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File metadata and controls

84 lines (57 loc) · 5.24 KB


Data repository made for MongoDB databases. This repository must be extended by another class implementing its own methods. The base abstract class must have some properties when instantiated such as:

  • Must receive the Collection object from Mongodb

Note: The collection OBJECT, not the collection NAME

  • Must receive the main entity constructor (not the instance)

By default, the class already has some base methods:

  • save (entity: TEntity, force: Boolean = false): Which will serialize and save the received entity (which must be of the same type you passed to the generic type TEntity in MongodbEventRepository<TEntity>) on the database.

This method works by firstly trying to find the entity by its ID, if the ID cannot be found in the database, then a new document will be created, following the {_id, events, state} format where events should start as an empty array and, by default, at each save, the pendingEvents array will be merged to it; the force option, explained below, changes this saving behaviour. Soon after that, the confirmEvents method will be called, thus clearing the pendingEvents array.

The force option changes the behaviour stated above. When this flag is set to true, the repository will not append the pendingEvents array to the end of the database events array. Instead, it'll override the whole saved events array; so be really careful when using this option. For instance, misusing this could lead to data loss on concurrent write scenarios. Consider this as rewriting the history of a git repository with a push --force: it's there, it can be done, but, in most situations, you really shouldn't.

state will be the last reduced state of the entity, which will be obtained by calling the state getter we just defined earlier.

  • findById (id: ObjectId): Will search in the database for a record with the informed id.

This record should be created when the class is instantiated using the create method

  • existBy (query: { [key: string]: any }): Returns a boolean value to check if an object exists using a given query
  • bulkUpdate (entities: IEventEntity[]): Save events from several instances of an existing entity at once
  • bulkInsert (entities: IEventEntity[]): Save events from several instances of an non existing entity at once
  • withSession (session: ClientSession): Begins a MongoDB session to initiate a transaction (only on Mongo 4.0) and returns an object with the available methods which can be executed within a session. If this following command throws an error, the whole session suffers a rollback, otherwise it is commited.
  • _runPaginatedQuery (query: { [key: string]: any }, page: number, size: number, sort: { [key: string]: 1|-1 } = {}): Executes a query aplying pagination to the result. Returns an object that follows the IPaginatedQueryResult interface.

Note: _runPaginatedQuery should only be used inside the child class because it'll return a collection of documents and not a collection of entities. This harms the principle for entity-first design this repository is all about. In order to create a useful method, please refer to the example below on how to create a search method using _runPaginatedQuery properly


If your MongoDB version is 4.0 or higher (with transaction support), in order to execute a command using a transaction, follow this example:

import { Db, MongoClient } from 'mongodb'
import { MongodbEventRepository } from '@irontitan/paradox'
import { Person } from './classes/Person'

class PersonRepository extends MongodbEventRepository<Person> {
  constructor(connection: Db) {
    super(connection.collection(Person.collection), Person)

  async search (filters: { name: string }, page: number = 1, size: number = 50) {
    const query =
      ? { '': }
      : { }

    const { documents, count, range, total } = await this._runPaginatedQuery(query, page, size)
    const entities ={ events }) => new Person().setPersistedEvents(events))

    return { entities, count, range, total }

(async function () {
  const personData = { email:'', password:'jdoe' }
  const connection = (await MongoClient.connect('mongodb://mongodburl')).db('crowd')

  const personRepository = new PersonRepository(connection)
  const existPerson = await personRepository.existBy({ email: }) // Returns boolean
  if (!existPerson) {
    const johnDoe = Person.create(, personData.password)
    await // Creates a new event

  const allJanes = await{ name: 'jane' }, 1, 10) // Returns an object following IPaginatedQueryResult interface

  johnDoe.changeEmail({ newEmail: '' }, 'jdoe')
  const [ janeDoe ] = allJanes
  janeDoe.changeEmail({ newEmail: '' }, 'janedoe')

  const session = connection.startSession()
  await personRepository.withSession(session).bulkUpdate([ johnDoe, janeDoe ]) // Updates both entities using a transaction

If you version does not support transactions, an Database Error is thrown