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Bit Set

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Bit Set

A fixed-size sequence of n bits. Also known as bit array or bit vector.

To store whether something is true or false you use a Bool. Every programmer knows that... But what if you need to remember whether 10,000 things are true or not?

You could make an array of 10,000 booleans but you can also go hardcore and use 10,000 bits instead. That's a lot more compact because 10,000 bits fit in less than 160 Ints on a 64-bit CPU.

Since manipulating individual bits is a little tricky, you can use BitSet to hide the dirty work.

The code

A bit set is simply a wrapper around an array. The array doesn't store individual bits but larger integers called the "words". The main job of BitSet is to map the bits to the right word.

public struct BitSet {
  private(set) public var size: Int

  private let N = 64
  public typealias Word = UInt64
  private(set) public var words: [Word]

  public init(size: Int) {
    precondition(size > 0)
    self.size = size

    // Round up the count to the next multiple of 64.
    let n = (size + (N-1)) / N
    words = .init(count: n, repeatedValue: 0)

N is the bit size of the words. It is 64 because we store the bits in a list of unsigned 64-bit integers. (It's fairly easy to change BitSet to use 32-bit words instead.)

If you write,

var bits = BitSet(size: 140)

then the BitSet allocates an array of three words. Each word has 64 bits and therefore three words can hold 192 bits. We only use 140 of those bits so we're wasting a bit of space (but of course we can never use less than a whole word).

Note: The first entry in the words array is the least-significant word, so these words are stored in little endian order in the array.

Looking up the bits

Most of the operations on BitSet take the index of the bit as a parameter, so it's useful to have a way to find which word contains that bit.

  private func indexOf(i: Int) -> (Int, Word) {
    precondition(i >= 0)
    precondition(i < size)
    let o = i / N
    let m = Word(i - o*N)
    return (o, 1 << m)

The indexOf() function returns the array index of the word, as well as a "mask" that shows exactly where the bit sits inside that word.

For example, indexOf(2) returns the tuple (0, 4) because bit 2 is in the first word (index 0). The mask is 4. In binary the mask looks like the following:


That 1 points at the second bit in the word.

Note: Remember that everything is shown in little-endian order, including the bits themselves. Bit 0 is on the left, bit 63 on the right.

Another example: indexOf(127) returns the tuple (1, 9223372036854775808). It is the last bit of the second word. The mask is:


Note that the mask is always 64 bits because we look at the data one word at a time.

Setting and getting bits

Now that we know where to find a bit, setting it to 1 is easy:

  public mutating func set(i: Int) {
    let (j, m) = indexOf(i)
    words[j] |= m

This looks up the word index and the mask, then performs a bitwise OR between that word and the mask. If the bit was 0 it becomes 1. If it was already set, then it remains set.

Clearing the bit -- i.e. changing it to 0 -- is just as easy:

  public mutating func clear(i: Int) {
    let (j, m) = indexOf(i)
    words[j] &= ~m

Instead of a bitwise OR we now do a bitwise AND with the inverse of the mask. So if the mask was 00100000...0, then the inverse is 11011111...1. All the bits are 1, except for the bit we want to set to 0. Due to the way & works, this leaves all other bits alone and only changes that single bit to 0.

To see if a bit is set we also use the bitwise AND but without inverting:

  public func isSet(i: Int) -> Bool {
    let (j, m) = indexOf(i)
    return (words[j] & m) != 0

We can add a subscript function to make this all very natural to express:

  public subscript(i: Int) -> Bool {
    get { return isSet(i) }
    set { if newValue { set(i) } else { clear(i) } }

Now you can write things like:

var bits = BitSet(size: 140)
bits[2] = true
bits[99] = true
bits[128] = true

This will print the three words that the 140-bit BitSet uses to store everything:


Something else that's fun to do with bits is flipping them. This changes 0 into 1 and 1 into 0. Here's flip():

  public mutating func flip(i: Int) -> Bool {
    let (j, m) = indexOf(i)
    words[j] ^= m
    return (words[j] & m) != 0

This uses the remaining bitwise operator, exclusive-OR, to do the flipping. The function also returns the new value of the bit.

