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Race Condition when used in combination with C2ME #33

iOmega8561 opened this issue Apr 23, 2024 · 7 comments

Race Condition when used in combination with C2ME #33

iOmega8561 opened this issue Apr 23, 2024 · 7 comments


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Minecraft 1.20.1 Fabric
More Mob Variants 1.3.0 and up
C2ME 0.2.0+alpha.11.5, default settings with allowThreadedFeatures set to false

This issue started appearing after the 1.3.0 update and is still here with
Your mod is included in a custom pack, everything works fine until I start pre-generating the world (or just fly around generating chunks really). C2ME's stack trace mentions YungsApi but I can confirm that is not the cause of the race condition.
It is important to know that the server does not crash, it just keeps generating chunks and throwing errors.

Since there are more than 200 mods in this pack I also tested a blank fabric server with just More Mob Variants and C2ME version 0.2.0+alpha.11.5 and the issue persists.

Of course if threadedWorldGen from C2ME is completely disabled, everything works fine.
Until the issue is resolved I will just roll back to version 1.2.2, which worked excellent for me.

[10:13:22] [C2ME worker #4/INFO]: [Chunky] Task running for minecraft:overworld. Processed: 8 chunks (0,05%), ETA: 0:04:07, Rate: 65,0 cps, Current: 2, 4
[10:13:23] [C2ME worker #3/INFO]: [Chunky] Task running for minecraft:overworld. Processed: 56 chunks (0,35%), ETA: 0:06:49, Rate: 39,2 cps, Current: 6, 1
[10:13:24] [C2ME worker #8/INFO]: [Chunky] Task running for minecraft:overworld. Processed: 115 chunks (0,71%), ETA: 0:05:46, Rate: 46,2 cps, Current: 13, 7
[10:13:24] [C2ME worker #6/ERROR]: ThreadLocalRandom accessed from a different thread (owner: Server thread, current: C2ME worker #6)
This is usually NOT a bug in C2ME, but a bug in another mod or in vanilla code. 
Possible solutions: 
  - Find possible causes in the stack trace below and 
    - if caused by another mod, report this to the corresponding mod authors 
    - if no other mods are involved, report this to C2ME 

java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: ThreadLocalRandom accessed from a different thread (owner: Server thread, current: C2ME worker #6)
	at com.ishland.c2me.fixes.worldgen.threading_issues.common.CheckedThreadLocalRandom.handleNotOwner( ~[c2me-fixes-worldgen-threading-is+alpha.11.5-9d70c476c16a4c1b.jar:?]
	at com.ishland.c2me.fixes.worldgen.threading_issues.common.CheckedThreadLocalRandom.isSafe( ~[c2me-fixes-worldgen-threading-is+alpha.11.5-9d70c476c16a4c1b.jar:?]
	at com.ishland.c2me.fixes.worldgen.threading_issues.common.CheckedThreadLocalRandom.method_43156( ~[c2me-fixes-worldgen-threading-is+alpha.11.5-9d70c476c16a4c1b.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_6566.method_43055( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1493.handler$dja000$moremobvariants$onReadCustomDataFromNbt(com/github/nyuppo/mixin/ [moremobvariants.mixins.json]:47) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1308.method_5749(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1296.method_5749(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1429.method_5749(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1321.method_5749(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1493.method_5749(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1297.method_5651(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1299.method_17839(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_156.method_17974(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_1299.method_5892(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3499.yungsapi_getEntity(com/yungnickyoung/minecraft/yungsapi/mixin/ [yungsapi_fabric.mixins.json]:126) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3499.handler$fco001$yungsapi$processEntities(com/yungnickyoung/minecraft/yungsapi/mixin/ [yungsapi_fabric.mixins.json]:62) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3499.method_15172(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3781.method_16626(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3790.method_27236(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3790.method_14931(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_3449.method_14974(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_2794.method_38265(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at ~[guava-31.1-jre.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_2794.method_12102(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_2806.method_51375(net/minecraft/ ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_2806$class_3768.doWork( ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at net.minecraft.class_2806.md644e30$c2me-threading-worldgen$lambda$runGenerationTask$0$5(com/ishland/c2me/threading/worldgen/mixin/ [c2me-threading-worldgen.mixins.json]:108) ~[server-intermediary.jar:?]
	at com.ishland.c2me.threading.worldgen.common.ChunkStatusUtils$ChunkStatusThreadingType$2.lambda$runTask$0( ~[c2me-threading-worldgen-0.2.0+alpha.11.5-1d2f268f4f834365.jar:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniCompose.tryFire(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ Source) ~[?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) ~[?:?]
	at Source) ~[?:?]
[10:13:24] [C2ME worker #6/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Negative index in crash report handler (0/23)
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Diaxium commented Apr 24, 2024

