedule is requested.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The schedule ID that does not exist.


error ScheduleExists(uint256 scheduleId)

Thrown when an rNORI schedule already exists for the given scheduleId.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The schedule ID that already exists.


error InsufficientUnreleasedTokens(uint256 scheduleId)

Thrown when rNORI does not have enough unreleased tokens to fulfill a request.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The schedule ID that does not have enough unreleased tokens.


error InsufficientClaimableBalance(address account, uint256 scheduleId)

Thrown when rNORI does not have enough claimable tokens to fulfill a withdrawal.

Name Type Description
account address The account that does not have enough claimable tokens.
scheduleId uint256 The schedule ID that does not have enough claimable tokens.


error InvalidMinter(address account)

Thrown when the caller does not have the role required to mint the tokens.

Name Type Description
account address the account that does not have the role.


error InvalidZeroDuration()

Thrown when the rNORI duration provides is zero.


error RemovalNotFoundInYear(uint256 removalId, uint256 year)

Thrown when a removalId does not have removals for the specified year.

Name Type Description
removalId uint256 The removal ID that does not have removals for the specified year.
year uint256 The year that does not have removals for the specified removalId.


error UncapitalizedString(bytes2 country, bytes2 subdivision)

Thrown when the bytes contain unexpected uncapitalized characters.

Name Type Description
country bytes2 the country that contains unexpected uncapitalized characters.
subdivision bytes2 the subdivision that contains unexpected uncapitalized characters.


error MethodologyTooLarge(uint8 methodology)

Thrown when a methodology is greater than the maximum allowed value.

Name Type Description
methodology uint8 the methodology that is greater than the maximum allowed value.


error MethodologyVersionTooLarge(uint8 methodologyVersion)

Thrown when a methodology version is greater than the maximum allowed value.

Name Type Description
methodologyVersion uint8 the methodology version that is greater than the maximum allowed value.


error UnsupportedIdVersion(uint8 idVersion)

Thrown when a removal ID uses an unsupported version.

Name Type Description
idVersion uint8 the removal ID version that is not supported.


error ForbiddenTransferAfterMinting()

Thrown when a caller attempts to transfer a certificate.


error InsufficientSupply()

Thrown when there is insufficient supply in the market.


error UnauthorizedWithdrawal()

Thrown when the caller is not authorized to withdraw.


error LowSupplyAllowlistRequired()

Thrown when the supply of the market is too low to fulfill a request and the caller is not authorized to access the reserve supply.


error Unauthorized()

Thrown when the caller is not authorized to perform the action.


error InvalidData()

Thrown when transaction data contains invalid data.


error InvalidTokenTransfer(uint256 tokenId)

Thrown when the token specified by tokenId is transferred, but the type of transfer is unsupported.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 The token ID that is used in the invalid transfer.


error InvalidNoriFeePercentage()

Thrown when the specified fee percentage is not a valid value.


error ForbiddenTransfer()

Thrown when a token is transferred, but the type of transfer is unsupported.


error RemovalNotYetMinted(uint256 tokenId)

Thrown when the removal specified by tokenId has not been minted yet.

Name Type Description
tokenId uint256 The removal token ID that is not minted yet.


error NoriFeeWalletZeroAddress()

Thrown when the caller specifies the zero address for the Nori fee wallet.


error InvalidHoldbackPercentage(uint8 holdbackPercentage)

Thrown when a holdback percentage greater than 100 is submitted to mintBatch.


error RemovalAlreadySoldOrConsigned(uint256 tokenId)

Thrown when attempting to list for sale a removal that already belongs to the Certificate or Market contracts.