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executable file
152 lines (106 loc) · 4.85 KB


Our hypothetical web application is a bulletin board that allows anonymous users to create and share posts with the internet. The application needs to be highly available, scalable, and secure to handle a potentially large number of concurrent users.

Network Diagram


The above network diagram depicts a high-level design of the infrastructure for the web application using Kubernetes.

The infrastructure spans all three AZs. In each AZ, the cluster is spread across two subnets (public and private). The public subnet is for resources that need to be publicly accessible, such as the load balancer, and the private subnet is for resources that should not be directly accessible from the internet, such as the Kubernetes nodes and the database.

The load balancer is application load balancer that automatically provisioned by AWS Load Balancer Controller in the Kubernetes cluster, that distributes traffic to the Kubernetes nodes running the web application. The database is a managed service, such as Amazon RDS, that runs in a private subnet and is accessible only from within the Kubernetes cluster.

To ensure the infrastructure is scalable and highly available, we use Kubernetes features such as horizontal pod autoscaling, cluster autoscaling, and pod disruption budgets. These features can help the infrastructure automatically adjust to changes in traffic and resource availability.

To ensure the infrastructure is secure, we use Kubernetes security features such as RBAC, network policies, and pod security policies. We can also implement additional security measures such as encryption, SSL/TLS, and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDS/IPS).

Overall, this design provides a scalable, highly available, and secure infrastructure for our hypothetical web application.

Required Resources

The infrastructure for the web application will require the following resources:

  • Kubernetes cluster
    • Kubernetes version: 1.21
    • Minimum instances: 3
    • Instance type: M5.large
    • Node autoscaling
  • Load balancer
    • Automatically provisioned by ALB controller in Kubernetes
  • Database
    • Engine: MySQL
    • Version: 5.7
    • Instance type: db.t2.medium
    • Multi AZ



  • Git 2.0+
  • NodeJS 16.19+ and npm
    • Preferably use NVM
  • Terraform CLI 1.2+
  • CDK for Terraform CLI 0.15.5+

Install Packages

We neeed to install all the required npm packages before proceeding to other steps

$ npm install

added 303 packages, and audited 358 packages in 4s

37 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities

List Infra

To list the infra, run following command. Please wait until cdktf finish Synthesizing process.

$ cdktf list
Stack name                               Path
dev                                      cdktf.out\stacks\dev
stage                                    cdktf.out\stacks\stage
prod                                     cdktf.out\stacks\prod

Deploy Infra

Before you can deploy the infra, make sure you have logged in to AWS CLI and have enough permission. After that, run following command

$ cdktf deploy <stack name>
$ cdktf deploy dev
Initializing the backend...

Successfully configured the backend "local"! Terraform will automatically
     use this backend unless the backend configuration changes.
     Initializing modules...

dev  Downloading 0.41.0 for db...
dev  - db in .terraform\modules\db
dev  Downloading 0.12.2 for db.dns_host_name...
dev  - db.dns_host_name in .terraform\modules\db.dns_host_name

1 Stack deploying     0 Stacks done     0 Stacks waiting

Once finished, choose Approve to apply the changes or Dismiss to cancel the process

Saved the plan to: plan

                   To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
                   terraform apply "plan"

Please review the diff output above for typescript-docker
❯ Approve  Applies the changes outlined in the plan.

Create New Infra

To create another infra, edit the src/main.ts and add new InfraStack instance before the app.synth() method.


new InfraStack(app, "qa", {
  name: "qa",
  environment: "staging",
  region: "eu-north-1",


After you save the file, verify the stack name before deploying the infra.

$ cdktf list
qa                                       cdktf.out\stacks\qa
$ cdktf apply qa

Destroy Infra

To cleanup the infra, run following command.

$ cdktf destroy qa

Destroy complete! Resources: 1 destroyed.