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Issuing and searching Verifiable Credentials

Issuing VCs

As a node, you can issue credentials with each DID you control (whether they are trusted is a different story). A credential is issued through the API or CLI. The node will add sensible defaults for:

  • @context
  • id
  • issuanceDate
  • proof

You are required to provide the credentialSubject, the issuer, the type and an optional expirationDate. So calling /internal/vcr/v2/issuer/vc with

    "issuer": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg",
    "type": "NutsOrganizationCredential",
    "credentialSubject": {
        "id": "did:nuts:9UKf9F9sRtiq4gR3bxfGQAeARtJeU8jvPqfWJcFP6ziN",
        "organization": {
            "name": "Because we care B.V.",
            "city": "IJbergen"
    "visibility": "public"

Will be expanded by the node to:

  "context": [
  "credentialSubject": {
    "id": "did:nuts:9UKf9F9sRtiq4gR3bxfGQAeARtJeU8jvPqfWJcFP6ziN",
    "organization": {
      "city": "IJbergen",
      "name": "Because we care B.V."
  "id": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg#a1d8ee3f-f404-44d5-bd07-71d3b144ce54",
  "issuanceDate": "2021-03-05T09:37:05.732811+01:00",
  "issuer": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg",
  "proof": {
    "created": "2021-03-05T09:37:05.732811+01:00",
    "jws": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsImI2NCI6ZmFsc2UsImNyaXQiOlsiYjY0Il19..s6lxJa7pOpqlhcWhJoKRMJIJiD4i+IUkfmhy+rUvNzZayVHAq+lZaFxBsv9rQCe0ewpZq/6z3hSUOURo6mnHhg==",
    "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
    "type": "JsonWebSignature2020",
    "verificationMethod": "did:nuts:ByJvBu2Ex21tNdn5s8FBnqmRBTCGkqRHms5ci7gKM8rg#gSEtbS2dOsS9PSrV13RwaZHz3Ps6OTI14GvLx8dPqgQ"
  "type": [

The visibility property indicates the contents of the VC are published on the network, so it can be read by everyone.

Searching VCs

You can search for VCs by providing a VC which should be used for matching in JSON-LD format. Searching works by posting a Verifiable Credential to /internal/vcr/v2/search that contains fields to match. The operation yields an array containing the matched verifiable credentials.

The example below searches for a NutsOrganizationCredential (note that the query field contains the credential):

    "query": {
        "@context": [
        "type": ["VerifiableCredential" ,"NutsOrganizationCredential"],
        "credentialSubject": {
            "id": "did:nuts:SKUYYi2g88ohjhiu49Q13ZWGXvp678sjNiM7UHUCMyw",
            "organization": {
                "name": "Because we care B.V.",
                "city": "IJbergen"

Note the fields @context and type, these are required for making it a valid VC in JSON-LD. In the example above they also contain Nuts specific contexts and types (since we're searching for a Nuts VC).

By default only VCs from trusted issuers are returned. You can specify the searchOptions field to include VCs from untrusted issuers.