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File metadata and controls

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This session covers from Scala basics, and create a microservice with scala


  • Install SBT

    // install sbt
    $ brew install sbt
    // Check the installation
    $ sbt sbtVersion
  • Install Scalatest by following this step (For more information visit this page Scalatest installation) open file ~/.sbt/0.13/global.sbt then add the following line

    resolvers += "Artima Maven Repository" at ""
  • Install IntellijIDE and install these plugins by yourself

    • Install Scala Plugins
    • Install PlantUML Integration Plugins
  • Pre-Load dependencies (Console)

    // in your project dir run this command
    $ sbt test
  • Pre-Load dependencies (IntellijIDE)

    • Import Projects
      • Open Intellij
      • Import Project from Existing Source
      • Select your cloned project directory
      • Choose Import project from external model and then select sbt
      • Press Next
      • Check Download/Library sources and Download/sbt sources
      • Check Use sbt shell/for imports and Use sbt shell/for builds
      • Select Project JDK as java version 1.8
      • Click Finished
      • Choose the target window for opening source file (Optional)
    • Setup SDK
      • Open any .scala file in src folder, on the top right of text editor may appear Setup Scala SDK or Setup Java SDK
      • Click at Setup Scala SDK -> Click button Create -> Select version 2.12.3 -> Click OK -> Click OK
      • Click at Setup Java SDK -> Choose 1.8 -> Click OK

Scala Basics

  • Introduction
  • Scala Installation
    • SBT
    • Intellij IDE
    • Hello World
  • Control Statements
    • If-Else
    • Pattern Matching
  • Immutable Collections
    • Lists
    • Arrays
    • Tuples
  • Future, Options, Eithers
  • Trait
  • Functions
    • Higher-Order Function
    • Composition
    • Currying
  • Class & Object
    • Defining Class
    • Companion Object
  • Sequences
  • For-Comprehension
  • Implicits
  • Generic Types
  • Algebraic data type (ADT)
  • Type Level Programming with Cats
    • Semigroup
    • Monoid
    • Monad
  • Type safety with Effortless Domain Driven Design (DDD)


  • Scalatest
  • Mockito

Create Microservice with Scala

  • Architecture
  • Akka Http
  • Typesafe Configuration
  • Mongo Scala Driver
  • Docker