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Data Preparation using Data

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Chapter 2 Data Preparation using Data Refinery

2.1 Introduction to Data Refinery

IBM Data Refinery, first released in November 2017, is part of the Watson Data Platform integrated environment and is a self-service data preparation client for data scientists, data engineers, and business analysts. With it, you can quickly transform large amounts of raw data into consumable, quality information that’s ready for analytics. IBM Data Refinery makes it easy to explore, prepare, and deliver data that people across your organization can trust. It provides:

  • Ability to access data wherever it resides (in the cloud, on-premises, or on your desktop)
  • Powerful shaping operations to clean, organize, fix, and validate data
  • Scripting support for RStudio’s dplyr for the efficient and flexible manipulation of data sets -Support for single- and multi-column operations and the creation of complex new columns from existing columns
  • Ability to undo, redo, and delete steps in a data flow
  • Monitoring of data preparation flows
  • Interactive data validation and automatic detection of anomalies such as missing values, outliers, and duplicates
  • Visualizations that provide insight into large amounts of data

When refining your data, the Data tab is where you can see a simple of how you data looks and see the result of any operation you select to do on your data. The Profile tab allows you to see a summary of some basic statistical analysis and can be used to find anomalies. The Visualizations tab helps with getting insights into your data.

2.2 Prerequisites

  • You should have a empty project (We named it Watson Studio Workshop as an example) created in Watson Studio. If you don’t have one, read how to create an new project here(Link to Intro) starting Step 5.

  • Download sample data adult_person_info.csv and adult_org_info.csv for this lab [here] or if you have the file provided by the instructor, the data will be reside in WatsonsStudioWorkshop/01-Data Preparation in Data Refinery.

2.3 Add Datasets to the Project

  1. Go to the newly created Watson Stutido Workshop project and add the datasets to the project:
  • Click on Assets on the panel found under the name of your project at the top of the page.
  • At the top right of the page, click on the icon that has zeros and ones (two of each).
  • Click on Load and drag and drop the two files adult_person_info.csv and adult_org_info.csv.
  • You will notice that once the files are uploaded, they will be added under Data assets.

Adding data assets Adding data assets

  1. Review Data Refinery UI:
  • Go to the triple dot menu next to next to adult_person_info.csv under Data assets and select Refine. This will open a page that shows a sample of the content, where you can start cleaning and reshaping the data set.
  • On the panel on the right, you will find Details including the project the data asset belongs to, and description of the resulting data set we will get after the refining process. Close it for the time being.
  • Click on Steps, which you can find right hand-side of the page. This is where you will see each operation you will define while transforming the data. It shows the data flow defining the operations to be done on the entire data set.

Data tab Data Tab

  1. You may notice that an auto data type conversion step has been applied, in order to practice how to mannually convert column type, we will remove this step for now by clicking on the trash bin icon.

Remove Convert Column Type Remove Convert Column Type

3.4 Review Data Profile

  1. Skim through data displayed in the Data tab and then click on the Profile tab and take a quick look at data summary and get a feel of you data. You will notice some weird values under FREQUENCY for some fields. For example, you will notice that:
  • Some values under AGE contain additional string such as “years old”,
  • For Education, there are some additional values with extra spaces at the beginning and possibly the end of the string,
  • Empty cells in the OCCUPATION column,
  • and there are multiple values under GENDER that seem to be meant to represent the value Male, etc.

That’s why our data needs to be cleaned. Profile tab Profile Tab

3.5 Data Harmonization: AGE

  1. Standardize the AGE field:
  • As mentioned eariler, you will notice some values with additional string such as years old. What we want is to just retain the numerical part, which can only be a two-digit number in our case (we know there are no additional characters that were added before the numerical part of the values or that the digits contain no weird characters).

Harmonization data in the AGE field

  • Click on +Operation and select Split column, which you can find under ORGANIZE.
  • Choose AGE as the Selected column.
  • Under POSITION tab, type 2 in the Positions field and <AGE_num,AGE_str> in the Names of new columns. Make sure to unselect Keep original column
  • Click Apply.

