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madhukark edited this page Jan 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Metro Automation Engine (MetroAG) Knowledge Base wiki!

Metro Automation Engine (MetroAG) is an accelerated method of deploying Nuage Networks platforms like VSP. This wiki page lists various tips and tricks useful for troubleshooting your MetroAG environments

The wiki is organized as a series of error messages seen during various MetroAG runs and solutions to overcome them. It will also have information about the background of these errors and tips on avoiding them.

1. vsd-dbbackup fails with "Tunnel connection failed: 502 Tunnel Connection Failed "

Symptoms: vsd-dbbackup role fails with message "Tunnel connection failed: 502 Tunnel Connection Failed"

Cause: This error occurs due to the API call being sent via a local configured proxy.

Resolution: Run metro-ansible without any proxy redirection.

Example: #> no_proxy='' ./metro-ansible <any playbook>

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