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Our Board

CoffeeOps 10/29/2020

All Topics

  • I need this election to end so my blood pressure levels can drop to normal levels
  • What hobby have you picked up during quarantine
  • Virtual visits - how to make virtual office visits useful
  • I’m looking to network and increase my likelihood of finding a job
  • Are 1:1 meetings valuable to you?
  • PAM and DevSecOps
  • What to do when prototypes become “production” (and how to prevent it)
  • What do you do to maximize your onboarding experience
  • High performing teams that aren’t burning themselves out/out of balance? Seems like that’s the bar, young teams of new hires pulling lots of hours.
  • So who thought we might be going back into the office again by now…
  • Team size?
  • Openstack and cloud abstraction layers
  • How to deal with ALMOST burnout when you just took a two week vacation
  • Sidehustels when WFH
  • Have you heard of cameo
  • What slacks/groups should I join
  • Do I just manage configs until I die or does this get exciting again at some point
  • What even is engineering
  • How do you keep UX a focus


  • 10x pizza slice engineer
  • Sign up at for an Oreilly safari subscription
  • Focus days!
  • Engineering: The direct application of science, math, or stack overflow

Sidehustles while WFH

  • More flexibility when working from home. What are you considering doing
  • Day trading (probably not a good idea).
  • Catching up on studying and reading programming textbooks that you didn’t get to read in school
  • Oreilly subscription! Read all the things
  • Writing a book
  • Blog writing and publishing YouTube videos

I’m looking to network and increase my likelihood of finding a job. If someone can get me an interview, I’ll buy you a beer!

How to deal with ALMOST burnout when you just took a two-week vacation

  • Sometimes you feel like you need a vacation and then get back from one and feel like you need a vacation from the vacation
  • When you have unlimited PTO, it means much of time that people don’t know how many days to take off
  • Is PTO really the answer to burning out?
  • Seems like the only thing that helps is thinking about long term goals. Can help avoid the existential dread
  • Been experimenting with “focus days”. You have to deal with so much context, messages, alerts, etc. So instead you get to block that out for a whole day and only work on one thing. Almost like PTO, but instead you work on specific stuff.
  • Try to build the relaxation into your day instead of trying to only relax when you’re on vacation

Do I just manage configs until I die or does this get exciting again at some point?

  • Feels like I pretty consistently finding the same solutions to the same problems, and its always picking an open source tool and managing the configurations. It isn’t very stimulating
  • Everything is just plumbing
  • On the other hand I yearn for a boring job because having to deal with people problems is draining
  • When I think of popular people in DevOps space, their careers sound exciting and full of building new things…but that seems unattainable when everything is just changing yaml files
  • Sounds like you’re describing toil, and organizations have a lot of it

What even is engineering?

  • Got started in help desk in a data center. Doubled pay by jumping to an “engineering” titled job, but the work was all toil. People seem to think that help tech work isn’t engineering
  • If you take it out of the software context, some people might think of it like the people who design the cars versus the mechanic who fixes it?
  • Engineering isn’t something that you learn by reading books, its something that you apply by working on stuff
  • Seems like engineers can be pretentious jerks, and look down upon anyone who comes from a support background
  • Its classicism!
  • Support folk should be good at engineering! They have to troubleshoot, find their way in a novel situation and then automate the solution!
  • With the analogy of the mechanic and the mechanical engineer who builds the car, it seems like there could be a middle ground where the mechanic knows the car so well that they could build one on their own
  • Engineering is the application of science/math etc to solve problems