Ignoring the unused bits

A lot of the BitSet functions are quite easy to implement. For example, clearAll(), which resets all the bits to 0:

  public mutating func clearAll() {
    for i in 0..<words.count {
      words[i] = 0

There is also setAll() to make all the bits 1. However, this has to deal with a subtle issue.

  public mutating func setAll() {
    for i in 0..<words.count {
      words[i] = allOnes

First, we copy ones into all the words in our array. The array is now:


But this is incorrect... Since we don't use most of the last word, we should leave those bits at 0:


Instead of 192 one-bits we now have only 140 one-bits. The fact that the last word may not be completely filled up means that we always have to treat this last word specially.

Setting those "leftover" bits to 0 is what the clearUnusedBits() helper function does. If the BitSet's size is not a multiple of N (i.e. 64), then we have to clear out the bits that we're not using. If we don't do this, bitwise operations between two differently sized BitSets will go wrong (an example follows).

This uses some advanced bit manipulation, so pay close attention:

  private func lastWordMask() -> Word {
    let diff = words.count*N - size       // 1
    if diff > 0 {
      let mask = 1 << Word(63 - diff)     // 2
      return mask | (mask - 1)            // 3
    } else {
      return ~Word()
  private mutating func clearUnusedBits() {
    words[words.count - 1] &= lastWordMask()   // 4

Here's what it does, step-by-step:

  1. diff is the number of "leftover" bits. In the above example that is 52 because 3*64 - 140 = 52.

  2. Create a mask that is all 0's, except the highest bit that's still valid is a 1. In our example, that would be:


  3. Subtract 1 to turn it into:


and add the high bit back in to get:


There are now 12 one-bits in this word because 140 - 2*64 = 12.

  1. Finally, turn all the higher bits off. Any leftover bits in the last word are now all 0.

An example of where this is important is when you combine two BitSets of different sizes. For the sake of illustration, let's take the bitwise OR between two 8-bit values:

10001111  size=4
00100011  size=8

The first one only uses the first 4 bits; the second one uses 8 bits. The first one should really be 10000000 but let's pretend we forgot to clear out those 1's at the end. Then a bitwise OR between the two results in:

-------- OR

That is wrong since two of those 1-bits aren't supposed to be here. The correct way to do it is:

10000000       unused bits set to 0 first!
-------- OR

Here's how the | operator is implemented:

public func |(lhs: BitSet, rhs: BitSet) -> BitSet {
  var out = copyLargest(lhs, rhs)
  let n = min(lhs.words.count, rhs.words.count)
  for i in 0..<n {
    out.words[i] = lhs.words[i] | rhs.words[i]
  return out

Note that we | entire words together, not individual bits. That would be way too slow! We also need to do some extra work if the left-hand side and right-hand side have a different number of bits: we copy the largest of the two BitSets into the out variable and then combine it with the words from the smaller BitSet.


var a = BitSet(size: 4)
a[1] = false
a[2] = false
a[3] = false

var b = BitSet(size: 8)
b[2] = true
b[6] = true
b[7] = true

let c = a | b
print(c)        // 1010001100000000...0

Bitwise AND (&), exclusive-OR (^), and inversion (~) are implemented in a similar manner.

Counting the number of 1-bits

To count the number of bits that are set to 1 we could scan through the entire array -- an O(n) operation -- but there's a more clever method:

  public var cardinality: Int {
    var count = 0
    for var x in words {
      while x != 0 {
        let y = x & ~(x - 1)  // find lowest 1-bit
        x = x ^ y             // and erase it
    return count

When you write x & ~(x - 1), it gives you a new value with only a single bit set. This is the lowest bit that is one. For example take this 8-bit value (again, I'm showing this with the least significant bit on the left):


First we subtract 1 to get:


Then we invert it, flipping all the bits:


And take the bitwise AND with the original value:

-------- AND

The only value they have in common is the lowest (or least significant) 1-bit. Then we erase that from the original value using exclusive-OR:

-------- XOR

This is the original value but with the lowest 1-bit removed.

We keep repeating this process until the value consists of all zeros. The time complexity is O(s) where s is the number of 1-bits.

See also

Bit Twiddling Hacks

Written for Swift Algorithm Club by Matthijs Hollemans