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Releases: nugit/datetime-utils


08 Oct 11:59
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v5.1.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

5.1.0-alpha.3 (2020-10-08)

Bug Fixes

  • add missing src in npm package (17a09bb)


08 Oct 08:27
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v5.1.0-alpha.2 Pre-release

5.1.0-alpha.2 (2020-10-08)

Bug Fixes


08 Oct 07:24
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v5.1.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

5.1.0-alpha.1 (2020-10-08)

Bug Fixes


5.0.3 -- 19/06/2020

19 Jun 05:54
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  • Upgrade dependencies #683
  • Update dependabot config #688

v5.0.2 -- 18/03/2020

19 Mar 09:26
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  • Upgrade dependencies: #299

v5.0.1 -- 16/12/2019

16 Dec 16:24
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  • Setup Dependabot #43

v5.0.0 (31 October 2019)

31 Oct 03:06
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This version updates date-fns to its latest major version 2.6.0. This fixes a bug that does not parse daylight savings dates properly for Eastern Hemisphere regions (e.g. Australia and New Zealand). The update will not allow date to be passed as a string type anymore. Thus, helper methods have been created to still support it.


  • Dependencies to their latest versions
  • CircleCI node version to 12.10
  • CircleCI configs to support auto publishing based on tags


  • Named exports instead using of default exports


  • Helper methods to still support date as a string type

v5.0.0-rc.0 (30 October 2019)

30 Oct 08:57
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This version updates date-fns to its latest major version 2.6.0. This fixes a bug that does not parse daylight savings dates properly for Eastern Hemisphere regions (e.g. Australia and New Zealand). The update will not allow date to be passed as a string type anymore. Thus, helper methods have been created to still support it.


  • Dependencies to their latest versions
  • CircleCI node version to 12.10
  • CircleCI configs to support auto publishing based on tags


  • Named exports instead using of default exports


  • Helper methods to still support date as a string type

v4.0.0 (13 December 2018)

31 Oct 02:37
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This version try to differentiate period and range concepts. The first one in a string representing the period and range is an object representing the actual date range the given period is equivalent given a base date. So range is the interpretation of the period.


  • year_to_date is deprecated in favor of this_year
  • Period format { start: '2018-01-01', end: '2018-02-01' } is deprecated in favor of 2018-01-01_to_2018-02-01
  • last_x_days_including_current is deprecated, and will have same behavior as last_3_days
  • /^last(\d+)(day|week|month|quarter|year)s?$/ format in favor of /^last_(\d+)_(day|week|month|quarter|year)s?$/
  • retrievePeriod in favor of getRange (period parameter should be a string)
  • retrievePeriodParams in favor of getPeriodParams (period parameter should be a string)
  • calculateAutoCompare in favor of getAutoCompareRangeAndLabel (period parameter should be a string and object key period has been renamed to range)
  • retrieveComparePeriod in favor of getCompareRange (both period & compareMode parameters should be string)


  • period today is deprecated, and will have same behavior as yesterday
  • this_week is equal to last_week when given base date is first day of the week.
  • this_month is equal to last_month when given base date is first day of the month.
  • this_quarter is equal to last_quarter when given base date is first day of the quarter.
  • this_year is equal to last_year when given base date is first day of the year.
  • last_x_week_including_current is equal to last_x_week when given base date is first day of the week.
  • last_x_month_including_current is equal to last_x_month when given base date is first day of the month.
  • last_x_quarter_including_current is equal to last_x_quarter when given base date is first day of the quarter.
  • last_x_year_including_current is equal to last_x_year when given base date is first day of the year.
  • all_time specification switch from last_3_years_including_current to 2015-01-01_to_yesterday
  • last_x_days_including_current is deprecated, and will have same behavior as last_3_days
  • year_to_date is replaced by this_year. It's no more the complete year, but from the first day of the year to yesterday included.


  • getRange replacing retrievePeriod
  • getPeriodParams replacing retrievePeriodParams
  • getCompareRange replacing retrieveComparePeriod
  • getAutoCompareRangeAndLabel replacing calculateAutoCompare
  • getTillYesterdayPeriod
  • getCustomPeriod
  • getLastPeriod
  • getThisPeriod
  • formatDate
  • migrateLegacyPeriod transform legacy period format to new one
  • migrateLegacyCompareMode transform legacy compare mode format to new one
  • toLegacyPeriod reverse of migrateLegacyPeriod
  • toLegacyCompareMode reverse of migrateLegacyCompareMode


  • this_quarter was inconsistent with this_week, this_month & this_year. Now this_quarter starts from the beginning of the quarter to yesterday included.
  • last_x_quarters was inconsistent with last_x_days, last_x_weeks, last_x_months & last_x_years. It's no more one quarter length, but x quarters length.