ConcurrentModificationException Fix in

The ConcurrentModificationException related to ThreadLocalRandom occurs when multiple threads attempt to access and modify the same resource concurrently. The issue lies in the onReadCustomDataFromNbt method in, where the synchronization on the ThreadLocalRandom class causes conflicts when multiple threads try to access it.

To resolve this issue, I've made an adjustment to remove the synchronization on ThreadLocalRandom, allowing each thread to access it independently without conflicts. This change fixes the concurrency issue and resolves the ConcurrentModificationException.

Updated Code
Here's the updated code:

    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        String variantKey = nbt.getString(MoreMobVariants.NBT_KEY);
        CowEntity self = (CowEntity)(Object)this;

        synchronized (ThreadLocalRandom.class) {
            if (!variantKey.isEmpty()) {
                Identifier variantId = variantKey.contains(":") ? new Identifier(variantKey) :;
                variant = Variants.getVariant(EntityType.COW, variantId);
            } else {
                variant = Variants.getRandomVariant(EntityType.COW, self.getWorld().getRandom().nextLong(), self.getWorld().getBiome(self.getBlockPos()), null, self.getWorld().getMoonSize());

        // Update all players in the event that this is from modifying entity data with a command
        // This should be fine since the packet is so small anyways
        MinecraftServer server = ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer();
        if (server != null) {
            server.getPlayerManager().getPlayerList().forEach((player) -> {
                PacketByteBuf updateBuf = PacketByteBufs.create();

                ServerPlayNetworking.send(player, MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_BASIC_VARIANT_ID, updateBuf);

By removing the synchronization, each thread can now access ThreadLocalRandom independently without conflicts, resolving the ConcurrentModificationException.

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nyuppo commented Apr 24, 2024

@Diaxium is it worth implementing this on the Forge version as well? I know the issue is only occuring when using C2ME, but I think the logic in question is also on the forge version. Just wondering if there are any potential drawbacks to be wary of.

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Diaxium commented Apr 24, 2024

@nyuppo Yes, it's worth implementing this fix on the Forge version as well, even if the issue is currently only occurring with the C2ME Fabric mod. Here's why:


  1. Consistency: The logic is indeed present in both the Fabric and Forge versions. By applying the fix to both, you ensure consistency across platforms.
  2. Future-proofing: Even if the issue isn't currently present in the Forge version, it's possible that a future mod or update could trigger the same concurrency problem.
  3. Thread safety: The fix improves thread safety, which is essential for maintaining stability and preventing potential issues in multi-threaded environments.
  4. Best practice: Applying the fix demonstrates a commitment to following best practices for concurrent programming, even if the issue isn't currently manifesting.

Potential drawbacks

  1. Additional complexity: The fix introduces a small amount of additional complexity, which might require additional testing and maintenance.
  2. Performance impact: The addition of synchronization might have a negligible performance impact, potentially affecting very large-scale or high-concurrency environments. In the worst-case scenario, if many threads are frequently trying to access a synchronized block of code, this could lead to a significant performance degradation. This is because each thread has to wait for its turn to execute the synchronized block, leading to a lot of time spent waiting, especially in highly concurrent tasks. However, in less concurrent situations where the synchronized block is not accessed very frequently, the performance impact might be negligible.

Overall, the benefits of applying the fix to both Fabric and Forge versions outweigh the potential drawbacks. It's a proactive approach to ensuring the stability and thread safety of your mod.

Note on Forge's case

It’s generally noted that If there is no actual need for synchronization (i.e., there is no risk of concurrent access conflicts), then using synchronized wouldn’t be necessary. However, in this specific case, implementing the fix on Forge is still worth considering given the benefits.

Importantly, Minecraft is a multi-threaded game, and with the increasing popularity of performance mods that optimize threading and concurrency, the likelihood of concurrency issues arising in the future is higher.

