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Django Pimp My Theme

Per client/user/whatever django template and statics theming.


When you need to use custom template and/or styling based on a model in your app (Site, User, etc).

pimpmytheme will create a folder per "client" (a client can be a User, a Site or everything that implement the get_current method (see below). It also can be used for multiple projects at the same time. The folders are under a project name folder located in the pimpmytheme directory. Your designer can then pull/push this repository to edit the whole look and feel of all your projects in the same repository!


With the help of custom template loader ans static file loader, pimpmytheme load the custom template and statics files if they exists for the current object.


$ pip install django-pimpmytheme


Add pimpmytheme in your INSTALLED_APPS:


Add the pimpmytheme staticfiles_finder to your STATICFILES_FINDERS:


Add the custom template loader to your TEMPLATES:

    'loaders': [

Finaly, you need a model with the "get_current" method. get_current will return the object responsible for customization. For example, you can use the django.contrib.sites.Site model to customize your project per a site basis:

CUSTOM_THEME_LOOKUP_OBJECT = "django.contrib.sites.models.Site"

Then select the directory path where your customizations will be stored. It must be an absolute path.

PIMPMYTHEME_FOLDER = "/home/user/myproject/custom_statics"

You can stop configuration here, it will work and your static files will be collected in STATIC_ROOT by the collectstatic command.

If you want to go further in your configuration, you can set the directory name where your assets will be copied by the by the collectstatic command. It will be a subfolder of django_settings.STATIC_ROOT:


Then tell compressor to use pimpmytheme's filter to build link to your assets:


COMPRESS_CSS_FILTERS = ['pimpmytheme.filters.PrefixedCssAbsoluteFilter']


To create the needed folders for customization, you can run the management command provided by pimpmytheme:

$ python create_folders

Inside custom_form you will get a folder named as your project name. And inside this folder you wil get as many folders as you customization model objects. If you use the Site, you will get a folder.

You will also find a static folder containing an empty custom.less file. Here for your convenience. you can start editing this file to customize your style.

You can also create a template folder next to the static one and put some custom templates in it.

The pimpmytheme template loader will first look in this directory to load templates files. If not found, it will fallback on the django template loader

If your themes are in a git repo, add settings:


and run the useful command to pull them into PIMPMYTHEME_FOLDER:

$ python update_themefolder_from_git


With django-pimpmytheme you get a templatetag system to manage custom media (css, js and images).

This template system ensure the custom media exist for the current customization. You can so get a bunch of css/js/img for each of your client and django-pimpmytheme will only load the media revelant for the current customization.

You can then use an asset management, compressor and so on on those files.

To use the templatetags first load it on the template:

{% load pimptheme %}

Then use pimp_css, pimp_js or pimp_img to load your assets:

<img src="{% pimp 'myimage.jpg'%}" alt="Hello" style="opacity:0.8;">
{% pimp_css 'custom.css'%}
{% pimp_js 'javascript.js'%}
{% pimp_img 'myimage.jpg'%}


Thanks to @leotrouvtou for helping finding the project name.