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747 lines (476 loc) · 25.5 KB


Based on the mechanics of a wrapped ERC-20 token, this contract layers schedules over the withdrawal functionality to implement restriction, a time-based release of tokens that, until released, can be reclaimed by Nori to enforce the permanence guarantee of carbon removals.

Behaviors and features:
  • Schedules define the release timeline for restricted tokens.
  • A specific schedule is associated with one ERC1155 token ID and can have multiple token holders.
  • Restricting is the process of gradually releasing tokens that may need to be recaptured by Nori in the event that the sequestered carbon for which the tokens were exchanged is found to violate its permanence guarantee. In this case, tokens need to be recaptured to mitigate the loss and make the original buyer whole by using them to purchase new NRTs on their behalf.
  • Tokens are released linearly from the schedule's start time until its end time. As NRTs are sold, proceeds may be routed to a restriction schedule at any point in the schedule's timeline, thus increasing the total balance of the schedule as well as the released amount at the current timestamp (assuming it's after the schedule start time).
  • A given schedule is a logical overlay to a specific 1155 token. This token can have any number of token holders if restricted tokens for a given schedule are minted to multiple addresses, but RestrictedNORI cannot be transferred between addresses. Ownership percentages are relevant and enforced during withdrawal and revocation.
  • Withdrawal is the process of a token holder claiming the tokens that have been released by the restriction schedule. When tokens are withdrawn, the 1155 schedule token is burned, and the underlying ERC20 token being held by this contract is sent to the address specified by the token holder performing the withdrawal. Tokens are released by a schedule based on the linear release of the schedule's totalSupply, but a token holder can only withdraw released tokens in proportion to their percentage ownership of the schedule tokens.
  • Revocation is the process of tokens being recaptured by Nori to enforce carbon permanence guarantees. Only unreleased tokens can ever be revoked. When tokens are revoked from a schedule, the current number of released tokens does not decrease, even as the schedule's total supply decreases through revocation (a floor is enforced). When these tokens are revoked, the 1155 schedule token is burned, and the underlying ERC20 token held by this contract is sent to the address specified by Nori. If a schedule has multiple token holders, tokens are burned from each holder in proportion to their total percentage ownership of the schedule.
Additional behaviors and features
  • Upgradeable
  • Initializable
  • Pausable: all functions that mutate state are pausable.
  • Role-based access control
  • SCHEDULE_CREATOR_ROLE: Can create restriction schedules without sending the underlying tokens to the contract. The market contract has this role and sets up relevant schedules as removal tokens are minted.
  • MINTER_ROLE: Can call mint on this contract, which mints tokens of the correct schedule ID (token ID) for a given removal. The market contract has this role and can mint RestrictedNORI while routing sale proceeds to this contract.
  • TOKEN_REVOKER_ROLE: Can revoke unreleased tokens from a schedule. Only Nori admin wallet should have this role.
  • PAUSER_ROLE: Can pause and unpause the contract.
  • DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE: This is the only role that can add/revoke other accounts to any of the roles.



Role conferring creation of schedules.

The Market contract is granted this role after deployments.



Role conferring sending of underlying ERC20 token to this contract for wrapping.

The Market contract is granted this role after deployments.



Role conferring revocation of restricted tokens.

Only Nori admin addresses should have this role.


mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) _methodologyAndVersionToScheduleDuration

A mapping of methodology to version to schedule duration.


mapping(uint256 => struct Schedule) _scheduleIdToScheduleStruct

A mapping of schedule ID to schedule.


struct EnumerableSetUpgradeable.UintSet _allScheduleIds

An enumerable set containing all schedule IDs.


contract IERC20WithPermit _underlyingToken

The underlying ERC20 token contract for which this contract wraps tokens.


contract IRemoval _removal

The Removal contract that accounts for carbon removal supply.


event ScheduleCreated(uint256 projectId, uint256 startTime, uint256 endTime)

Emitted on successful creation of a new schedule.

Name Type Description
projectId uint256 The ID of the project for which the schedule was created.
startTime uint256 The start time of the schedule.
endTime uint256 The end time of the schedule.


event RevokeTokens(uint256 atTime, uint256 scheduleId, uint256 removalId, uint256 quantity, address[] scheduleOwners, uint256[] quantitiesBurned)

Emitted when unreleased tokens of an active schedule are revoked.

