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Zero dependency implementation of deep observable objects

This module implements the Observable pattern on deeply nested objects using the Proxy API.

The module exposes a single method that creates the deeply observable object.


I created this module for a project at work. It is a solution created to get around a particular problem in a large codebase full of legacy code and outdated technologies. Some might find it useful, but I cannot guarantee proper maintenance of this project, or that this module will work in any given environment. The intended purpose of this module is highly specific, so it might break your code if you use it on some edge case I didn't take into account.

I may introduce breaking changes to this module without any prior announcement.

I may close issues and reject pull requests without an objective reason.

Use at your own risk.

deepObserve function

Creates a deep/nested Proxy (observable) from a given object. A deep Proxy listens to any changes within a nested object by turning every object in the nested tree into a Proxy. Any changes to objects created within the tree during its lifetime will also trigger the callback.

The Proxy created by this module only listens to changes (set and delete) and executes the callback after the action, therefore it becomes an observable. Modifying the object in the callback function can be implemented, but it is not the intended use case.


  • object: object the object to create an observable from

  • callback: function the function to call when the object is changed


    • target: object the object in the tree, a property of which is being modified
    • path: string[] the path of the modified property (for example, the property accessed by observableObject.a.b.c will have the path of ["a", "b", "c"])
    • value: any the new value of the property. In case the property is being deleted, this argument will not be passed, so it is possible to check for it.


    any the result of the callback function does not matter.


Proxy the observable Proxy with the callback attached. Otherwise behaves like a normal object.


Log any modification of the object to the console:

import { deepObserve } from 'deep-proxy-observe'

const observable = deepObserve(
  (t, p, v) =>
      `property ${p.join('.')} modified to ${JSON.stringify(v)}`

observable.p = { a: { b: { c: 'd' } } }
// => property p modified to {"a":{"b":{"c":"d"}}}

observable.p.a.b.c = 'f'
// => property p.a.b.c modified to "f"


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