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ntdragon edited this page Aug 31, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the python-LitMusicSug wiki!


This program is a Liturgical Music Suggestions program. It is initially designed for Roman Catholic parish Music Directors to help them pick appropriate songs for Mass for each weekend and Holy Days. It evolved from a simple bash script to this program for a friend of mine. Python was picked as the language of choice since I wanted to learn it well and also it is available on a number of operating systems since not everyone uses Linux on their computer.

The Roman Catholic church has a three year liturgical cycle with a set of events that changes based on when Christmas and Easter occur. Based on those two and several other events the rest of the liturgical events are determined. Each Mass has a number of songs that need to be picked to sing. It is not so bad if you could just pick one set for all the Masses but some pastors like a bit a of variety and so each Mass has to have it's own set with maybe a few repeats. Fun, eh?