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Releases: nozzlegear/ShopifySharp

ShopifySharp 6.18.0

06 Jul 04:40
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ShopifySharp v6.18.0 is now available on Nuget! This release updates our target Shopify API version to 2024-07. You can upgrade ShopifySharp using the dotnet CLI – dotnet add package shopifysharp --version 6.18.0 – or with your IDE's package manager UI. Once you upgrade ShopifySharp, don't forget to upgrade your Shopify webhook API version in the Partner dashboard to match.

What's changed

  • All service classes now use API version 2024-07, as noted above.
  • All GraphQL entities in the ShopifySharp.GraphQL namespace have been regenerated based on Shopify's 2024-07 GraphQL schema.
  • Added a new Transaction.AdjustmentReason property.
  • Added new DeliveryMethod.ServiceCode, DeliveryMethod.SourceReference, DeliveryMethod.BrandedPromise and DeliveryMethod.AdditionalInformation properties.
  • Deprecated the CountryService, CountryServiceFactory and related interfaces. Shopify has deprecated the REST API's Country endpoint, and they recommend developers migrate to the Storefront GraphQL API as an alternative.
  • Removed deprecated Order.ProcessingMethod property.
  • Removed deprecated FulfillmentServiceEntity.FulfillmentOrdersOptIn property. Fulfillment Orders are now the only processing method for fulfillment services and fulfilling orders in general, so there is no more concept of "opting in" to fulfillment orders.
  • Removed deprecated ShopifyException http properties. If you used. these properties, you should be able to switch all of your catch (ShopifyException ex) where (ex.StatusCode) to (ShopifyHttpException ex) where (ex.StatusCode).
  • Moved ShopifyHttpException into the ShopifySharp namespace for consistency.
  • Added a default exception message for ShopifyExponentialRetryCanceledException.

These changes should only affect you if you've created your own class that extends one of ShopifySharp's services, or if you've created a custom IRequestExecutionPolicy:

  • Removed deprecated RequestResult.Response property. If you need access to the response status code, you should be able to use RequestResult.StatusCode instead.
  • Removed deprecated ShopifyService.PrepareRequest method. This was replaced with ShopifyService.BuildRequestUri.
  • Removed deprecated ShopifyService.BuildShopUri method. This was replaced with IShopifyDomainUtility.BuildShopDomainUri.
  • Removed deprecated CloneableRequestMessage.Clone method. This was replaced with CloneableRequestMessage.CloneAsync.

Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.17.0...ShopifySharp/6.18.0

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp 6.16.1

20 May 03:40
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ShopifySharp v6.16.1 is a small release that addresses a potential memory leak bug with undisposed cloneable request messages inside the new ExponentialRetryPolicy. Depending on the way you've configured the policy's options, the policy could eventually run your application out of memory as it held onto each request and woudld never let new ones attack.

What's Changed

  • fix: Dispose cloned request messages in ExponentialRetryPolicy by @nozzlegear in #1069

Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.16.0...ShopifySharp/6.16.1

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp 6.16.0

19 May 04:05
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This release introduces a new request execution policy for ShopifySharp called ExponentialRetryPolicy! As the name suggests, this policy is responsible for making requests to Shopify's API, and then introducing an exponential delay between the last failure and the next time it tries to send the request. The exponential delay is on a per-request basis, so there's no attempt to be "smart" in this policy or to perform any sort of lookup on the access token being used or the leaky bucket status.

You can configure the new policy using the ExponentialRetryPolicyOptions class:

var policyOptions = new ExponentialRetryPolicyOptions
  InitialBackoffInMillseconds = 50,
  MaximumDelayBetweenRetries = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
  MaximumTriesBeforeRequestCancellation = null,
  MaximumDelayBeforeRequestCancellation = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)

Note that MaximumTriesBeforeRequestCancellation and MaximumDelayBeforeRequestCancellation are both nullalbe, but one of them is in fact required and will be validated when the policy is constructed.

Alongside the new policy, this release also adds the RequestResult.StatusCode property, which should make it a simple matter to grab the response's status code in custom IRequestExecutionPolicy "middleware" without relying on the deprecated (and soon to be removed) HttpPRequestMessage object.

Finally, there's a small change that most won't noticed in this pull request unless you've got your own custom IRequestExecutionPolicy. The return result types of RequestResult.GetRestBucketState and RequestResult.GetGraphQLBucketState were changed to be nullable. This does not actually change the underlying implementation – the methods could always return null, the types were simply updated to reflect that fact.


Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.15.1...ShopifySharp/6.16.0

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection 1.6.0


ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection 1.6.0 adds support for ShopifySharp's new ExponentialRetryPolicy. Since this is the first policy that requires or supports any kind of configuration, the package has been updated to add defaults for those options to DI when the policy has been added but the options have not. You can override those defaults by supplying your own options:

var policyOptions = new ExponentialRetryPolicyOptions
  InitialBackoffInMillseconds = 50,
  MaximumDelayBetweenRetries = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
  MaximumTriesBeforeRequestCancellation = null,
  MaximumDelayBeforeRequestCancellation = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)


If you don't supply any configuration options, the package will use ExponentialRetryPolicyOptions.Default instead.


Full Changelog: ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection/1.5.0...ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection/1.6.0

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp 6.15.1

10 May 05:58
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This release fixes a nasty bug in ShopifySharp's LeakyBucketExecutionPolicy which could cause canceled requests to build up and never be dequeued. If the execution policy was sufficiently swamped (e.g. by a webhook endpoint or just very active usage), then the wait time between requests would increase continuously until each request is waiting potentially 5, 10, 15 minutes between when it enters the queue and when it actually sends. This could lead to OOM exceptions as requests pile up and eventually crash the application, further compounding the problem if this is a webhook endpoint, as Shopify would retry failed requests after 5 seconds.

In addition to that bug fix, this release also adds Product.VariantGids which can be used to map the REST version of a Shopify product to the Graph version. Remember: Shopify has deprecated the REST API for all product and product-related endpoints, which means eventually we'll all need to migrate to the GraphQL API if we want to work with products.


Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.15.0...ShopifySharp/6.15.1

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp 6.15.0

01 May 07:30
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ShopifySharp 6.15.0 has been released and published to Nuget! This release updates our Shopify API version target from 2024-01 to 2024-04. Once you upgrade ShopifySharp, you'll want to make sure you update your Shopify webhook API version in your Partner dashboard to match!

Here's a quick rundown of the things that have changed in this release along with the new API version:

  • Added ShippingLine.IsRemoved
  • Regenerated all ShopifySharp.GraphQL entities to match the 2024-04 graph schema.
  • Marked the CheckoutService and OrderRiskService classes as obsolete. Shopify has deprecated all checkout REST APIs in favor of their storefront cart APIs.
  • The FulfillmentService.FulfillmentOrdersOptIn property has been marked obsolete. This property was deprecated by Shopify, as all fulfillment services have already been opted in to fulfillment orders.

You can download the latest version of ShopifySharp from Nuget using your IDE, or via the dotnet CLI with dotnet package install shopifysharp.


Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.14.1...ShopifySharp/6.15.0

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp 6.14.1

01 May 07:19
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ShopifySharp 6.14.1 is a minor release which added two authorization scope enums, in addition to making the ShopifyHttpException.RequestInfo property a nullable string.

You can download the latest version of ShopifySharp from Nuget using your IDE, or via the dotnet CLI with dotnet package install shopifysharp.


  • ReadReturns and WriteReturns authorization scopes by @arsuceno in #1053
  • Make ShopifyHttpException.RequestInfo a nullable string by @nozzlegear in #1056

Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.14.0...ShopifySharp/6.14.1

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection 1.5.0


This is a new release for ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection, bumping the version up to 1.5.0. You can now set the service lifetime when registering ShopifySharp with Microsoft's DI container:

ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Scoped;


Previously, all services were registered as a singleton and you had no control over the lifetime.

You can download the latest version of ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection from Nuget using your IDE, or via the dotnet CLI with dotnet package install shopifysharp.extensions.dependencyinjection.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection/1.4.0...ShopifySharp.Extensions.DependencyInjection/1.5.0

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp 6.14.0

12 Apr 03:18
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This release bumps ShopifySharp's version up to 6.14.0, containing several bugfixes, new entities, and new fields for existing entities. You can download the latest version of ShopifySharp from Nuget using your IDE, or via the dotnet CLI with dotnet package install shopifysharp.

New features and services

Bug fixes

Miscelleneous changes

New Contributors

Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.13.0...ShopifySharp/6.14.0

How to support ShopifySharp

If you find ShopifySharp useful, please consider contributing to the project! If you'd rather contribute financially, you can do so by sponsoring the author here on Github, or by purchasing a copy of The Shopify Development Handbook on Gumroad.

ShopifySharp 6.13.0

12 Feb 18:44
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What's Changed

Shopify API Version 2024-01

This release now targets version 2024-01 of Shopify's API! Previously, ShopifySharp was targeting version 2023-07. We've regenerated the GraphQL classes accordingly, so be prepared for breaking changes if you use any of the Graph objects that Shopify has changed in their latest API.


The deprecated CustomerSavedSearchService has been removed in this release. Shopify recommends that you use the GraphQL Customer Segment API instead.

Pull requests

Full Changelog: ShopifySharp/6.12.2...ShopifySharp/6.13.0