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File metadata and controls

475 lines (354 loc) · 16.3 KB

Types of Data

Traditionally, Unix shell commands have communicated with each other using strings of text: one command would write text to standard output (often abbreviated 'stdout') and the other would read text from standard input (or 'stdin'), allowing the two commands to communicate.

Nu embraces this approach, and expands it to include other types of data, in addition to strings.

Like many programming languages, Nu models data using a set of simple, and structured data types. Simple data types include integers, floats, strings, booleans, dates. There are also special types for filesizes and time durations.

The describe command returns the type of a data value:

> 42 | describe

Types at a glance

Type Example
Integers -65535
Decimals (floats) 9.9999, Infinity
Strings "hole 18", 'hole 18', `hole 18`, hole18
Booleans true
Dates 2000-01-01
Durations 2min + 12sec
File sizes 64mb
Ranges 0..4, 0..<5, 0.., ..4
Binary 0x[FE FF]
Lists [0 1 'two' 3]
Records {name:"Nushell", lang: "Rust"}
Tables [{x:12, y:15}, {x:8, y:9}], [[x, y]; [12, 15], [8, 9]]
Closures {|e| $e + 1 | into string }, { $ | path exists }
Blocks if true { print "hello!" }, loop { print "press ctrl-c to exit" }
Null null


Examples of integers (i.e. "round numbers") include 1, 0, -5, and 100. You can parse a string into an integer with the into int command

> "-5" | into int


Decimal numbers are numbers with some fractional component. Examples include 1.5, 2.0, and 15.333. You can cast a string into a Decimal with the into decimal command

> "1.2" | into decimal


A string of characters that represents text. There are a few ways these can be constructed:

  • Double quotes
    • "Line1\nLine2\n"
  • Single quotes 'She said "Nushell is the future".'
  • Dynamic string interpolation
    • $"6 x 7 = (6 * 7)"
    • ls | each { |it| $"($ is ($it.size)" }
  • Bare strings
    • print hello
    • [foo bar baz]

See Working with strings and Handling Strings for details.


There are just two boolean values: true and false. Rather than writing the values directly, they often result from a comparison:

> let mybool = 2 > 1
> $mybool
> let mybool = ($env.HOME | path exists)
> $mybool


Dates and times are held together in the Date value type. Date values used by the system are timezone-aware, and by default use the UTC timezone.

Dates are in three forms, based on the RFC 3339 standard:

  • A date:
    • 2022-02-02
  • A date and time (in GMT):
    • 2022-02-02T14:30:00
  • A date and time with timezone:
    • 2022-02-02T14:30:00+05:00


Durations represent a length of time. This chart shows all durations currently supported:

Duration Length
1ns one nanosecond
1us one microsecond
1ms one millisecond
1sec one second
1min one minute
1hr one hour
1day one day
1wk one week

You can make fractional durations:

> 3.14day
3day 3hr 21min

And you can do calculations with durations:

> 30day / 1sec  # How many seconds in 30 days?

File sizes

Nushell also has a special type for file sizes. Examples include 100b, 15kb, and 100mb.

The full list of filesize units are:

  • b: bytes
  • kb: kilobytes (aka 1000 bytes)
  • mb: megabytes
  • gb: gigabytes
  • tb: terabytes
  • pb: petabytes
  • eb: exabytes
  • zb: zettabyte
  • kib: kibibytes (aka 1024 bytes)
  • mib: mebibytes
  • gib: gibibytes
  • tib: tebibytes
  • pib: pebibytes
  • eib: exbibyte
  • zib: zebibyte

As with durations, you can make fractional file sizes, and do calculations:

> 1Gb / 1b
> 1Gib / 1b
> (1Gib / 1b) == 2 ** 30


A range is a way of expressing a sequence of values from start to finish. They take the form <start>..<end>. For example, the range 1..3 means the numbers 1, 2, and 3.

Inclusive and non-inclusive ranges

Ranges are inclusive by default, meaning that the ending value is counted as part of the range. The range 1..3 includes the number 3 as the last value in the range.

