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CQL driver (deprecated docs, use cqld4 instead)

The cql driver functionality is now provided by the cqld4 driver adapter. Please see the cqld4 help topic with nb5 help cqld4

This is a driver which allows for the execution of CQL statements. This driver supports both sync and async modes, with detailed metrics provided for both.

Example activity definitions

Run a cql activity named 'cql1', with definitions from activities/cqldefs.yaml

... driver=cql alias=cql1 workload=cqldefs

Run a cql activity defined by cqldefs.yaml, but with shortcut naming

... driver=cql workload=cqldefs

Only run statement groups which match a tag regex

... driver=cql workload=cqldefs tags=group:'ddl.*'

Run the matching 'dml' statements, with 100 cycles, from [1000..1100)

... driver=cql workload=cqldefs tags=group:'dml.*' cycles=1000..1100

This last example shows that the cycle range is [inclusive..exclusive), to allow for stacking test intervals. This is standard across all activity types.

CQL ActivityType Parameters

  • cqldriver - default: dse - The type of driver to use, either dse, or oss. If you need DSE-specific features, use the dse driver. If you are connecting to an OSS Apache Cassandra cluster, you must use the oss driver. The oss driver option is only available in nosqlbench.

  • host - The host or hosts to use for connection points to the cluster. If you specify multiple values here, use commas with no spaces. Examples:

    • host=
    • host=,testhost42
  • workload - The workload definition which holds the schema and statement defs. see workload yaml location for additional details (no default, required)

  • port - The port to connect with

  • cl - An override to consistency levels for the activity. If this option is used, then all consistency levels will be replaced by this one for the current activity, and a log line explaining the difference with respect to the yaml will be emitted. This is not a dynamic parameter. It will only be applied at activity start.

  • cbopts - default: none - this is how you customize the cluster settings for the client, including policies, compression, etc. This is a string of Java-like method calls just as you would use them in the Cluster.Builder fluent API. They are evaluated inline with the default Cluster.Builder options not covered below. Example: cbopts=".withCompression(ProtocolOptions.Compression.NONE)"

  • whitelist default: none - Applies a whitelist policy to the load balancing policy in the driver. If used, a WhitelistPolicy(RoundRobinPolicy()) will be created and added to the cluster builder on startup. Examples:

    • whitelist=
    • whitelist=,
  • retrypolicy default: none - Applies a retry policy in the driver The only option supported for this version is retrypolicy=logging, which uses the default retry policy, but with logging added.

  • reconnectpolicy default: none - Applies a reconnection policy in the driver Supports either reconnectpolicy=exponential(minDelayInMs,maxDelayInMs) or reconnectpolicy=constant(delayInMs). The driver reconnects using this policy when the entire cluster becomes unavailable.

  • protocol_version default: unset, defaults to driver default behavior

    • Set the CQL protocol version. Valid values are V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, DSE_V1, DSE_V2. Protocol is usually auto-negotiated, however, the initial connection may use a lower protocol to ensure connectivity to older server versions. If you know you are running on a newer server version, you can set this to match.
  • pooling default: none - Applies the connection pooling options to the policy. Examples:

    • pooling=4:10 keep between 4 and 10 connections to LOCAL hosts
    • pooling=4:10,2:5 keep 4-10 connections to LOCAL hosts and 2-5 to REMOTE
    • pooling=4:10:2000 keep between 4-10 connections to LOCAL hosts with up to 2000 requests per connection
    • pooling=5:10:2000,2:4:1000 keep between 5-10 connections to LOCAL hosts with up to 2000 requests per connection, and 2-4 connection to REMOTE hosts with up to 1000 requests per connection

    Additionally, you may provide the following options on pooling. Any of these that are provided must appear in this order: ,heartbeat_interval_s:n,idle_timeout_s:n,pool_timeout_ms:n, so a full example with all options set would appear as: pooling=5:10:2000,2:4:1000,heartbeat_interval_s:30,idle_timeout_s:120,pool_timeout_ms:5

  • socketoptions default: none - Applies any of the valid socket options to the client when the session is built. Each of the options uses the long form of the name, with either a numeric or boolean value. Individual sub-parameters should be separated by a comma, and the parameter names and values can be separated by either equals or a colon. All of these values may be changed:

    • read_timeout_ms
    • connect_timeout_ms
    • keep_alive
    • reuse_address
    • so_linger
    • tcp_no_delay
    • receive_buffer_size
    • send_buffer_size


    • socketoptions=read_timeout_ms=23423,connect_timeout_ms=4444
    • socketoptions=tcp_no_delay=true
  • tokens default: unset - Only executes statements that fall within any of the specified token ranges. Others are counted in metrics as skipped-tokens, with a histogram value of the cycle number. Examples:

    • tokens=1:10000,100000:1000000
    • tokens=1:123456
  • maxtries - default: 10 - how many times an operation may be attempted before it is disregarded

  • maxpages - default: 1 - how many pages can be read from a query which is larger than the fetchsize. If more than this number of pages is required for such a query, then an UnexpectedPaging excpetion is passed to the error handler as explained below.