VariantNbt Utility

It may also be helpful if you created a separate class within your utilities, e.g. VariantNBT. This class could contain the onReadCustomDataFromNbt methods for both animal and hostile entities, making the code more organized and reusable.

Instead of having multiple versions of the same function, you could create a single class that handles NBT data reading for all entity types. This would make it easier to maintain and update the code in the future.

Here's an example of what the VariantNBT class could look like:

package com.github.nyuppo.util;

import com.github.nyuppo.MoreMobVariants;
import com.github.nyuppo.config.Variants;
import com.github.nyuppo.networking.MMVNetworkingConstants;
import com.github.nyuppo.variant.MobVariant;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.networking.v1.PacketByteBufs;
import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.networking.v1.ServerPlayNetworking;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityPose;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NbtCompound;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

 * Utility class for handling MobVariant NBT data.
public class VariantNbt {
     * A seed value used to generate random MobVariant instances.
     * This value is incremented each time a new MobVariant is generated.
     * Using an AtomicLong for the seed is safer than using ((Entity)(Object)this).getWorld().getRandom().nextLong()
     * because it avoids the risk of concurrent modification exceptions and ensures thread-safe access to the seed value.
    static AtomicLong seed = new AtomicLong(System.nanoTime());

     * Returns the next seed value, ensuring thread safety and preventing overflow.
     * @return the next seed value
    public static synchronized long getNextSeed() {
        long currentSeed = seed.get();

        if (currentSeed == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
            seed.set(0); // or a safe value

        return seed.getAndIncrement();

     * Reads MobVariant data from NBT compound and updates server players.
     * Used for entities with no additional NBT data (Cat, Cow, Chicken, Skeleton, Zombie, Wolf).
     * @param nbtCompound  NBT compound containing MobVariant data
     * @param entity       Entity to read data from
     * @param server       Minecraft server instance
     * @return MobVariant instance
    public static MobVariant readVariantNbt(NbtCompound nbtCompound, Entity entity, MinecraftServer server) {
        MobVariant variant = getVariantFromNbt(nbtCompound, entity);
        updateServerPlayers(entity, variant, server);

        return variant;

     * Reads MobVariant data from NBT compound and updates server players.
     * Used for entities with additional NBT data (Pig).
     * @param nbtCompound  NBT compound containing MobVariant data
     * @param entity       Entity to read data from
     * @param server       Minecraft server instance
     * @param isMuddy      Whether the entity is muddy
     * @param muddyTimeLeft Time left for muddy state
     * @return MobVariant instance
    public static MobVariant readVariantNbt(NbtCompound nbtCompound, Entity entity, MinecraftServer server, boolean isMuddy, int muddyTimeLeft) {
        MobVariant variant = getVariantFromNbt(nbtCompound, entity);
        updateServerPlayers(entity, variant, server, isMuddy, muddyTimeLeft);

        return variant;

     * Reads MobVariant data from NBT compound and updates server players.
     * Used for entities with additional NBT data (Sheep).
     * @param nbtCompound  NBT compound containing MobVariant data
     * @param entity       Entity to read data from
     * @param server       Minecraft server instance
     * @param hornColour   Horn colour of the entity
     * @return MobVariant instance
    public static MobVariant readVariantNbt(NbtCompound nbtCompound, Entity entity, MinecraftServer server, String hornColour) {
        MobVariant variant = getVariantFromNbt(nbtCompound, entity);
        updateServerPlayers(entity, variant, server, hornColour);

        return variant;

     * Extracts MobVariant from NBT compound.
     * @param nbtCompound  NBT compound containing MobVariant data
     * @param entity       Entity to read data from
     * @return MobVariant instance
    private static MobVariant getVariantFromNbt(NbtCompound nbtCompound, Entity entity) {
        String NBT_KEY = nbtCompound.getString(MoreMobVariants.NBT_KEY);

        if (!NBT_KEY.isEmpty()) {
            try {
                return NBT_KEY.contains(":") ? Variants.getVariant(entity.getType(), new Identifier(NBT_KEY)) : Variants.getVariant(entity.getType(),;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // Handle invalid NBT_KEY here
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid NBT key: " + NBT_KEY);

        return Variants.getRandomVariant(entity.getType(), getNextSeed(), entity.getWorld().getBiome(entity.getBlockPos()), null, entity.getWorld().getMoonSize());

