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Cordova Hello World Plugin

Simple plugin that demonstrate how to call native rust functions from javascript

Greeting a user with the date string from rust is something that could be done in JavaScript. This plugin provides a simple example demonstrating how Cordova plugins work.


Android NDK and SDK installation

$ brew install android-sdk
$ android update and install android-21
$ brew install android-ndk

iOS latest xcode installation

install latest xcode and xcode command line tools

Cordova commandline tool installation

$ brew install nodejs
$ brew install npm
$ [sudo] npm install -g cordova@4.3.0

Build the rust cross compiler for android and ios

$ git clone
Follow the instructions of the repo rust-ios-android to build the cross compiler

Play with the plugin

Goto a diretory where you plan to play with the plugin

$ cd your-project-root-dir

Clone the plugin

$ git clone cordova-plugin-hello

Build the native rust lib for ios and android optionally

NOTE: this step is only needed if you plan to compile the rust native lib yourself

$ [~/Projects/rust/rust-ios-android/] build
$ bash

Create a new Cordova Project

$ cordova create hello com.example.helloapp Hello

Copy the prebuilt demo code to the newly created hello demo

$ cp cordova-plugin-hello/demo/js/index.js hello/www/js/index.js

Install the plugin

$ cd hello
$ cordova plugin install ../cordova-plugin-hello

Install iOS or Android platform

$ cordova platform add ios
$ cordova platform add android

Run the code

$ cordova run ios [--emulator]
$ cordova run android

More Info

For more information on setting up Cordova see the documentation

For more info on plugins see the Plugin Development Guide