Name Type Description
atTime uint256 The time at which the revocation occurred.
scheduleId uint256 The ID of the schedule from which tokens were revoked.
removalId uint256 The ID of the released removal for which tokens were revoked.
quantity uint256 The quantity of tokens revoked.
scheduleOwners address[] The addresses of the schedule owners from which tokens were revoked.
quantitiesBurned uint256[] The quantities of tokens burned from each schedule owner.


event ClaimTokens(address from, address to, uint256 scheduleId, uint256 quantity)

Emitted on withdrawal of released tokens.

Name Type Description
from address The address from which tokens were withdrawn.
to address The address to which tokens were withdrawn.
scheduleId uint256 The ID of the schedule from which tokens were withdrawn.
quantity uint256 The quantity of tokens withdrawn.


constructor() public

Locks the contract, preventing any future re-initialization.

See more here.


function initialize() external

Initialize the RestrictedNORI contract.


function revokeUnreleasedTokens(uint256 removalId, uint256 amount, address toAccount) external

Revokes amount of tokens from the project (schedule) associated with the specificed removalId and transfers them to toAccount.

The behavior of this function can be used in two specific ways:

  1. To revoke a specific number of tokens as specified by the amount parameter.
  2. To revoke all remaining revokable tokens in a schedule by specifying 0 as the amount.

Transfers unreleased tokens in the removal's project's schedule and reduces the total supply of that token. Only unreleased tokens can be revoked from a schedule and no change is made to balances that have released but not yet been claimed. If a token has multiple owners, balances are burned proportionally to ownership percentage, summing to the total amount being revoked. Once the tokens have been revoked, the current released amount can never fall below its current level, even if the linear release schedule of the new amount would cause the released amount to be lowered at the current timestamp (a floor is established).

Unlike in the withdrawFromSchedule function, here we burn RestrictedNORI from the schedule owner but send that underlying ERC20 token back to Nori's treasury or an address of Nori's choosing (the toAccount address). The claimedAmount is not changed because this is not a claim operation.

Emits a RevokeTokens event.

  • Can only be used when the caller has the TOKEN_REVOKER_ROLE role.
  • The requirements of _beforeTokenTransfer apply to this function.
Name Type Description
removalId uint256 The removal ID that was released and on account of which tokens are being revoked.
amount uint256 The amount to revoke.
toAccount address The account to which the underlying ERC20 token should be sent.


function registerContractAddresses(contract IERC20WithPermit wrappedToken, contract IRemoval removal) external

Register the underlying assets used by this contract.

Register the addresses of the Market, underlying ERC20, and Removal contracts in this contract.

  • Can only be used when the contract is not paused.
  • Can only be used when the caller has the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE role.
Name Type Description
wrappedToken contract IERC20WithPermit The address of the underlying ERC20 contract for which this contract wraps tokens.
removal contract IRemoval The address of the Removal contract that accounts for Nori's issued carbon removals.


function createSchedule(uint256 projectId, uint256 startTime, uint8 methodology, uint8 methodologyVersion) external

Sets up a restriction schedule with parameters determined from the project ID.

Create a schedule for a project ID and set the parameters of the schedule.

  • Can only be used when the contract is not paused.
  • Can only be used when the caller has the SCHEDULE_CREATOR_ROLE role.
Name Type Description
projectId uint256 The ID that will be used as this schedule's token ID
startTime uint256 The schedule's start time in seconds since the unix epoch
methodology uint8 The methodology of this project, used to look up correct schedule duration
methodologyVersion uint8 The methodology version, used to look up correct schedule duration


function mint(uint256 amount, uint256 removalId) external

Mint RestrictedNORI tokens for a schedule.

Mint amount of RestrictedNORI to the schedule ID that corresponds to the provided removalId. The schedule ID for this removal is looked up in the Removal contract. The underlying ERC20 asset is sent to this contract from the buyer by the Market contract during a purchase, so this function only concerns itself with minting the RestrictedNORI token for the correct token ID.