Sometimes, you may want a range that is limited by a number but doesn't use that number in the output. For this, you can use ..< instead of ... For example, 1..<5 is the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Open-ended ranges

Ranges can also be open-ended. You can remove the start or the end of the range to make it open-ended.

Let's say you wanted to start counting at 3, but you didn't have a specific end in mind. You could use the range 3.. to represent this. When you use a range that's open-ended on the right side, remember that this will continue counting for as long as possible, which could be a very long time! You'll often want to use open-ended ranges with commands like take, so you can take the number of elements you want from the range.

You can also make the start of the range open. In this case, Nushell will start counting with 0. For example, the range ..2 is the numbers 0, 1, and 2.

Binary data

Binary data, like the data from an image file, is a group of raw bytes.

You can write binary as a literal using any of the 0x[...], 0b[...], or 0o[...] forms:

> 0x[1F FF]  # Hexadecimal
> 0b[1 1010] # Binary
> 0o[377]    # Octal

Incomplete bytes will be left-padded with zeros.

Structured data

Structured data builds from the simple data. For example, instead of a single integer, structured data gives us a way to represent multiple integers in the same value. Here's a list of the currently supported structured data types: records, lists and tables.


Records hold key-value pairs, which associate string keys with various data values. Record syntax is very similar to objects in JSON. However, commas are not required to separate values if Nushell can easily distinguish them!

> {name: sam rank: 10}
│ name │ sam │
│ rank │ 10  │

As these can sometimes have many fields, a record is printed up-down rather than left-right.

:::tip A record is identical to a single row of a table (see below). You can think of a record as essentially being a "one-row table", with each of its keys as a column (although a true one-row table is something distinct from a record).

This means that any command that operates on a table's rows also operates on records. For instance, insert, which adds data to each of a table's rows, can be used with records:

> {x:3 y:1} | insert z 0
│ x │ 3 │
│ y │ 1 │
│ z │ 0 │


You can iterate over records by first transposing it into a table:

> {name: sam, rank: 10} | transpose key value
│ # │ key  │ value │
│ 0 │ name │  sam  │
│ 1 │ rank │   10  │

Accessing records' data is done by placing a . before a string, which is usually a bare string:

> {x:12 y:4}.x

However, if a record has a key name that can't be expressed as a bare string, or resembles an integer (see lists, below), you'll need to use more explicit string syntax, like so:

> {"1":true " ":false}." "


Lists are ordered sequences of data values. List syntax is very similar to arrays in JSON. However, commas are not required to separate values if Nushell can easily distinguish them!

> [sam fred george]
│ 0 │ sam    │
│ 1 │ fred   │
│ 2 │ george │

:::tip Lists are equivalent to the individual columns of tables. You can think of a list as essentially being a "one-column table" (with no column name). Thus, any command which operates on a column also operates on a list. For instance, where can be used with lists:

> [bell book candle] | where ($it =~ 'b')
│ 0 │ bell │
│ 1 │ book │


Accessing lists' data is done by placing a . before a bare integer:

> [a b c].1

To get a sub-list from a list, you can use the range command:

> [a b c d e f] | range 1..3
│ 0 │ b │
│ 1 │ c │
│ 2 │ d │


The table is a core data structure in Nushell. As you run commands, you'll see that many of them return tables as output. A table has both rows and columns.

We can create our own tables similarly to how we create a list. Because tables also contain columns and not just values, we pass in the name of the column values:

> [[column1, column2]; [Value1, Value2] [Value3, Value4]]
│ # │ column1 │ column2 │
│ 0 │ Value1  │ Value2  │
│ 1 │ Value3  │ Value4  │

You can also create a table as a list of records, JSON-style:

> [{name: sam, rank: 10}, {name: bob, rank: 7}]
│ # │ name │ rank │
│ 0 │ sam  │   10 │
│ 1 │ bob  │    7 │

:::tip Internally, tables are simply lists of records. This means that any command which extracts or isolates a specific row of a table will produce a record. For example, get 0, when used on a list, extracts the first value. But when used on a table (a list of records), it extracts a record:

> [{x:12, y:5}, {x:3, y:6}] | get 0
│ x │ 12 │
│ y │ 5  │

This is true regardless of which table syntax you use:

[[x,y];[12,5],[3,6]] | get 0
│ x │ 12 │
│ y │ 5  │


Cell Paths

You can combine list and record data access syntax to navigate tables. When used on tables, these access chains are called "cell paths".

