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Merge pull request #684 from evalf/cylinderflow
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joostvanzwieten committed Jun 1, 2022
2 parents 97c1e4b + 85e10b5 commit d636036
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103 changes: 71 additions & 32 deletions examples/
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# exponentially with radius such that the artificial exterior boundary is
# placed at large (configurable) distance.

from nutils import mesh, function, solver, util, export, cli, testing
from nutils import mesh, function, solver, util, export, cli, testing, numeric
from nutils.expression_v2 import Namespace
import numpy
import treelog

def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float, rotation: float, timestep: float, maxradius: float, seed: int, endtime: float):
class PostProcessor:

def __init__(self, topo, ns, timestep, region=4., aspect=16/9, figscale=7.2, spacing=.05):
self.ns = ns
self.figsize = aspect * figscale, figscale
self.bbox = numpy.array([[-.5, aspect-.5], [-.5, .5]]) * region
self.bezier =*(ns.x-self.bbox[:,0])*(self.bbox[:,1]-ns.x))).sample('bezier', 5)
self.spacing = spacing
self.timestep = timestep
self.t = 0.
self.topo = topo

def initialize_xgrd(self):
self.orig = numeric.floor(self.bbox[:,0] / (2*self.spacing)) * 2 - 1
nx, ny = numeric.ceil(self.bbox[:,1] / (2*self.spacing)) * 2 + 2 - self.orig
self.vacant = numpy.hypot(
self.orig[0] + numpy.arange(nx)[:,numpy.newaxis],
self.orig[1] + numpy.arange(ny)) > self.ns.R.eval() / self.spacing
self.xgrd = (numpy.stack(self.vacant[1::2,1::2].nonzero(), axis=1) * 2 + self.orig + 1) * self.spacing

def regularize_xgrd(self):
# use grid rounding to detect and remove oldest points that have close
# neighbours and introduce new points into vacant spots
keep = numpy.zeros(len(self.xgrd), dtype=bool)
vacant = self.vacant.copy()
for i, ind in enumerate(numeric.round(self.xgrd / self.spacing) - self.orig): # points are ordered young to old
if all(ind >= 0) and all(ind < vacant.shape) and vacant[tuple(ind)]:
vacant[tuple(ind)] = False
keep[i] = True
roll = numpy.arange(vacant.ndim)-1
for _ in roll: # coarsen all dimensions using 3-point window
vacant = numeric.overlapping(vacant.transpose(roll), axis=0, n=3)[::2].all(1)
newpoints = numpy.stack(vacant.nonzero(), axis=1) * 2 + self.orig + 1
self.xgrd = numpy.concatenate([newpoints * self.spacing, self.xgrd[keep]], axis=0)

def __call__(self, args):
x, p = self.bezier.eval(['x_i', 'p'] @ self.ns, **args)
logr = numpy.log(numpy.hypot(*self.xgrd.T) / self.ns.R.eval())
φ = numpy.arctan2(self.xgrd[:,1], self.xgrd[:,0]) + numpy.pi
ugrd = self.topo.locate(self.ns.grid, numpy.stack([logr, φ], axis=1), eps=1, tol=1e-5).eval(self.ns.u, **args)
with export.mplfigure('flow.png', figsize=self.figsize) as fig:
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], yticks=[], xticks=[], frame_on=False, xlim=self.bbox[0], ylim=self.bbox[1])
im = ax.tripcolor(*x.T, self.bezier.tri, p, shading='gouraud', cmap='jet')
export.plotlines_(ax, x.T, self.bezier.hull, colors='k', linewidths=.1, alpha=.5)
ax.quiver(*self.xgrd.T, *ugrd.T, angles='xy', width=1e-3, headwidth=3e3, headlength=5e3, headaxislength=2e3, zorder=9, alpha=.5, pivot='tip')
ax.plot(0, 0, 'k', marker=(3, 2, self.t*self.ns.rotation.eval()*180/numpy.pi-90), markersize=20)
cax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8])
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
self.t += self.timestep
self.xgrd += ugrd * self.timestep