  • Can only be used if the caller has the MINTER_ROLE role.
  • The rules of _beforeTokenTransfer apply.
Name Type Description
amount uint256 The amount of RestrictedNORI to mint.
removalId uint256 The removal token ID for which proceeds are being restricted.


function withdrawFromSchedule(address recipient, uint256 scheduleId, uint256 amount) external returns (bool)

Claim sender's released tokens and withdraw them to recipient address.

This function burns amount of RestrictedNORI for the given schedule ID and transfers amount of underlying ERC20 token from the RestrictedNORI contract's balance to recipient's balance. Enforcement of the availability of claimable tokens for the _burn call happens in _beforeTokenTransfer.

Emits a ClaimTokens event.

  • Can only be used when the contract is not paused.
Name Type Description
recipient address The address receiving the unwrapped underlying ERC20 token.
scheduleId uint256 The schedule from which to withdraw.
amount uint256 The amount to withdraw.
Name Type Description
[0] bool Whether or not the tokens were successfully withdrawn.


function getAllScheduleIds() external view returns (uint256[])

Get all schedule IDs.

Name Type Description
[0] uint256[] Returns an array of all existing schedule IDs, regardless of the status of the schedule.


function getScheduleDetailForAccount(address account, uint256 scheduleId) external view returns (struct ScheduleDetailForAddress)

Returns an account-specific view of the details of a specific schedule.

Name Type Description
account address The account for which to provide schedule details.
scheduleId uint256 The token ID of the schedule for which to retrieve details.
Name Type Description
[0] struct ScheduleDetailForAddress Returns a `ScheduleDetails` struct containing the details of the schedule.


function batchGetScheduleDetailsForAccount(address account, uint256[] scheduleIds) external view returns (struct ScheduleDetailForAddress[])

Batch version of getScheduleDetailForAccount.

Name Type Description
account address The account for which to provide schedule details.
scheduleIds uint256[] The token IDs of the schedules for which to retrieve details.
Name Type Description
[0] struct ScheduleDetailForAddress[] Returns an array of `ScheduleDetails` structs containing the details of the schedules


function scheduleExists(uint256 scheduleId) external view returns (bool)

Check the existence of a schedule.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The token ID of the schedule for which to check existence.
Name Type Description
[0] bool Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the schedule exists.


function batchGetScheduleSummaries(uint256[] scheduleIds) external view returns (struct ScheduleSummary[])

Returns an array of summary structs for the specified schedules.

Name Type Description
scheduleIds uint256[] The token IDs of the schedules for which to retrieve details.
Name Type Description
[0] struct ScheduleSummary[] Returns an array of `ScheduleSummary` structs containing the summary of the schedules.


function claimableBalanceForSchedule(uint256 scheduleId) external view returns (uint256)

Released balance less the total claimed amount at current block timestamp for a schedule.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The token ID of the schedule for which to retrieve details.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 Returns the claimable amount for the schedule.


function claimableBalanceForScheduleForAccount(uint256 scheduleId, address account) external view returns (uint256)

A single account's claimable balance at current block timestamp for a schedule.

Calculations have to consider an account's total proportional claim to the schedule's released tokens, using totals constructed from current balances and claimed amounts, and then subtract anything that account has already claimed.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The token ID of the schedule for which to retrieve details.
account address The account for which to retrieve details.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 Returns the claimable amount for an account's schedule.


function revocableQuantityForSchedule(uint256 scheduleId) external view returns (uint256)

Get the current number of revocable tokens for a given schedule at the current block timestamp.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The schedule ID for which to revoke tokens.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 Returns the number of revocable tokens for a given schedule at the current block timestamp.


function setRestrictionDurationForMethodologyAndVersion(uint256 methodology, uint256 methodologyVersion, uint256 durationInSeconds) public

Set the restriction duration for a methodology and version.

Set the duration in seconds that should be applied to schedules created on behalf of removals originating from the given methodology and methodology version.

  • Can only be used when the contract is not paused.
  • Can only be used when the caller has the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE role.
Name Type Description
methodology uint256 The methodology of carbon removal.
methodologyVersion uint256 The version of the methodology.
durationInSeconds uint256 The duration in seconds that insurance funds should be restricted for this methodology and version.


function getUnderlyingTokenAddress() public view returns (address)

Get the address of the underlying ERC20 token being wrapped by this contract.