     * Updates server players with MobVariant data.
     * Used for entities with no additional NBT data.
     * @param entity   Entity to update
     * @param variant  MobVariant instance
     * @param server   Minecraft server instance
    private static void updateServerPlayers(Entity entity, MobVariant variant, MinecraftServer server) {
        if (server == null) { return; }

         * Sends a network packet to all online players in the server, containing information about the entity and its variant.
         * This method is safe from ConcurrentModificationException because it creates a snapshot of the player list before iterating.
        Iterator<ServerPlayerEntity> iterator = new ArrayList<>(server.getPlayerManager().getPlayerList()).iterator();
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            do {
                ServerPlayerEntity player =;

                PacketByteBuf updateBuf = PacketByteBufs.create();

                updateBuf.writeInt(entity.getId()); // entityId
                updateBuf.writeString(variant.getIdentifier().toString()); // variantId

                 * Sends the packet to the player, containing the entity ID and variant information.
                 * The packet is identified by MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_BASIC_VARIANT_ID.
                ServerPlayNetworking.send(player, MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_BASIC_VARIANT_ID, updateBuf);
            } while (iterator.hasNext());

     * Updates server players with MobVariant data.
     * Used for entities with additional NBT data (Pig).
     * @param entity       Entity to update
     * @param variant      MobVariant instance
     * @param server       Minecraft server instance
     * @param isMuddy      Whether the entity is muddy
     * @param muddyTimeLeft Time left for muddy state
    private static void updateServerPlayers(Entity entity, MobVariant variant, MinecraftServer server, boolean isMuddy, int muddyTimeLeft) {
        if (server == null) { return; }

         * Sends a network packet to all online players in the server, containing information about the entity and its variant.
         * This method is safe from ConcurrentModificationException because it creates a snapshot of the player list before iterating.
        Iterator<ServerPlayerEntity> iterator = new ArrayList<>(server.getPlayerManager().getPlayerList()).iterator();
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            do {
                ServerPlayerEntity player =;

                PacketByteBuf updateBuf = PacketByteBufs.create();

                updateBuf.writeInt(entity.getId()); // entityId
                updateBuf.writeString(variant.getIdentifier().toString()); // variantId

                updateBuf.writeBoolean(entity.getPose().equals(EntityPose.SITTING)); // isSitting

                updateBuf.writeBoolean(isMuddy); // isMuddy
                updateBuf.writeVarInt(muddyTimeLeft); // muddyTimeout
                updateBuf.writeString(""); // hornColour

                 * Sends the packet to the player, containing the entity ID and variant information.
                 * The packet is identified by MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_VARIANT_ID.
                ServerPlayNetworking.send(player, MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_VARIANT_ID, updateBuf);
            } while (iterator.hasNext());

     * Updates server players with MobVariant data.
     * Used for entities with additional NBT data (Sheep).
     * @param entity       Entity to update
     * @param variant      MobVariant instance
     * @param server       Minecraft server instance
     * @param hornColour   Horn color of the entity
    private static void updateServerPlayers(Entity entity, MobVariant variant, MinecraftServer server, String hornColour) {
        if (server == null) { return; }

         * Sends a network packet to all online players in the server, containing information about the entity and its variant.
         * This method is safe from ConcurrentModificationException because it creates a snapshot of the player list before iterating.
        Iterator<ServerPlayerEntity> iterator = new ArrayList<>(server.getPlayerManager().getPlayerList()).iterator();
        if (iterator.hasNext()) {
            do {
                ServerPlayerEntity player =;

                PacketByteBuf updateBuf = PacketByteBufs.create();

                updateBuf.writeInt(entity.getId()); // entityId
                updateBuf.writeString(variant.getIdentifier().toString()); // variantId

                updateBuf.writeBoolean(entity.getPose().equals(EntityPose.SITTING)); // isSitting

                updateBuf.writeBoolean(false); // isMuddy
                updateBuf.writeVarInt(0); // muddyTimeout
                updateBuf.writeString(hornColour); // hornColour

                 * Sends the packet to the player, containing the entity ID and variant information.
                 * The packet is identified by MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_VARIANT_ID.
                ServerPlayNetworking.send(player, MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_VARIANT_ID, updateBuf);
            } while (iterator.hasNext());

