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Installation & Upgrading


NStack is platform-agnostic and can run out-of-the-box wherever you can run a virtual machine, including:

  • your cloud provider of choice
  • your internal cloud
  • locally using VirtualBox, VMWare, or your operating system's native virtualisation

For Proof of Concepts, NStack offers a hosted solution. If this is required, please reach out to

The virtual appliance can be found on the NStack's GitHub Releases page, where it is provided as a raw image. We also provide an AWS AMI, which can be found under the id of ami-53a47245. Basic install instructions can be found on our [GitHub page](

To launch this AMI to an EC2 instance on your AWS account, you can click here.

The NStack Server is configured using cloud-init, which is supported by major cloud providers, so it will work out of the box with your credentials. Please note that the first time you boot NStack it may take a few minutes to initialise.


The NStack Server can be updated atomically using rpm-ostree. To upgrade to a new release, you can simply run:

> sudo rpm-ostree upgrade

Following the upgrade, you should reboot your machine with:

> sudo reboot

NStack releases follow a monthly cadence.