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JWS Signature Envelope

This specification implements the Notary Project signature specification using JSON Web Signature (JWS). JWS (RFC7515) is a JSON based envelope format for digital signatures over any type of payload (e.g. JSON, binary). JWS is the Notary Project supported signature format and specifically uses the JWS JSON Serialization representation.

OCI Signature Storage

A JWS signature envelope will be stored in an OCI registry as a layer, and referenced in the signature manifest as a layer blob with mediaType of "application/jose+json".

Signature Manifest Example

    "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.artifact.manifest.v1+json",
    "config": {
        "mediaType": "application/vnd.cncf.notary.signature",
        "size": 2,
        "digest": "sha256:44136fa355b3678a1146ad16f7e8649e94fb4fc21fe77e8310c060f61caaff8a"
    "layers": [
            "mediaType": "application/jose+json",
            "digest": "sha256:9834876dcfb05cb167a5c24953eba58c4ac89b1adf57f28f2f9d09af107ee8f0",
            "size": 32654
    "subject": {
        "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
        "digest": "sha256:73c803930ea3ba1e54bc25c2bdc53edd0284c62ed651fe7b00369da519a3c333",
        "size": 16724
    "annotations": {

Blob Signature Storage

For detached signatures associated with blobs, a JWS signature envelope will be stored on the file system with jws as the file extension.

JWS Payload

The JWS envelope contains the Notary Project signature payload.

Example of the Notary Project OCI signature payload

  "targetArtifact": {
    "mediaType": "application/vnd.oci.image.manifest.v1+json",
    "digest": "sha256:73c803930ea3ba1e54bc25c2bdc53edd0284c62ed651fe7b00369da519a3c333",
    "size": 16724,
    "annotations": {
        "io.wabbit-networks.buildId": "123"  // user defined metadata

Example of the Notary Project blob signature payload:

  "targetArtifact": {
    "mediaType": "application/octet-stream",
    "digest": "sha256:2f3a23b6373afb134ddcd864be8e037e34a662d090d33ee849471ff73c873345",
    "size": 1024,
    "annotations": {
        "io.wabbit-networks.buildId": "123"  // user defined metadata

Protected Headers

The JWS envelope for the Notary Project signature uses following headers

  • Registered headers - alg, cty, and crit
  • Public headers with collision resistant names.
    • io.cncf.notary.signingScheme
    • io.cncf.notary.signingTime
    • io.cncf.notary.authenticSigningTime
    • io.cncf.notary.expiry

Example with Signing Scheme notary.x509

    "alg": "PS384",
    "cty": "application/vnd.cncf.notary.payload.v1+json",
    "io.cncf.notary.signingScheme": "notary.x509",
    "io.cncf.notary.signingTime": "2022-04-06T07:01:20Z",
    "io.cncf.notary.expiry": "2022-10-06T07:01:20Z",

Example with Signing Scheme notary.x509.signingAuthority

    "alg": "PS384",
    "cty": "application/vnd.cncf.notary.payload.v1+json",
    "io.cncf.notary.signingScheme": "notary.x509.signingAuthority",
    "io.cncf.notary.authenticSigningTime": "2022-04-06T07:01:20Z",
    "io.cncf.notary.expiry": "2022-10-06T07:01:20Z",
  • alg(string): This REQUIRED header defines which signing algorithm was used to generate the signature. JWS specification defines alg as a required header, that MUST be present and MUST be understood and processed by verifier. The signature algorithm of the signing key (first certificate in x5c) is the source of truth, and during signing the value of alg MUST be set corresponding to signature algorithm of the signing key using this mapping that lists the Notary Project signature allowed subset of alg values supported by JWS. Similarly verifier of the signature MUST match alg with signature algorithm of the signing key to mitigate algorithm substitution attacks.
  • cty(string): The REQUIRED header content-type is used to declare the media type of the secured content (the payload). The supported value is application/vnd.cncf.notary.payload.v1+json.
  • io.cncf.notary.signingScheme(string)(critical): This REQUIRED header specifies the Notary Project signing scheme used by the signature. Supported values are notary.x509 and notary.x509.signingAuthority.
  • io.cncf.notary.signingTime(string): This header specifies the time at which the signature was generated. This is an untrusted timestamp, and therefore not used in trust decisions. Its value is a RFC 3339 formatted date time, the optional fractional second (time-secfrac[1]) SHOULD NOT be used. This claim is REQUIRED and only valid when signing scheme is notary.x509.
  • io.cncf.notary.authenticSigningTime(string)(critical): This header specifies the authenticated time at which the signature was generated. Its value is a RFC 3339 formatted date time, the optional fractional second (time-secfrac[1]) SHOULD NOT be used. This claim is REQUIRED and only valid when signing scheme is notary.x509.signingAuthority.
  • io.cncf.notary.expiry(string)(critical): This OPTIONAL header provides a “best by use” time for the artifact, as defined by the signer. Its value is a RFC 3339 formatted date time, the optional fractional second (time-secfrac[1]) SHOULD NOT be used.
  • crit(array of strings): This REQUIRED (optional as per JWS spec, but required in Notary Project JWS signature) header lists the headers that implementation MUST understand and process. It MUST only contain headers apart from registered headers (e.g. alg, cty) in JWS specification. This header MUST contain io.cncf.notary.signingScheme which is a required critical header, and optionally contain io.cncf.notary.authenticSigningTime and io.cncf.notary.expiry if these critical headers are present in the signature.