Example Usage:

The VariantNBT class can be used to handle NBT data reading for various entity types. Here's an example of how to use it:

    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (CatEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer());
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (ChickenEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer());
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (CowEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer());
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        isMuddy = nbt.getBoolean(MoreMobVariants.MUDDY_NBT_KEY);
        muddyTimeLeft = nbt.getInt(MoreMobVariants.MUDDY_TIMEOUT_NBT_KEY);

        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (PigEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer(), isMuddy, muddyTimeLeft);
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        hornColour = nbt.getString(MoreMobVariants.SHEEP_HORN_COLOUR_NBT_KEY);

        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (SheepEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer(), hornColour);
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (SkeletonEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer());
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (SpiderEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer());
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (WolfEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer());
    protected void onReadCustomDataFromNbt(NbtCompound nbt, CallbackInfo ci) {
        // Required to update variant Variable otherwise it will be null and not be updated for the entity.
        variant = VariantNbt.readVariantNbt(nbt, (ZombieEntity)(Object)this, ((Entity)(Object)this).getServer());

This code calls the readVariantNbtmethod for different entity types, passing the necessary parameters. This allows for a more organized and reusable approach to handling NBT data for various entities.

Note: The (Object)this casting is used to adapt the entity instance to the
readVariantNbtmethod's parameter type, which is Entity. This is necessary because the method is designed to work with different entity types, and the casting ensures compatibility.


If you wish to use the VariantNbt that I already created you’ll probably have to adjust your MoreMobVariantsClient and MoreMobVariants class because you’ll need to make sure that the order at which the buffer is read and written is in correct order:

MoreMobVariantsClient :

// Client event to handle response from server about complex mob variants
        ClientPlayNetworking.registerGlobalReceiver(MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_VARIANT_ID, ((client, handler, buf, responseSender) -> {
            int entityId = buf.readInt(); // This is the entity ID
            String variantId = buf.readString(); // This is the variant ID

            boolean isSitting = buf.readBoolean(); // This is the sitting boolean

            boolean isMuddy = buf.readBoolean(); // This is the muddy boolean
            int muddyTimeout = buf.readVarInt(); // This is the muddy timeout
            String sheepHornColour = buf.readString(); // This is the sheep horn color

            ClientPlayerEntity player = client.player; // Get the player

            if (player == null) {

            client.execute(() -> {
                World world = player.getWorld(); // Get the world

                if (world == null) {

                Entity entity = world.getEntityById(entityId); // Get the entity by ID

                if (entity != null) {
                    NbtCompound nbt = new NbtCompound();
                    entity.writeNbt(nbt); // Write the entity's NBT data
                    nbt.putString(MoreMobVariants.NBT_KEY, variantId); // Set the variant ID

                    if (entity instanceof TameableEntity) {
                        nbt.putBoolean("Sitting", isSitting);

                    if (entity instanceof PigEntity) {
                        nbt.putBoolean(MoreMobVariants.MUDDY_NBT_KEY, isMuddy); // Set the muddy boolean
                        nbt.putInt(MoreMobVariants.MUDDY_TIMEOUT_NBT_KEY, muddyTimeout); // Set the muddy timeout
                    } else if (entity instanceof SheepEntity) {
                        nbt.putString(MoreMobVariants.SHEEP_HORN_COLOUR_NBT_KEY, sheepHornColour); // Set the sheep horn color

                    entity.readNbt(nbt); // Read the NBT data back into the entity

MoreMobVariants :

// Server event to respond to client request for a variant
        ServerPlayNetworking.registerGlobalReceiver(MMVNetworkingConstants.CLIENT_REQUEST_VARIANT_ID, ((server, player, handler, buf, responseSender) -> {
            UUID uuid = buf.readUuid();
            server.execute( () -> {
                Entity entity = server.getOverworld().getEntity(uuid);

                // If we couldn't find the mob in the overworld, start checking all other worlds
                if (entity == null) {
                    for (ServerWorld serverWorld : server.getWorlds()) {
                        Entity entity2 = serverWorld.getEntity(uuid);
                        if (entity2 != null) {
                            entity = entity2;

                if (entity != null) {
                    NbtCompound nbt = new NbtCompound();

                    if (nbt.contains(NBT_KEY)) {
                        PacketByteBuf responseBuf = PacketByteBufs.create();
                        responseBuf.writeInt(entity.getId()); // This is the entity ID
                        responseBuf.writeString(nbt.getString(NBT_KEY)); // This is the variant ID