def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float, rotation: float, radius: float, timestep: float, maxradius: float, seed: int, endtime: float):
Flow around a cylinder.
Expand All @@ -28,6 +83,8 @@ def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float, rotation: float, timestep: f
reynolds [1000]
Reynolds number, taking the cylinder radius as characteristic length.
radius [.5]
Cylinder radius.
rotation [0]
Cylinder rotation speed.
timestep [.04]
Expand All @@ -51,10 +108,12 @@ def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float, rotation: float, timestep: f
ns.δ = function.eye(domain.ndims)
ns.Σ = function.ones([domain.ndims])
ns.uinf = function.Array.cast([1, 0])
ns.r = .5 * function.exp(elemangle * geom[0])
ns.Re = reynolds
ns.phi = geom[1] * elemangle # add small angle to break element symmetry
ns.x_i = 'r (cos(phi) δ_i0 + sin(phi) δ_i1)'
ns.grid = geom * elemangle
ns.R = radius
ns.r = 'R exp(grid_0)'
ns.φ = 'grid_1'
ns.x_i = 'r (cos(φ) δ_i0 + sin(φ) δ_i1)'
ns.define_for('x', gradient='∇', normal='n', jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
J = ns.x.grad(geom)
detJ = function.determinant(J)
Expand All @@ -66,7 +125,7 @@ def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float, rotation: float, timestep: f
ns.N = 10 * degree / elemangle # Nitsche constant based on element size = elemangle/2
ns.nitsche_i = '(N v_i - (∇_j(v_i) + ∇_i(v_j)) n_j) / Re'
ns.rotation = rotation
ns.uwall_i = '0.5 rotation (-sin(phi) δ_i0 + cos(phi) δ_i1)'
ns.uwall_i = '0.5 rotation (-sin(φ) δ_i0 + cos(φ) δ_i1)'

inflow = domain.boundary['outer'].select(-ns.uinf.dotnorm(ns.x), ischeme='gauss1') # upstream half of the exterior boundary
sqr = inflow.integral('Σ_i (u_i - uinf_i)^2' @ ns, degree=degree*2)
Expand All @@ -82,35 +141,15 @@ def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float, rotation: float, timestep: f
res += domain.integral('q ∇_k(u_k) dV' @ ns, degree=9)
uinertia = domain.integral('v_i u_i dV' @ ns, degree=9)

bbox = numpy.array([[-2, 46/9], [-2, 2]]) # bounding box for figure based on 16x9 aspect ratio
bezier0 = domain.sample('bezier', 5)
bezier = bezier0.subset((bezier0.eval((ns.x-bbox[:, 0]) * (bbox[:, 1]-ns.x)) > 0).all(axis=1))
interpolate = util.tri_interpolator(bezier.tri, bezier.eval(ns.x), mergetol=1e-5) # interpolator for quivers
spacing = .05 # initial quiver spacing
xgrd = util.regularize(bbox, spacing)
postprocess = PostProcessor(domain, ns, timestep)

with treelog.iter.plain('timestep', solver.impliciteuler('u:v,p:q', residual=res, inertia=uinertia, arguments=args0, timestep=timestep, constrain=cons, newtontol=1e-10)) as steps:
for istep, args in enumerate(steps):

t = istep * timestep
x, u, normu, p = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u_i', 'sqrt(u_i u_i)', 'p'] @ ns, **args)
ugrd = interpolate[xgrd](u)

