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Install Dependencies

Install go

Install docker

On Linux, also ensure your user has permissions to run docker commands

Install yarn

npm install --global yarn

Install mkcert

On macOS
brew install mkcert
brew install nss # if you use Firefox
On Linux

Install nss-tools

sudo apt install libnss3-tools
# or
sudo yum install nss-tools
# or 
sudo pacman -S nss
# or
sudo zypper install mozilla-nss-tools
# or
sudo dnf install nss-tools

Install mkcert

brew install mkcert

Generate TLS certificates

make certs

Getting Started

Start docker-compose file

make up

Start the server

First time run make bootstrap to generate css files and make template to generate the downloadable template file.

go run . serve --listen-address=:8080 --db-driver=postgres --db-dsn=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/core?sslmode=disable --log-level=debug
# or
make serve

Go to https://localhost:10000

The available usernames and passwords for logging in during development are in the /deploy/oidc-users.json file.

Generate test participants

Run go run . mock-data --count=X where X is the amount of participants to generate. This will create a csv file that then can be uploaded to the system.

Changing the form field

View documentation on field types Form Fields

WARNING: This is potentially incomplete


Add a database migration

Create a new file in internal/db/migrations/postgres/ in the format NNN_description.up.sql increasing the number from the previous migration.

Reference the created migration file migrations array in internal/db/migrations.go


internal/constants/individual.go For field Foo:

  • Add constant FormParamsGetIndividualFoo
  • Add constant DBColumnIndividualFoo and add to IndividualDBColumns array
  • Add constant FileColumnIndividualFoo and add to IndividualFileColumns array
  • Update IndividualDBToFileMap and IndividualFileToDBMap maps

internal/api/individual.go Add the field to the individual struct, eg:

type Individual struct {
    Foo string `db:"foo"`

GetFieldValue: add/remove/change the field in the switch statement, eg:

case constants.DBColumnIndividualFoo:
		return i.Foo, nil

Normalize If required, add a normalise step for the field, eg:

individual.Foo = trimString(individual.Foo)

internal/api/individual_tabular.go unmarshalTabularData: add/remove/change the field in the switch statement, eg:

case constants.FormParamGetIndividualFoo:
    i.Foo = cols[idx]

marshalTabularData If the field is not a string, add a formatting step to the switch statement, eg:

case constants.FileColumnIndividualFoo:
  row[j] = strconv.FormatInt(value, 10)

If a column of the given type already exists, add the field to the switch statement, eg:

case constants.FileColumnIndividualIsMinor, constants.FileColumnIndividualPresentsProtectionConcerns, constats.FileColumnIndividualFoo:
	row[j] = strconv.FormatBool(value.(bool))

internal/api/individual_list_options.go internal/api/individual_list_options_encoder.go internal/api/individual_list_options_decoder.go Add the field to make it searchable

internal/api/validation/individual.go Add validation for the field if needed. E.g. max length for text fields


web/templates/individuals.gohtml Add new column headers and body to display new field in the list/table in the expected position:

{{template "columnHeader" (dict
  "Options" .Options
  "Sortable" true
  "SortKey" "foo"
  "Label" (translate "foo")
  "Title" "Foo"
<!-- Foo -->
<!-- End Foo -->

internal/views/individual_form.go Add a function call to the fieldBuilders to include the new field in the form in the expected position.

web/templates/searchForm.gohtml Add a div block for search


Create translation keys for the new field in the form/list and file header for all supported locales.


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