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File metadata and controls

executable file
112 lines (104 loc) · 3.2 KB

Networking Port Reference

TODO - Switch the NAME: and the PORT # so the port numbers go first.

TCP Discovery Ports:

  • easy copy - 7,21,22,23,25,80,88,110,111,139,143,389,443,445,514,515,631,1352,2049,3000,3389,4949,5060,5631,5632,5666,5900-5905,6000-6009,8000,8006,8080,8089,8443,8834,9080,9100,9443,17500
  • 7 Finger
  • 21 FTP
  • 22 SSH
  • 23 Telnet
  • 25 SMTP
  • 80 HTTP
  • 88 Kerberos
  • 110 POP3
  • 111 SUNRPC (UnixRPC)
  • 139 NetBIOS
  • 143 IMAP
  • 389 LDAP
  • 443 HTTPS
  • 445 Microsoft DS
  • 514 RSH
  • 515 Printers
  • 631 CUPS
  • 1352 Lotus Notes
  • 2049 NFS
  • 3000 Webrick (Ruby Webserver)
  • 3389 RDP
  • 4949 Munin
  • 5060 SIP
  • 5631-5632 PCAnywhere
  • 5666 Nagios server/NRPE(*nix)/NSCLIENT++(win)
  • 5900-5906 VNC (Same as X11; display over VNC. SPICE is usually in this range as well)
  • 6000-6009 Xll (seexspy, xwd, xkeyforexploitation)
  • 8006 Proxmox
  • 8080 Alt-HTTP
  • 8089 Splunk (also on 8000)
  • 8000 Another HTTP (mezzanine in development mode for example)
  • 8834 Nessus HTTPS
  • 8443 AltHTTPS
  • 9080 Alt-HTTPtomcat
  • 9443 vSphere
  • 9100 Printers
  • 17500 Dropbox lansync

UDP Discovery:

  • easy copy - 53,111,123,161,177,500,514,623,1194,1434,1900,17185
  • 53 DNS
  • 111 SUNRPC (Unix RPC)
  • 123 Network Time Protocol (NTP)
  • 161 SNMP
  • 177 XDMCP (via NSE script --script broadcast-xdmcp-discover, discover *nix boxes hosting X)
  • 500 Isakmp (ike PSK Attack)
  • 514 syslog
  • 623 IPMI (easy crack or auth bypass)
  • 1194 OpenVPN
  • 1434 MSSQL Ping
  • 1900 UPNP
  • 17185 vxworks debug

Authentication Ports:

  • easy copy - 80,902,1494,5985,5986,6129,8200,9084
  • 80,5985,5986 WinRM (5985 (HTTP), 5986 (HTTPS))
  • 902,8200,9084 VMware Server
  • 1494 Citrix
  • 6129 DameWare

Easy-win Ports:

  • easy copy - 1098-1099,3299,3632,4848,6002,7002,8500,9060,10000,11211
  • 1098-1099 Java RMI
  • 3299 SAP Router
  • 3632 DistCC
  • 4848 GlassFish
  • 6002,7002 (Sentinel license monitor (reverse dir traversal, sometimes as SYSTEM))
  • 8500 Coldfusion default stand alone
  • 9060 IBM Web Sphere
  • 10000 Webmin or BackupExec
  • 11211 memcached

Database Ports:

  • easy copy - 1433,1521-1527,1583,3351,2100,3050,3306,5000,5432,5433,8471,9471
  • 1433 MSSQL
  • 1521-1527 Oracle TNS Listener
  • 1583,3351 PervasiveSQL
  • 2100 Oracle XDB
  • 3050 Firebird/Interbase
  • 3306 MySQL
  • 5000 Sybase
  • 5432 PostgreSQL
  • 5433 PostgreSQL 9.2
  • 8471,9471 DB2/AS400


(source: )

  • BACnet/IP: UDP/47808
  • DNP3: TCP/20000, UDP/20000
  • EtherCAT: UDP/34980
  • Ethernet/IP: TCP/44818, UDP/2222, UDP/44818
  • FL-net: UDP/55000-55003
  • Foundation Fieldbus HSETCP/1089-1091, UDP/1089-1091
  • ICCP: TCP/102
  • Modbus TCP: TCP/502
  • OPC UA Binary: Vendor Application Specific
  • OPC UA Discovery Server: TCP/4840
  • OPC UA XML: TCP/80, TCP/443
  • PROFINET: TCP/34962-34964, UDP/34962-34964
  • ROC PLus: TCP/UDP 4000

Interesting Port Ranges:

  • 8000-9000 HTTP(S) Ports

Web easy-win URLs:

(moved to: ) awk '$2~/tcp$/' nmap-services | sort -r -k3 | head -n 1000 # same for udp