You can access individual rows by number to obtain records:


Moreover, you can also access entire columns of a table by name, to obtain lists:

> [{x:12 y:5} {x:4 y:7} {x:2 y:2}].x
│ 0 │ 12 │
│ 1 │  4 │
│ 2 │  2 │

Of course, these resulting lists don't have the column names of the table. To remove columns from a table while leaving it as a table, you'll commonly use the select command with column names:

> [{x:0 y:5 z:1} {x:4 y:7 z:3} {x:2 y:2 z:0}] | select y z
│ # │ y │ z │
│ 0 │ 5 │ 1 │
│ 1 │ 7 │ 3 │
│ 2 │ 2 │ 0 │

To remove rows from a table, you'll commonly use the select command with row numbers, as you would with a list:

> [{x:0 y:5 z:1} {x:4 y:7 z:3} {x:2 y:2 z:0}] | select 1 2
│ # │ x │ y │ z │
│ 0 │ 4 │ 7 │ 3 │
│ 1 │ 2 │ 2 │ 0 │

Optional cell paths

By default, cell path access will fail if it can't access the requested row or column. To suppress these errors, you can add ? to a cell path member to mark it as optional:

> [{foo: 123}, {}].foo?
│ 0 │ 123 │
│ 1 │     │

When using optional cell path members, missing data is replaced with null.


Closures are anonymous functions that can be passed a value through parameters and close over (i.e. use) a variable outside their scope.

For example, in the command each { |it| print $it } the closure is the portion contained in curly braces, { |it| print $it }. Closure parameters are specified between a pair of pipe symbols (for example, |it|) if necessary. You can also use a pipeline input as $in in most closures instead of providing an explicit parameter: each { print $in }

Closures itself can be bound to a named variable and passed as a parameter. To call a closure directly in your code use the do command.

# Assign a closure to a variable
let greet = { |name| print $"Hello ($name)"}
do $greet "Julian"

Closures are a useful way to represent code that can be executed on each row of data. It is idiomatic to use $it as a parameter name in each blocks, but not required; each { |x| print $x } works the same way as each { |it| print $it }.


Blocks don't close over variables, don't have parameters, and can't be passed as a value. However, unlike closures, blocks can access mutable variable in the parent closure. For example, mutating a variable inside the block used in an if call is valid:

mut x = 1
if true {
    $x += 1000
print $x


Finally, there is null (also known as $nothing) which is the language's "nothing" value, similar to JSON's "null". Whenever Nushell would print the null value (outside of a string or data structure), it prints nothing instead. Hence, most of Nushell's file system commands (like save or cd) produce null.

You can place null at the end of a pipeline to replace the pipeline's output with it, and thus print nothing:

git checkout featurebranch | null


null is not the same as the absence of a value! It is possible for a table to be produced that has holes in some of its rows. Attempting to access this value will not produce null, but instead cause an error:

> [{a:1 b:2} {b:1}]
│ # │ a  │ b │
│ 0 │  1 │ 2 │
│ 1 │ ❎ │ 1 │
> [{a:1 b:2} {b:1}].1.a
Error: nu::shell::column_not_found

  × Cannot find column
   ╭─[entry #15:1:1]
 1 │ [{a:1 b:2} {b:1}].1.a
   ·            ──┬──    ┬
   ·              │      ╰── cannot find column
   ·              ╰── value originates here

If you would prefer this to return null, mark the cell path member as optional like .1.a?.

The absence of a value is (as of Nushell 0.71) printed as the ❎ emoji in interactive output. :::