Extended Protected Headers for Notation Plugins

See Extended attributes for Notation Plugins for detailed description of these headers.

  • io.cncf.notary.verificationPlugin(string)(critical): An OPTIONAL header that specifies the name of the verification plugin that MAY be used to verify the signature.
  • io.cncf.notary.verificationPluginMinVersion(string)(critical): An OPTIONAL header that specifies the minimum version of the verification plugin that MUST be used to verify the signature.

Unprotected Headers

The Notary Project signature supports following unprotected headers: timestamp, x5c and io.cncf.notary.signingAgent

    "x5c": ["<Base64(DER(leafCert))>", "<Base64(DER(intermediateCACert))>", "<Base64(DER(rootCert))>"],
    "io.cncf.notary.timestampSignature": "<Base64(TimeStampToken)>",
    "io.cncf.notary.signingAgent": "notation/1.0.0"
  • x5c (array of strings): This REQUIRED header contains the ordered list of X.509 certificate or certificate chain(RFC5280) corresponding to the key used to digitally sign the JWS. The certificate chain is represented as a JSON array of certificate value strings, each string in the array is a base64-encoded DER certificate value. The certificate containing the public key corresponding to the key used to digitally sign the JWS MUST be the first certificate, followed by the intermediate and root certificates in the correct order. Refer Certificate Chain unsigned attribute for more details.
  • io.cncf.notary.timestampSignature (string): This OPTIONAL header is used to store a base64-encoded countersignature that proves the signature was generated before the timestamp. Only RFC 3161 compliant TimeStampToken are supported. If present, this header is validated and used solely under the notary.x509 signing scheme. Refer Timestamp Signature unsigned attribute for more details.
  • io.cncf.notary.signingAgent(string): This OPTIONAL header provides the identifier of a client (e.g. Notation) that produced the signature. E.g. “notation/1.0.0”. Refer Signing Agent unsigned attribute for more details.


In JWS signature is calculated by combining JWSPayload and protected headers. The process is described below:

Create the JWS Signing Input

  1. Compute the Base64Url value of ProtectedHeaders, this is the value of protected property in the signature envelope.
  2. Compute the Base64Url value of JWSPayload, this is the value of payload property in the signature envelope.
  3. Build JWS Signing Input to be signed by concatenating the values generated in step 1 and step 2 using '.' ASCII(BASE64URL(UTF8(ProtectedHeaders)) ‘.’ BASE64URL(JWSPayload))

Base64Url encoding used by JWS (Base64url Encoding in RFC 7515 section 2) is a URL safe Base64 encoding as defined in RFC 4648, with all trailing '=' characters omitted and without the inclusion of any additional characters.

Generate the signature

  1. Compute the signature on the JWS Signing Input constructed in the previous step by using the signature algorithm of the signing key, which MUST match the corresponding protected header alg.
  2. Compute the Base64Url value of the signature produced in the previous step. This is the value of the signature property in the signature envelope.

Signature Envelope

The final signature envelope comprises of Payload, ProtectedHeaders, UnprotectedHeaders, and Signature, no additional top level fields are supported.

Since the Notary Project restricts one signature per signature envelope, the compliant signature envelope MUST be in flattened JWS JSON format.

    "payload": "<Base64Url(JWSPayload)>",
    "protected": "<Base64Url(ProtectedHeaders)>",
    "header": {
        "io.cncf.notary.timestamp": "<Base64(TimeStampToken)>",
        "x5c": ["<Base64(DER(leafCert))>", "<Base64(DER(intermediateCACert))>", "<Base64(DER(rootCert))>"]
    "signature": "Base64Url( sign( ASCII( <Base64Url(ProtectedHeader)>.<Base64Url(JWSPayload)> )))"  

Implementation Constraints

Supported alg header values

Implementations of the Notary Project signature specification MUST enforce the following constraints on signature generation and verification:

  1. alg header value MUST NOT be none or any symmetric-key algorithm such as HMAC.
  2. alg header value MUST be same as that of signature algorithm identified using signing certificate's public key algorithm and size.
  3. alg header values for various signature algorithms is a subset of values supported by JWS.

Mapping of the Notary Project signature approved algorithms to JWS alg header values

Signature Algorithm alg Header Value
RSASSA-PSS with SHA-256 PS256
RSASSA-PSS with SHA-384 PS384
RSASSA-PSS with SHA-512 PS512
ECDSA on secp256r1 with SHA-256 ES256
ECDSA on secp384r1 with SHA-384 ES384
ECDSA on secp521r1 with SHA-512 ES512
  1. Signing certificate MUST be a valid codesigning certificate.
  2. Only JWS JSON flattened format is supported.


Q: Why JWT is not used as the signature envelope format?

A: JWT uses JWS compact serialization which do not support unsigned attributes. The Notary Project signature requires support for unsigned attributes. Instead we use the JWS JSON Serialization representation, which supports unsigned attributes.

Q: Why JWT exp and iat claims are not used?

A: Unlike JWT which always contains a JSON payload, The Notary Project signature envelope can support payloads other than JSON, like binary. Reusing the JWT payload structure and claims, limits the Notary Project signature JWS envelope to only support JSON payload, which is undesirable. Also, reusing JWT claims requires following same claim semantics as defined in JWT specifications. The exp claim requires that verifier MUST reject the signature if current time equals or is greater than exp, where as the Notary Project signature specification allows verification policy to define how expiry is handled.