Bear in mind that this is not the best approach to handle this. This is just provide an example of how to use the split column operation.

Harmonization data in the AGE field 2 Harmonization data in the AGE field 2

  • Go to the Data tab and remove the newly created column called AGE_str, which only contain the string part of the age.

Remove AGE_str Remove AGE_str

  • Go to column called AGE_num and rename it to AGE by clicking on the little pencil icon.
  • Go to the Profile tab again to for a final check.

3.6 Convert Data Type

  1. Change AGE data type to Integer by clicking on the triple dots, then CONVERT COLUMN…> Integer. Data Refinery will put a dot in front of the recommended data type.

Convert data type Convert data type

3.7 Data Harmonization: EDUCATION

  1. Standardize the AGE field:
  • Click on the Profile tab and take a closer look at the column EDUCATION. You notice there are some additional values with extra spaces at the beginning and possibly the end of the string.

Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field

  • Click on +Operation and select Text, which you can find under FREQUENTLY USED.
  • Choose EDUCATION as the Selected column, Collapse spaces as the Text Operation.
  • Click Apply and go to the Profile tab again to check if all the additional values have been removing. You will notice the we still have Some - college as an additional value, which we want to harmonize and change to Some-college.

Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field 2 Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field 2

  • Click on +Operation and select Replace substring, which you can find under CLEANSE.
  • Choose EDUCATION as the Selected column.
  • Under TEXT tab, type Some - college in Value field and Some-college in the Enter the replacement string. Make sure to select Replace all occurrences
  • Click Apply.

Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field 3 Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field 3

  • We also want to convert all values in the EDUCATION column to lower case. So, click on +Operation and select Text, which you can find under FREQUENTLY USED.
  • Choose EDUCATION as the Selected column, Lower case as the Text Operation.
  • Click Apply and go to the Profile tab again to for a final check.

Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field 4 Harmonization data in the EDUCATION field 4

3.8 Remove Missing Values in OCCUPATION

  1. Removing empty rows (List-wise deletion):
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Go to the column called OCCUPATION and remove rows with any empty values by clicking on the triple dot menu next to the column name and selecting Remove empty rows.

Removing empty rows Removing empty rows

  • Go to the Profile tab to check if all empty values have been remove for OCCUPATION.

Note that you will typically try to understand the different reasons behind having missing values and act accordingly. Some of the techniques used in such situations may include:

  • Using deletion methods such as:
    • List-wise deletion
    • pairwise deletion
  • Single imputation methods such as:
    • Mean/Mode substitution
    • Regression Imputation
  • Model-based methods such as:
    • Maximum Likelihood
    • Multiple Imputation

3.9 Data Harmonization: GENDER

  1. Standardize the GENDER field:
  • Click on the Profile tab and take a closer look at the column GENDER. You will notice some additional values other than Male and Female, mainly ones that we want to change to Male.

Harmonization data in the SEX field Harmonization data in the SEX field

  • Click on +Operation and select Replace substring, which you can find under CLEANSE.
  • Choose GENDER as the Selected column.
  • Under PATTERN tab, type <^(?!(Male|Female))([Mm].)> in the Regular expression field and Male under Enter the replacement string. Make sure to select Replace all occurrences.

What is meant by ^(?!(Male|Female))([Mm].) is to find any expression that doesn’t start with Male* or Female and starts with the letter M or m, which could be followed by any character.

regex regex

  • Click Apply and go to the Profile tab again to for a final check.

Harmonization data in the GENDER field 2 Harmonization data in the GENDER field 2

3.10 Remove Duplicates

  1. Remove duplicate values based on the UNIQUE_ID:
  • Go to the Data tab.
  • Go to the column called UNIQUE_ID and remove rows with any duplicate UNIQUE_ID values by clicking on the triple dot menu next to the column name and selecting Remove duplicates.

Remove duplicate values based on the UNIQUE_ID Removing duplicate values based on the UNIQUE_ID rows

3.11 Join Datasets

  1. Now we will join two datasets:
  • Click on the Data tab to see a sample of your data.
  • Click on +Operation and then select Join, which you can find under ORGANIZE. This is to join both the data assets we added namely the one we are currently refining, adult_person_info.csv, and adult_org_info.csv.

