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License: MIT Ruby Gem Version


Due to some legal or ethical issues, most hentai and NSFW platforms don't clarify their content on meta tags. As a result, most hentai platforms are rendered poorly on the card previews on social media.

To solve this issue, Panchira is made to parse correct and uncensored metadata from such web platforms (at this time we cover DLSite, Komiflo, Melonbooks, Nijie, Pixiv, Shousetsuka ni narou, Fanza, Iwara and Twitter).

If you need card previews of hentai on your web application, but can't get them with simply parsing metatags, then it is time for Panchira.

This gem is derived from the Nuita project.


Please use this gem with appropriate censoring and age-restricting. Never violate local laws and copyrights.

If you are running one of the websites we cover and feel negative about this gem, please contact the community or the author(@kypkyp).


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'panchira'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install panchira


> Panchira.fetch("")

=> #<Panchira::PanchiraResult:0x00007ff15890e948 @canonical_url="", @title="すずしい顔で締め切りを破る幸子", @description="(UTF16の)Pietで実行すると「すずしい」と出力する幸子(5色+白Pietカラーゴルフ)。解説記事は", @image=#<Panchira::PanchiraImage:0x00007ff15931fc48 @url="", @width=810, @height=500>, @tags=["輿水幸子", "Piet", "プログラミング"], @authors=["むらため"], @circle=nil, @resolver="Panchira::PixivResolver">

In most situation you would call Panchira#fetch. It is a singular method that takes a URI and returns an instance of PanchiraResult, which is a simple class that stores the website's information, such as title, description and so on.

Panchira has a special treatment for each website. Resolver classes are where those treatments take place, and you can use your own Resolver classes by registering it to Panchira. See Panchira::Extensions documentation in source code for further details.

About Twitter API

Due to a recent change in Twitter, it's getting really hard to fetch tweet data by scraping. To solve this problem, Panchira can now use Twitter official API.

To use Twitter API instead of normal scraping, please set Twitter's bearer token as an option to Panchira::fetch. If you don't set token, Panchira will just fall back to simple scraping.

> Panchira.fetch("", options: {twitter: {bearer_token: 'ABC...123'}})

About Pixiv proxy

By default, Panchira returns a link to as a image URI, but you can change this behavior by setting fetch_raw_image_url as an option. To access not-proxied URI,, you have to set Referer as in HTTP request header.

> Panchira.fetch("", options: {pixiv: {fetch_raw_image_url: true}})


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.