                        //going to pass all three of these regardless, so buf structure is constant. More cases can be added and hook into these as needed.
                        boolean isSitting = false;

                        boolean isMuddy = false;
                        int muddyTimeout = 0;
                        String sheepHornColour = "";

                        // For some reason, "Sitting" syncing breaks, so send that too I guess
                        if (entity instanceof TameableEntity) {
                            isSitting = nbt.getBoolean("Sitting");

                        // Muddy pigs
                        if (entity instanceof PigEntity) {
                            isMuddy = nbt.getBoolean(MUDDY_NBT_KEY);
                            muddyTimeout = nbt.getInt(MUDDY_TIMEOUT_NBT_KEY);

                        // Sheep horns
                        if (entity instanceof SheepEntity) {
                            sheepHornColour = nbt.getString(SHEEP_HORN_COLOUR_NBT_KEY);

                        responseBuf.writeBoolean(isSitting); // This is the sitting boolean

                        responseBuf.writeBoolean(isMuddy); // This is the muddy boolean
                        responseBuf.writeVarInt(muddyTimeout); // This is the muddy timeout
                        responseBuf.writeString(sheepHornColour); // This is the sheep horn color

                        ServerPlayNetworking.send(handler.getPlayer(), MMVNetworkingConstants.SERVER_RESPOND_VARIANT_ID, responseBuf);

Difference between getVariants functions


Old Function

The old getVariants function had a null pointer exception issue. It tried to create a new ArrayList from a null collection, which caused the error.

public static ArrayList<MobVariant> getVariants(EntityType<?> mob) {
        if (variants.get(mob) != null) {
            return new ArrayList<>(variants.get(mob));

        return new ArrayList<>(defaultVariants.get(mob));

New Function

The new getVariants function fixes this issue by adding a null check before creating the ArrayList. It first checks if the collection is null, and if so, it returns an empty ArrayList or handles the situation as desired.

     * Retrieves a list of MobVariant objects associated with the given mob type.
     * @param mob the EntityType of the mob
     * @return a list of MobVariant objects, or an empty list if none are found
    public static ArrayList<MobVariant> getVariants(EntityType<?> mob) {
        Collection<MobVariant> variantCollection = variants.get(mob);
        if (variantCollection != null) {
            return new ArrayList<>(variantCollection);

        variantCollection = defaultVariants.get(mob);
        if (variantCollection != null) {
            return new ArrayList<>(variantCollection);

        // If both are null, return an empty ArrayList or handle the situation as desired
        return new ArrayList<>();

Key Differences

  • The new function adds a null check to prevent the null pointer exception.
  • The new function returns an empty ArrayList if no variants are found, instead of null.


  • The new function is more robust and prevents null pointer exceptions.
  • The new function provides a more consistent return value, always returning a list (even if empty).

Repository owner deleted a comment from fionera May 20, 2024
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nyuppo commented May 20, 2024

Removed a comment accusing me of using ChatGPT to write this mod lol

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fionera commented May 20, 2024

Removed a comment accusing me of using ChatGPT to write this mod lol

I didn't meant you but Diaxium. Not only is the answer from their first comment wrong but also describes a completely different thing than what this actually is

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nyuppo commented May 20, 2024

I didn't meant you but Diaxium. Not only is the answer from their first comment wrong but also describes a completely different thing than what this actually is

Ohh I see, thanks for the clarification! I haven't gotten around to actually implementing this yet, are you saying that Diaxium's comments aren't actually a good idea?

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Routhinator commented Jun 8, 2024

FWIW - I had this issue without C2ME however the mod causing the LegacyRandomSource crash was unknown. C2ME adds a debugger and the log spam happens everytime an unsafe access method is used and spawns a trace to help diagnose it.

At any rate, removing MobVariants solves my LegacyRandomSource crash in 1.20.1 when pregenerating with Chunky, and I was able to find this thanks to C2ME.

Edit: I initially missed that rolling back to 1.2.2 for now will work. I tested this and can confirm it. I will test 1.3.X again once this issue resolves.

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