Join Join

PS: Make sure UNIQUE_ID for both datasets are either String or Integer format to sync

  • Select Inner join as the method of how we want our data to be combined (Inner Join selects records that have matching column value(s) in both tables). By default, the Source is selected as the current data asset (adult_person_info.csv).

  • Choose adult_org_info.csv as the Data set to join. Click on the little eye icon to preview data, you will find it has a column UNIQUE_ID which is our join key. Click Apply.

Data preview Data preview

  • Use the default values for the Suffix field, which is just a way for you to differentiate any duplicate fields resulted during the joining process. You can also modify it if you want.

  • For the JOIN KEYS, select UNIQUE_ID representing the employee ID, as the join key for both data sets and click Next

Joining two data sets Joining two data sets

  • Keep all columns and select Apply.

Keep all columns Keep all columns

  1. We will notice that there are 2 columns representing OCCUPATION, one coming from each of the data sets. Let’s check to see if they contain the exact same values.
  • Click on +Operation and select Calculate, which you can find under FREQUENTLY USED.
  • Choose OCCUPATION_x as the Selected column, Is equal to as the Operation and OCCUPATION_y as the COLUMN.
  • Select to Create new column for the results and enter “OCCUPATION_CHECK” as the New column name.
  • Click Apply. You will see the resulting column added at the right end of the table.

Create a new column for OCCUPATION_CHECK Create a new column for OCCUPATION_CHECK

  • In the space next to the +Operation button, place the cursor and select count.
  • Click on the count that was added to the box and select count().
  • Click on and choose the newly created column (we called it OCCUPATION_CHECK).
  • Click Apply.


  1. The result shows that OCCUPATION_x and OCCUPATION_y have identical values.

Check Results Check Results

3.12 Undo Steps

  1. So we can just keep one of them and keep one OCCUPATION column:
  • Go back 2 steps by either clicking on the Undo shaped button found at the top middle of the page or by going to the step added under Steps and clicking on the bin icon. Whichever way you select, you will need to do it twice.

Delete steps

  • Go to column called OCCUPATION_x and rename it to OCCUPATION by clicking on the pencil shaped icon next to the column name.


  • Go to column called OCCUPATION_y and remove by clicking on the triple dot menu next to the column name and selecting Remove.


3.13 Data Visualization

Data Refinery does not only include powerful shaping operations to clean, organize, fix, and validate data but also has built-in visualization capblities to derive insights from data.

  1. Click on the Visualization Tab, choose OCCUPATION from the dropdown menu, then click Visualize Data.


  1. Data Refinery will recommend the best techniques to visulize the data. For OCCUPATION, it recommended the pie chart showing you the distribution of OCCUPATION. Click on other CHART TYPES to see other other visulization outputs if interested.

Pie Chart Pie Chart

3.14 Save and Run the Data Flow

  1. Let’s say our data preparation effort is complete and you want to run the data flow. Click on the button on the top right corner, choose Save and create job.

Running the data flow Running the data flow

  1. This will take you to a page where you will need to configure the Data Refinery flow details (the stream) and the Data Refinery Flow output (a file). Give the job a name(We named it Data Preparation) and keep the rest as it is. Click Create and Run.

Create a job Create a job

  1. Note that if you click on the Add Schedule button, you will have the ability to schedule your data preparation, which is very useful if you do these steps on dynamic data.

For Dynamic Data Scheduled

  1. At this point, you should see a status on your data preparation job.

Job status Job status

  1. If you go back to the Assets page of your project (by clicking on My Projects > Watson Studio Workshop), you will notice that the new csv file has been added as a new data asset. You can also find the data flow you have created if you scroll down to the end of the same page. Note that you can refine your data flow at any time by clicking on the triple dot menu next to the data flow name.

Data Refineary outputs Data Refineary outputs

You now know how to profile, prepare and analyze your data in Watson Studio using Data Refinery. These data flows can be shared, edited and scheduled!