with export.mplfigure('flow.png', figsize=(12.8, 7.2)) as fig:
ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], yticks=[], xticks=[], frame_on=False, xlim=bbox[0], ylim=bbox[1])
im = ax.tripcolor(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], bezier.tri, p, shading='gouraud', cmap='jet')
import matplotlib.collections
ax.add_collection(matplotlib.collections.LineCollection(x[bezier.hull], colors='k', linewidths=.1, alpha=.5))
ax.quiver(xgrd[:, 0], xgrd[:, 1], ugrd[:, 0], ugrd[:, 1], angles='xy', width=1e-3, headwidth=3e3, headlength=5e3, headaxislength=2e3, zorder=9, alpha=.5)
ax.plot(0, 0, 'k', marker=(3, 2, t*rotation*180/numpy.pi-90), markersize=20)
cax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.01, 0.8])
fig.colorbar(im, cax=cax)

if t >= endtime:

xgrd = util.regularize(bbox, spacing, xgrd + ugrd * timestep)
if istep * timestep >= endtime:

return args0, args

Expand All @@ -131,7 +170,7 @@ def main(nelems: int, degree: int, reynolds: float, rotation: float, timestep: f
class test(testing.TestCase):

def test_rot0(self):
args0, args = main(nelems=6, degree=3, reynolds=100, rotation=0, timestep=.1, maxradius=25, seed=0, endtime=.05)
args0, args = main(nelems=6, degree=3, reynolds=100, radius=.5, rotation=0, timestep=.1, maxradius=25, seed=0, endtime=.05)
with self.subTest('initial condition'):
self.assertAlmostEqual64(args0['u'], '''
Expand All @@ -148,7 +187,7 @@ def test_rot0(self):

def test_rot1(self):
args0, args = main(nelems=6, degree=3, reynolds=100, rotation=1, timestep=.1, maxradius=25, seed=0, endtime=.05)
args0, args = main(nelems=6, degree=3, reynolds=100, radius=.5, rotation=1, timestep=.1, maxradius=25, seed=0, endtime=.05)
with self.subTest('initial condition'):
self.assertAlmostEqual64(args0['u'], '''
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54 changes: 31 additions & 23 deletions nutils/
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Expand Up @@ -1787,6 +1787,9 @@ def refined(self):
groups = [{name: topo.refined if isinstance(topo, TransformChainsTopology) else topo for name, topo in groups.items()} for groups in (self.vgroups, self.bgroups, self.igroups, self.pgroups)]
return self.basetopo.refined.withgroups(*groups)

def locate(self, geom, coords, **kwargs):
return self.basetopo.locate(geom, coords, **kwargs)

class OppositeTopology(TransformChainsTopology):
'opposite topology'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1840,7 +1843,7 @@ def StructuredLine(space, root: transform.stricttransformitem, i: types.strictin
class StructuredTopology(TransformChainsTopology):
'structured topology'

__slots__ = 'root', 'axes', 'nrefine', 'shape', '_bnames'
__slots__ = 'root', 'axes', 'nrefine', 'shape', '_bnames', '_asaffine_geom', '_asaffine_retval'
__cache__ = 'connectivity', 'boundary', 'interfaces'

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2237,37 +2240,42 @@ def refined(self):
axes = [axis.refined for axis in self.axes]
return StructuredTopology(, self.root, axes, self.nrefine+1, bnames=self._bnames)

def locate(self, geom, coords, *, tol, eps=0, weights=None, skip_missing=False, arguments=None, **kwargs):
def locate(self, geom, coords, *, tol=0, eps=0, weights=None, skip_missing=False, arguments=None, **kwargs):
coords = numpy.asarray(coords, dtype=float)
if geom.ndim == 0:
geom = geom[_]
coords = coords[..., _]
if not geom.shape == coords.shape[1:] == (self.ndims,):
raise Exception('invalid geometry or point shape for {}D topology'.format(self.ndims))
arguments = dict(arguments or ())
geom0, scale, e = self._asaffine(geom, arguments)
if e > tol:
return super().locate(geom, coords, eps=eps, tol=tol, weights=weights, skip_missing=skip_missing, arguments=arguments, **kwargs)'locate detected linear geometry: x = {} + {} xi ~{:+.1e}'.format(geom0, scale, e))
return self._locate(geom0, scale, coords, eps=eps, weights=weights, skip_missing=skip_missing)
if tol or eps:
if arguments:
geom0, scale, error = self._asaffine(geom, arguments)
elif geom is getattr(self, '_asaffine_geom', None):
log.debug('locate found previously computed affine values')
geom0, scale, error = self._asaffine_retval
self._asaffine_geom = geom
geom0, scale, error = self._asaffine_retval = self._asaffine(geom, {})
if all(error <= numpy.maximum(tol, eps * scale)):
log.debug('locate detected linear geometry: x = {} + {} xi ~{}'.format(geom0, scale, error))
return self._locate(geom0, scale, coords, eps=eps, weights=weights, skip_missing=skip_missing)
return super().locate(geom, coords, eps=eps, tol=tol, weights=weights, skip_missing=skip_missing, arguments=arguments, **kwargs)