  • fetchsize - controls the driver parameter of the same name. Suffixed units can be used here, such as "50K". If this parameter is not present, then the driver option is not set.

  • cycles - standard, however the cql activity type will default this to however many statements are included in the current activity, after tag filtering, etc.

  • username - the user to authenticate as. This option requires that one of password or passfile also be defined.

  • password - the password to authenticate with. This will be ignored if passfile is also present.

  • passfile - the file to read the password from. The first line of this file is used as the password.

  • ssl - specifies the type of the SSL implementation. Disabled by default, possible values are jdk and openssl.

    See the ssl help topic for more details with nb5 help ssl for more details.

  • jmxreporting - enable JMX reporting if needed. Examples:

    • jmxreporting=true
    • jmxreporting=false (the default)
  • alias - this is a standard nosqlbench parameter, however the cql type will use the workload value also as the alias value when not specified.

  • errors - error handler configuration. (default errors=stop,retryable->retry,unverified->stop) Examples:

    • errors=stop,WriteTimeoutException=histogram
    • errors=count
    • errors=warn,retryable=count See the separate help on 'cqlerrors' for detailed configuration options.
  • defaultidempotence - sets default idempotence on the driver options, but only if it has a value. (default unset, valid values: true or false)

  • speculative - sets the speculative retry policy on the cluster. (default unset) This can be in one of the following forms:

    • pT:E:L - where :L is optional and T is a floating point threshold between 0.0 and 100.0 and E is an allowed number of concurrent speculative executions and L is the maximum latency tracked in the tracker instance (L defaults to 15000 when left out) Examples:
      • p99.8:5:15000ms - 99.8 percentile, 5 executions, 15000ms max tracked
      • p98:2:10000ms - 98.0 percentile, 2 executions allowed, 10s max tracked
    • Tms:E - where :E is optional and T is a constant threshold latency and E is the allowed number of concurrent speculative retries (E default to 5 when left out) Examples:
      • 100ms:5 - constant threshold of 100ms and 5 allowed executions
  • seq - selects the statement sequencer used with statement ratios. (default: bucket) (options: concat | bucket | interval) The concat sequencer repeats each statement in order until the ratio is achieved. The bucket sequencer uses simple round-robin distribution to plan statement ratios, a simple but unbalanced form of interleaving. The interval sequencer apportions statements over time and then by order of appearance for ties. This has the effect of interleaving statements from an activity more evenly, but is less obvious in how it works. All of the sequencers create deterministic schedules which use an internal lookup table for indexing into a list of possible statements.

  • trace - enables a trace on a subset of operations. This is disabled by default. Examples: trace=modulo:100,filename:trace.log The above traces every 100th cycle to a file named trace.log. trace=modulo:1000,filename:stdout The above traces every 1000th cycle to stdout. If the trace log is not specified, then 'tracelog' is assumed. If the filename is specified as stdout, then traces are dumped to stdout.

  • sessionid - names the configuration to be used for this activity. Within a given scenario, any activities that use the same name for clusterid will share a session and cluster. default: 'default'

  • drivermetrics - enable reporting of driver metrics. default: false

  • driverprefix - set the metrics name that will prefix all CQL driver metrics. default: 'driver.clusterid.' The clusterid specified is included so that separate cluster and session contexts can be reported independently for advanced tests.

  • usercodecs - enable the loading of user codec libraries for more details see: com.datastax.codecs.framework.UDTCodecInjector in the nosqlbench code base. This is for dynamic codec loading with user-provided codecs mapped via the internal UDT APIs. default: false

  • secureconnectbundle - used to connect to CaaS, accepts a path to the secure connect bundle that is downloaded from the CaaS UI. Examples:

    • secureconnectbundle=/tmp/
    • secureconnectbundle="/home/automaton/"

    Check out Astra Documentation for samples

  • insights - Set to false to disable the driver from sending insights monitoring information

    • insights=false
  • tickduration - sets the tickDuration (milliseconds) of HashedWheelTimer of the java driver. This timer is used to schedule speculative requests. Examples:

    • tickduration=10
    • tickduration=100 (driver default value)
  • compression - sets the transport compression to use for this activity. Valid values are 'LZ4' and 'SNAPPY'. Both types are bundled with EBDSE.

  • showcql - logs cql statements as INFO (to see INFO messages in stdout use -v or greater) Note: this is expensive and should only be done to troubleshoot workloads. Do not use showcql for your tests.

  • lbp - configures the load balancing policies for the Java driver. With this parameter, you can configure nested load balancing policies in short-hand form.

