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1. Overview {#1-overview}

The NB AMQP adapter allows sending messages to or receiving messages from

  • an AMQP 0-9-1 based server (e.g. RabbitMQ), or
  • a Pulsar cluster with S4R AMQP (0-9-1) Protocol handler for Pulsar.

At high level, this adapter supports the following AMQP 0-9-1 functionalities

  • Creating AMQP connections and channels
  • Declaring AMQP exchanges
    • The following exchange types are supported: direct, fanout, topic, and headers
  • Sending messages to AMQP exchanges with sync. or async. publisher confirms
    • For sync confirms, it supports both single and batch confirms
    • Supports message-send based on routing keys
  • Declaring and binding AMQP queues
    • Supports message-receive based on binding keys
  • Receiving messages from AMQP queues with async. consumer acks

2. NB AMQP Usage {#2-nb-amqp-usage}

2.1. Workload Definition {#21-workload-definition}

There are two main types of workloads supported by this adapter:

Below are examples of running the message sender and receiver workloads separately.

$ <nb_cmd> run driver=amqp -vv cycles=200 strict_msg_error_handling=0 \
  threads=8 num_conn=1 num_channel=2 num_exchange=2 num_msg_clnt=2 \
  workload=/path/to/amqp_msg_sender.yaml \
$ <nb_cmd> run driver=amqp -vv cycles=200 strict_msg_error_handling=0 \
  threads=8 num_conn=1 num_channel=2 num_exchange=2 num_queue=2 num_msg_clnt=2 \
  workload=/path/to/amqp_msg_receiver.yaml \

2.1.1. Named Scenarios {#211-named-scenarios}

For workload execution convenience, NB engine has the concept of named scenario (doc).

For NB AMQP adapter, the following yaml file is used to define the named scenarios: nbamqp_msg_proc_named.yaml

The CLI command to execute the named scenarios is as simple as below:

# for message sender workload
$ <nb_cmd> nbamqp_msg_proc_named msg_send

# for message receiver workload
$ <nb_cmd> nbamqp_msg_proc_named msg_recv

2.2. CLI parameters {#22-cli-parameters}

The following CLI parameters are unique to this adapter:

  • num_conn: the number of AMQP connections to create
  • num_channel: the number of AMQP channels to create for each connection
  • num_exchange: the number of AMQP exchanges to create for each channel
  • num_queue: the number of AMQP queues to create for each channel (only relevant for message receiver workload)
  • num_msg_client: the number of message clients to create for each channel
    • for message sender workload, it is the number of message publishers for each exchange
    • for message receiver workload, it is the number of message consumers for each queue

2.3. Configuration Properties {#23-configuration-properties}

2.3.1. Global Properties File {#231-global-properties-file}

A global AMQP properties file can be specified via the config CLI parameter. It includes the following required properties:

  • amqpSrvHost: AMQP server host (e.g. An Astra Streaming cluster with S4R enabled)
  • amqpSrvPort: AMQP server port (for S4R enabled Astra Streaming, it is 5671)
  • virtualHost: AMQP server virtual host (for S4R enabled Astra Streaming, it is "/rabbitmq")
  • amqpUser: AMQP user (for S4R enabled Astra Streaming, it is an empty string)
  • amqpPassword: AMQP password (for S4R enabled Astra Streaming, it is the JWT token file path)
  • useTls: whether to use TLS (for S4R enabled Astra Streaming, it is true)
  • exchangeType: AMQP exchange type (e.g. direct, fanout, topic, or headers)

An example of this file can be found from:

2.3.2. Scenario Document Level Properties {#232-scenario-document-level-properties}

For message sender workload, the following Document level configuration parameters are supported in the YAML file:

  • publisher_confirm: whether to use publisher confirms
  • confirm_mode: When publisher_confirm is true, the following 3 confirm modes are supported:
    • individual: wait for confirm individually
    • batch: wait for confirm in batch
    • async: [default] no wait for confirm
  • confirm_batch_num: batch size for waiting for sync publisher confirms
    • Only relevant when publisher_confirm is true and confirm_mode is "batch"
  • dft_confirm_timeout_ms: default timeout in milliseconds for waiting publisher confirms
    • Only relevant when publisher_confirm is true and confirm_mode is "individual" or "batch"