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Nuxt TypeScript Support mainly comes through a Nuxt module, @nuxt/typescript-build.

Here are the guidelines to install & configure it.


yarn add --dev @nuxt/typescript-build
# OR
npm install --save-dev @nuxt/typescript-build


All you need to do is add @nuxt/typescript-build to your buildModules in nuxt.config.js

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
  buildModules: ['@nuxt/typescript-build']

and create a tsconfig.json file :

<<< @/shared/tsconfig.json

::: tip Notice that es2018 target is needed to be able to use Optional chaining and Nullish Coalescing, as esnext target doesn't seem to support these features for now. :::

You will also need to provide types for Vue files by adding the following type declaration:


declare module "*.vue" {
  import Vue from 'vue'
  export default Vue

::: tip @nuxt/typescript-build ships @nuxt/types, so there's no need to install it independently. :::

::: tip

Check official TypeScript documentation to learn about the different compiler options. :::

::: warning

If you are using Nuxt programmatically with a custom server framework, note that you will need to ensure that you wait for Nuxt to be ready before building:

// Make sure to wait for Nuxt to load @nuxt/typescript-build before proceeding
await nuxt.ready()
if ( {
  const builder = new Builder(nuxt)


That's it, you're all set to use TypeScript in your layouts, components, plugins and middlewares.

You can check the CookBook section to get some TypeScript recipes for your Nuxt project.

Module options


Enables TypeScript type checking on a separate process.

  • Type: Boolean or Object
  • Default: true

When enabled, Nuxt.js uses fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin to provide type checking.

You can use an Object to override plugin options or set it to false to disable it.


Enables suppress not found typescript warnings.

  • Type: Boolean
  • Default: false

When enabled, you can suppress export ... was not found ... warnings.

See also about background information here.

Warning: This property might suppress the warnings you want to see. Be careful with how you configure it.


Customization of ts-loader options

  • Type: Object

If you need extra customization of the TypeScript loader, you can customize it for both ts & tsx files through loaders.ts & loaders.tsx module options :

loaders: {
  ts: {
    silent: true
  tsx: {
    silent: true