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213 lines (142 loc) · 4.15 KB

File metadata and controls

213 lines (142 loc) · 4.15 KB
  • idea for future: pluggable architecture for rendering instrument names, header markup, etc?

  • markup for instrument name: \instr

  • bug: figures for a note without duration after a full bar rest

  • rehearsal marks:

    \mark:4a //long form 4a // short form

  • footnote syntax:

    cd ["Is this note connected to the one before?"] e

    // override position (default is 0 . 1.5) cd ["Is this note connected to the one before?"(-1 . 2)] e

    // Change the footnote number/sign, string escaping cd [*:"Is this "note" connected to the one before?"] e

    // footnote references, and footnotes at end of doc (or apart from music) cd [^] e ... // some markup ["Is this place free?"]

  • repeated chords


  • paralell chords

    {_@^8} 8cd2e8@f

  • instead of command line modes, or in addition, an interactive mode:

    BWV247 sharon$ lydown Working directory: ~/repo/music/bach/BWV247

    add mvmt 21-aria 2violins 2gambas alto continuo # add movement OK watch 21-aria # watch directory ... ^C cd 21-aria # go into subdirectory watch # watch current directory ... ^C score # compile and open score PDF parts # compile and open part PDFs gamba1 # compile and open gamba1 part midi # compile and play midi

  • a command line mode to create works and movements

    lydown mvmt 07-choral 2flutes 2oboes 3strings 2gambas choir* continuo

  • refactor binary script (using Thor?)

    • put movement create mode into lib/lydown/cli/create_movement.rb
  • support for full work processing in command line tool

  • support for movement filtering in command line tool

  • support for part filtering in command line tool

  • support for default output directory (/pdf) in command line tool

  • markup before note:

    \"Jesus:" cdef

  • markup/expressions over barlines:

    8fe42c |\fermata

  • include statements, both .ld and .ly files

    ly files are included before the music startst sta

  • custom input modes

    • homophonic explode mode: chords split into multiple staves, with automatic ties (for recitativo accompagnato).

    2<adf+> ~

  • multipart entry mode:

    • part: tenore, continuo
    • key: g minor

    4r8def+gad, 1f+<6>

    b'bdb4gr g

  • bar checks:


  • layout settings

    • layout:
      • paper: A4 landscape
      • margins: 10mm // all sides
      • margins: 1in 0.5in 1.5in 0.5in // all sides or top, right, bottom, left
      • ragged_bottom: true
      • ragged_last_bottom: true
      • ragged_right: true
      • ragged_last_right: true
      • score_staff_size: 17
      • part_staff_size: 20
      • between-system-space: 18mm // look at ripple _include files for more settings
  • default preface page

  • custom preface page (using include)

  • titles

    • composer: Johann Sebastian Bach, Jr.
    • title: Markus Passion BWV 247
    • subtitle: Une reconstruction
    • subsubtitle:
    • copyright:
    • tagline:
  • nested tuplets


    => \tuplet 5/4 { f8 e f \tuplet 3/2 { e[ f g] } }

  • repeats:

    {: 4cdec :} {: 4ef2g :}

    => \repeat volta 2 { c4 d e c } \repeat volta 2 { e4 f g2 }

    {: 8ccg'gaa4g :: 8ffeedd4g :: 8ffeedd4c :}

    => \repeat volta 2 { c8 c g' g a a g4 } \alternative { { f8 f e e d d g4 | } { f8 f e e d d c4 | } }

    {X4: 4cdef :: 2ce :: 2fg :} 1c

    => \repeat volta 4 { c4 d e f | } \alternative { { c2 e | } { f2 g | } } c1

  • support for figures on separate line

    arb- % 4<6>s<8>

    // or, with stream switching

    arb- =figures 4<6>s<8>

  • keyboard music:

    r: ... l: ...

  • organ music:

  • homophonic music (chords written on two lines)

    1= 4e8fd6ef8g4d 2= cdbcdeb

    //=> << { e4 f8 d ...} { c4 d8 e ...}

  • grace notes


    $6gab4c //=&gt; \grace {g16 a b} 4c $^8d4c //=> \appoggiatura d8 c4 $/8d4c //=&gt; \acciaccatura d8 c4 $\8d4c //=> \slashedGrace d8 c4 4d$:6[cd]4c //=> \afterGrace d4 {c16[ d]} c4

    1= (1d\trill 2= 2s4.s$6cd 1c)

    //=> << { d1^\trill_( } { s2 s4. \grace { c16 d } }

  • support for general lilypond commands

    \stemDown $/6f> \stemNeutral 4ge2c

    //=> \acciaccatura { \stemDown f16-> \stemNeutral } g4 e c2

  • spec for overriding beaming mode for parts.