Name Type Description
[0] address The address of the underlying ERC20 token being wrapped by this contract.


function getScheduleSummary(uint256 scheduleId) public view returns (struct ScheduleSummary)

Get a summary for a schedule.

Name Type Description
scheduleId uint256 The token ID of the schedule for which to retrieve details.
Name Type Description
[0] struct ScheduleSummary Returns the schedule summary.


function supportsInterface(bytes4 interfaceId) public view returns (bool)

See IERC165.supportsInterface for more.

Name Type Description
interfaceId bytes4 The interface ID to check for support.
Name Type Description
[0] bool Returns true if the interface is supported, false otherwise.


function getRestrictionDurationForMethodologyAndVersion(uint256 methodology, uint256 methodologyVersion) public view returns (uint256)

Get the schedule duration (in seconds) that has been set for a given methodology and methodology version.

Name Type Description
methodology uint256 The methodology of carbon removal.
methodologyVersion uint256 The version of the methodology.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 Returns the schedule duration in seconds.


function safeTransferFrom(address, address, uint256, uint256, bytes) public pure

Token transfers are disabled.

Transfer is disabled because keeping track of claimable amounts as tokens are claimed and transferred requires more bookkeeping infrastructure that we don't currently have time to write but may implement in the future.


function safeBatchTransferFrom(address, address, uint256[], uint256[], bytes) public pure

Token transfers are disabled.

Transfer is disabled because keeping track of claimable amounts as tokens are claimed and transferred requires more bookkeeping infrastructure that we don't currently have time to write but may implement in the future.


function _createSchedule(uint256 projectId, uint256 startTime, uint256 restrictionDuration) internal

Sets up a schedule for the specified project.

Schedules are created when removal tokens are listed for sale in the market contract, so this should only be invoked during tokensReceived in the exceptional case that tokens were sent to this contract without a schedule set up.

Revert strings are used instead of custom errors here for proper surfacing from within the market contract onERC1155BatchReceived hook.

Emits a ScheduleCreated event.

Name Type Description
projectId uint256 The ID that will be used as the new schedule's ID.
startTime uint256 The schedule start time in seconds since the unix epoch.
restrictionDuration uint256 The duration of the schedule in seconds since the unix epoch.


function _beforeTokenTransfer(address operator, address from, address to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] amounts, bytes data) internal virtual

Hook that is called before any token transfer. This includes minting and burning, as well as batched variants.

Follows the rules of hooks defined here

See the ERC1155 specific version here.

  • The contract must not be paused.
  • One of the following must be true:
    • The operation is a mint.
    • The operation is a burn, which only happens during revocation and withdrawal:
      • If the operation is a revocation, that permission is enforced by the TOKEN_REVOKER_ROLE.
      • If the operation is a withdrawal the burn amount must be <= the sender's claimable balance.
Name Type Description
operator address The address which initiated the transfer (i.e. msg.sender).
from address The address to transfer from.
to address The address to transfer to.
ids uint256[] The token IDs to transfer.
amounts uint256[] The amounts of the token ids to transfer.
data bytes The data to pass to the receiver contract.


function _validateSchedule(uint256 startTime, uint256 restrictionDuration) internal pure

Validates that the schedule start time and duration are non-zero.

Name Type Description
startTime uint256 The schedule start time in seconds since the unix epoch.
restrictionDuration uint256 The duration of the schedule in seconds since the unix epoch.


function _quantityToRevokeForTokenHolder(uint256 totalQuantityToRevoke, uint256 scheduleId, struct Schedule schedule, address account, uint256 balanceOfAccount) private view returns (uint256)

Calculates the quantity that should be revoked from a given token holder and schedule based on their proportion of ownership of the schedule's tokens and the total number of tokens being revoked.

Name Type Description
totalQuantityToRevoke uint256 The total quantity of tokens being revoked from this schedule.
scheduleId uint256 The schedule (token ID) from which tokens are being revoked.
schedule struct Schedule The schedule (struct) from which tokens are being revoked.
account address The token holder for which to calculate the quantity that should be revoked.
balanceOfAccount uint256 The total balance of this token ID owned by account.
Name Type Description
[0] uint256 The quantity of tokens that should be revoked from `account` for the given schedule.