def _asaffine(self, geom, arguments):
# determine geom0, scale, error such that geom ~= geom0 + index * scale + error
funcsp = self.basis('std', degree=1, periodic=())
verts = numeric.meshgrid(*map(numpy.arange, numpy.array(self.shape)+1)).reshape(self.ndims, -1)
index = (funcsp * verts).sum(-1)
# strategy: fit an affine plane through the minima and maxima of a
# uniform sample, and evaluate the error as the largest difference on
# the remaining sample points
geom_, index_ = self.sample('uniform', 2 + (1 in self.shape)).eval((geom, index), **arguments)
imin = geom_.argmin(axis=0)
imax = geom_.argmax(axis=0)
R = numpy.arange(self.ndims)
scale = (geom_[imax,R] - geom_[imin,R]) / (index_[imax,R] - index_[imin,R])
geom0 = geom_[imin,R] - index_[imin,R] * scale # geom_[im..,R] = index_[im..,R] * scale + geom0
error = numpy.linalg.norm(geom0 + index_ * scale - geom_, axis=1).max()

return geom0, scale, error
n = 2 + (1 in self.shape) # number of sample points required to establish nonlinearity
sampleshape = numpy.multiply(self.shape, n) # shape of uniform sample
geom_ = self.sample('uniform', n).eval(geom, **arguments) \
.reshape(*self.shape, *[n] * self.ndims, self.ndims) \
.transpose(*(i+j for i in range(self.ndims) for j in (0, self.ndims)), self.ndims*2) \
.reshape(*sampleshape, self.ndims)
# strategy: fit an affine plane through the minima and maxima of a uniform sample,
# and evaluate the error as the largest difference on the remaining sample points
xmin, xmax = geom_.reshape(-1, self.ndims)[[0, -1]]
dx = (xmax - xmin) / (sampleshape-1) # x = x0 + dx * (i + .5) => xmax - xmin = dx * (sampleshape-1)
for idim in range(self.ndims):
geom_[...,idim] -= xmin[idim] + dx[idim] * numpy.arange(sampleshape[idim]).reshape([-1 if i == idim else 1 for i in range(self.ndims)])
return xmin - dx/2, dx * n, numpy.abs(geom_).reshape(-1, self.ndims).max(axis=0)

def _locate(self, geom0, scale, coords, *, eps=0, weights=None, skip_missing=False):
mincoords, maxcoords = numpy.sort([geom0, geom0 + scale * self.shape], axis=0)
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/
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Expand Up @@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ def test_missing_argument(self):
@parametrize.enable_if(lambda etype, mode, **kwargs: etype == 'square' and mode != 'nonlinear')
def test_detect_linear(self):
target = numpy.array([(.2, .3)])
with self.assertLogs('nutils', level='INFO') as cm:
with self.assertLogs('nutils', level='DEBUG') as cm:
self.domain.locate(self.geom, target, eps=1e-15, tol=1e-12, arguments=dict(scale=.123))
self.assertRegex(cm.output[0], 'locate detected linear geometry')

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