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Nouns Descriptor V2

Simple Summary

A new descriptor version that allows for significantly cheaper deployment of the Nouns art and better composability by improving the external API.


This specification defines a new version of the NounsDescriptor contract. The new contracts provides the following benefits:

  • Cheaper deployment cost: ~13.8M gas instead of ~67.3M gas
  • Easier composability for external contracts by splitting the tokenURI construction to several contracts

Technical Specification


A combination of several techniques will be used in order to reduce the storage size and cost required for the art:

  1. RLE encoding supporting multilines
  2. Compressing the data using DEFLATE
  3. Storing data using SSTORE2

RLE encoding supporting multilines

The current implementation of the RLE encoding is limited to the length of a row, i.e if it is encoding 2 rows of blue pixels, the encoding will have one RLE per row. By allowing the encoding to span across several rows, the encoding can be more effecient.

Note that each RLE tuple is limited to a length of 255. If a run-length is greater than 255, it must be broken to multiple tuples.

This will require:

  1. Updating the encoder (javascript code) to allow encoding multiple lines
  2. Updating the decoded (smart contract code) to support multi-line encoding. Currently this is in MultiPartRLEToSVG.sol

Compressing the data using DEFLATE

  1. Compression

    The RLE encoded images can be further compressed by using the general purpose DEFLATE compression algorithm.

    In order to maximize the compression effeciency, the images will be compressed in batch. Specifically, all images of a certain trait type (e.g. heads) will be compressed together.

    In each batch, the images will be abi-encoded as bytes[] prior to the compression.

    Example javascript code of abi-encoding & compression using deflate:

    import { deflateRawSync } from "zlib";
    // data is an array of hexlified byte strings, each starting with 0x
    const abiEncoded = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(["bytes[]"], [data]);
    const encodedCompressed = `0x${deflateRawSync(
      Buffer.from(abiEncoded.substring(2), "hex")
  2. Decompression

    To decompress the data, a solidity library implementing the Puff decompression algorithm will be used. It will be a slightly modified version of inflate-sol that introduces gas saving modifications.

Storing data using SSTORE2

Use the SSTORE2 library for writing and reading the images data. This reduces the cost of storage.

Contracts changes

  1. INounsDescriptor

    1.1. palettes

    -    function palettes(uint8 paletteIndex, uint256 colorIndex) external view returns (string memory);
    -    function addColorToPalette(uint8 paletteIndex, string calldata color) external;
    +    /// @return Encoded color palette: every 3 bytes represent an RGB color, e.g 0x112233 = #112233
    +    function palettes(uint8 paletteIndex) external view returns (bytes memory);
    +    function setPalette(uint8 paletteIndex, bytes calldata palette) external;

    1.2. Change functions for adding new images, shown here only for the body trait, but applies for heads, glasses & accessories:

    -    function addManyBodies(bytes[] calldata bodies) external;
    -    function addBody(bytes calldata body) external;
    +    /**
    +     * @notice Add a batch of body images.
    +     * @param encodedCompressed bytes created by taking a string array of RLE-encoded images, abi encoding it as a bytes array,
    +     * and finally compressing it using deflate.
    +     * @param decompressedLength the size in bytes the images bytes were prior to compression; required input for Inflate.
    +     * @param imageCount the number of images in this batch; used when searching for images among batches.
    +     */
    +    function addBodies(
    +        bytes calldata encodedCompressed,
    +        uint80 decompressedLength,
    +        uint16 imageCount
    +    ) external;
    +    /**
    +     * @notice Add a batch of body images from an existing storage contract.
    +     * @param pointer the address of a contract where the image batch was stored using SSTORE2. The data
    +     * format is expected to be like {encodedCompressed}: bytes created by taking a string array of
    +     * RLE-encoded images, abi encoding it as a bytes array, and finally compressing it using deflate.
    +     * @param decompressedLength the size in bytes the images bytes were prior to compression; required input for Inflate.
    +     * @param imageCount the number of images in this batch; used when searching for images among batches.
    +     */
    +    function addBodiesFromPointer(
    +        address pointer,
    +        uint80 decompressedLength,
    +        uint16 imageCount
    +    ) external;

    All functions that add images will have access control restriction to the contract owner.

  2. NounsDescriptor

    The constructor will get addresses for 2 contracts, one implementing INounsArt and one implementing ISVGRenderer.

  3. INounsArt

       function addManyBackgrounds(string[] calldata _backgrounds) external;
       function addBackground(string calldata _background) external;
       function palettes(uint8 paletteIndex) external view returns (bytes memory);
       function setPalette(uint8 paletteIndex, bytes calldata palette) external;
       function addBodies(
           bytes calldata encodedCompressed,
           uint80 decompressedLength,
           uint16 imageCount
       ) external;
       function addBodiesFromPointer(
         address pointer,
         uint80 decompressedLength,
         uint16 imageCount
     ) external;
     /// @notice A batch of compressed images
     struct NounArtStoragePage {
         /// @dev Number of images in this page
         uint16 imageCount;
         /// @dev Length of decompressed data, needed for decompression
         uint80 decompressedLength;
         /// @dev Pointer to the stored data to be read with SSTORE2
         address pointer;
     struct Trait {
         /// @notice Array of pages, each holding a batch of images
         NounArtStoragePage[] storagePages;
         /// @notice Total stored images across all pages
         uint256 storedImagesCount;
     /// Same functions below for other traits (heads, glasses, accessories)
     /// @notice returns an RLE encoded image of body trait
     function bodies(uint256 storageIndex) external view returns (bytes memory);
     /// @notice Returns a Trait object for the body trait images
     function bodiesTrait() external view returns (Trait memory);
     /// @notice Returns the number of pages in the body trait Trait object
     function bodiesPageCount() external view returns (uint256);
     /// @notice Returns page number `pageIndex` of the body trait Trait object
     function bodiesPage(uint256 pageIndex) external view returns (INounsArt.NounArtStoragePage memory);

    The NounsArt contract will be responsible for storing and retrieving the images. Changes to the images will be access controlled and restricted to the active NounsDescriptor.

    Each time a batch of images is added for a certain trait, a new "page" is created and represented by NounArtStoragePage. This page is then added to the storedPages member of the Trait struct for the "body" trait. Same behavior for the other traits (heads, glasses, accessories).

  4. NFTDescriptor

    • The public functions now receive an ISVGRenderer as a parameter.
    • The palette is now passed as part of the TokenURIParams.
    -    function constructTokenURI(TokenURIParams memory params, mapping(uint8 => string[]) storage palettes) public view returns (string memory)
    +    function constructTokenURI(ISVGRenderer renderer, TokenURIParams memory params) public view returns (string memory)
    -    function generateSVGImage(MultiPartRLEToSVG.SVGParams memory params, mapping(uint8 => string[]) storage palettes) public view returns (string memory)
    +    function generateSVGImage(ISVGRenderer renderer, ISVGRenderer.SVGParams memory params) public view returns (string memory)
  5. ISVGRenderer

    SVGRenderer is responsible for taking RLE encoded image parts and constructing an SVG. This is similar to the code currently in the MultiPartRLEToSVG.sol library.

    struct Part {
        /// @dev RLE encoded image
        bytes image;
        bytes palette;
    struct SVGParams {
        Part[] parts;
        string background;
    function generateSVG(SVGParams memory params) external view returns (string memory svg);
    function generateSVGPart(Part memory part) external view returns (string memory partialSVG);
    function generateSVGParts(Part[] memory parts) external view returns (string memory partialSVG);


Not started.