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See also


reCAPTCHA v3 tokens have a 2 minute lifetime. Checking a token with an older lifetime will result in a timeout-or-duplicate error response

Further configuration

Setting a custom score

You can configure a default score within the TokenResponse yaml configuration:

In addition, you can set a score per verification/field instance

$field->setScore(3);// will throw an Exception
$field->setScore(-1);// will throw an Exception
$field->setScore('abc');// will throw an Exception
$field->setScore(0.2);// will override the default configuration value
$field->setScore(null);// will use the configuration value

reCAPTCHA Documentation: Interpreting the score

1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot

Setting a custom execute action prefix

To use an action different to global configuration, on a field instance call the following method, optionally with a prefix value

// setting with a prefix:
$field->setExecuteAction('myaction', 'prefix');
// resulting action:
// prefix/myaction

// Setting with no prefix:
// resulting action:
// {$field->ID()}/myaction

Valid characters in an action are a-z A-Z 0-9 /

Controller verification

The module provides a controller to verify tokens and actions beyond a standard form submission.

This can be used to verify non-form actions taken on your site such as clicking a button or loading a page

To verify the token, make a HTTP POST to /recaptchaverify/check on your site with the following POST params:

  • token - the token returned from the grecaptcha.execute() call in Javascript
  • action - optionally check the action as well to verify that token provided is linked to the same action

You cannot set a score via the controller method.

The controller will respond with an application/json content type. The JSON encoded response is as follows:



Successful verifications will return a 200 response code



If the client request is bad, the response code will be 400, for server failures it will be 500

Advanced usage using the Verifier and TokenResponse models

You can use these models if you are rolling your own verification handling. Use the field/controller for examples of use, along with the method documentation.

$verifier = new Verifier();
$result = $verifier->check(
                $token, // required
                $score, // optional 0-1
                $action // optional action
if($result === false) {
    // something went wrong
if($result->isValid()) {
    // token verified OK
} else {
     * Failed token check OR
     * Failed action verification OR
     * Failed score comparison