    The policies available are documented in detail under the help topic cql-loadbalancing. See that guide if you need more than the examples below.


    • lbp=LAP(retry_period=3,scale=10) - Latency aware policy with retry period of 3 seconds. (Seconds is the default time unit, unless _ms parameter is used) and scale 10.
    • lbp=LAP(rp=3,s=10) - Same as above, using the equivalent but terser form.
    • lbp=LAP(rp_ms=3000,s_ms=10000) - Same as above, with milliseconds instead of seconds.
    • loadbalancing=LAP(s=10),TAP() - Latency aware policy, followed by token aware policy.

CQL YAML Parameters

A uniform YAML configuration format was introduced with engineblock 2.0. As part of this format, statement parameters were added for the CQL Activity Type. These parameters will be consolidated with the above parameters in time, but for now they are limited to a YAML params block:


 ratio: 1
 # Sets the statement ratio within the operation sequencer
 # scheme. Integers only.
 # When preparing the operation order (AKA sequencing),
 # frequency of the associated statements.

 cl: ONE
 # Sets the consistency level, using any of the standard
 # identifiers from com.datastax.driver.core.ConsistencyLevel,
 # any one of:

 prepared: true
 # By default, all statements are prepared. If you are
 # creating schema, set this to false.

 idempotent: false
 # For statements that are known to be idempotent, set this
 # to true

 instrument: false
 # If a statement has instrument set to true, then
 # individual Timer metrics will be tracked for
 # that statement for both successes and errors,
 # using the given statement name.

verify: *
compare: all
# Adds two operators to the operation:
# 1) verify that there is a single row result set in the response.
# 2) verify some or all of the field values by name and/or value.
# If this option is used on any statement, then the activity will
# provide verification metrics and exceptions, including details
# of verification in the log once the activity is completed.
# For full details on this field, see the docs on cqlverify.

/// Cross-verify all fields and field values between the reference data and
/// the actual data.

logresultcsv: true
logresultcsv: myfilename.csv
# If a statement has logresultcsv set to true,
# then individual operations will be logged to a CSV file.
# In this case the CSV file will be named as
# <statement-name>--results.csv.
# If the value is present and not "true", then the value will
# be used as the name of the file.
# The format of the file is:
# <cycle>,(SUCCESS|FAILURE),<nanos>,<rows-fetched>,(<error-class,NONE)
# 1) BE CAREFUL with this setting. A single logged line per
#    result is not useful for high-speed testing as it will
#    impose IO loads on the client to slow it down.
# 2) BE CAREFUL with the name. It is best to just pick good
#    names for your statement defs so that everything remains
#    coherent and nothing gets accidentally overwritten.
# 3) If logresultcsv is provided at the activity level, it
#    applies to all statements, and the only value values
#    there are true and false.

start-timers: timername1, timername2, ...
# If a statement has start-timers value set, then the named
# timers are started in the local thread before the
# statement is executed
# Together, with the stop-timers modifier, you can measure
# sequences of statements with specific named boundaries.
# The name of the timer is qualified with the activity alias
# just as all other metric names.
# This is generally only useful when the async= parameter is
# NOT used, since the scope of the timer is thread-local. When
# async is used, many operations may overlap each other in the
# same thread, breaking linearization guarantees which make
# thread local scoping helpful for tracking linearized operations.
# When a timer is started, a timer context is created and stored
# under this name in the thread. You must ensure that an
# associated stop-timers setting is applied to another statement
# in order to trigger the tally of these metrics.

stop-timers: timername1, timername2, ...
# If a statement has a stop-timers value set, then after the
# statement is finished, whether by error or by successful
# completion, the named timers are stopped and the resulting
# measurement is added to metrics.
# If you add stop-timers with names that do not have a matching
# start-timers name, or vice-versa then an error is thrown.


  • alias.result - A timer which tracks the performance of an op result only. This is the async get on the future, broken out as a separate step.

  • alias.result-success - A timer that records rate and histograms of the time it takes from submitting a query to completely reading the result set that it returns, across all pages. This metric is only counted for non-exceptional results, while the result metric above includes all operations.

  • alias.bind - A timer which tracks the performance of the statement binding logic, including the generation of data immediately prior

  • alias.execute - A timer which tracks the performance of op submission only. This is the async execution call, broken out as a separate step.

  • alias.tries - A histogram of how many tries were required to get a completed operation

  • alias.pages - A timer which tracks the performance of paging, specific to more than 1-page query results. i.e., if all reads return within 1 page, this metric will not have any data.

  • alias.strides - A timer around each stride of operations within a thread

  • alias.skipped-tokens - A histogram that records the count and cycle values of skipped tokens.

YAML Examples

Please see the bundled activities with nosqlbench for examples.