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Topological Data Analysis for Lidar Forestry Data This repository contains Jupyter notebooks for performing topological data analysis (TDA) on LIDAR-generated point cloud data using the alpha complex class of the GUDHI library:

The primary notebook is the "read-process-data" notebook. Here, you can: -read in .las or .laz files using laspy ( -format the data in a numpy array so you can process it -construct simplicial complexes and store them in a data structure called a simplex tree -report various information about the resulting simplicial complexes -create and display persistance diagrams -generate betti numbers as a function of the alpha radius, plot this data and write it to a .cvs file

The "visualization" notebook allows you to visualize the construction of the alpha complexes for different values of alpha_max, which is the alpha radius at which you stop the filtration.

The "distance-metrics" notebook allows you to calculate the bottleneck distance for a given homology group, which gives you an idea of how "far apart" two persistence diagrams are.

The "k-means" notebook uses output from the "read-process-data" notebook (in particular, the betti numbers) and runs a k means clustering algorithm to cluster data by relative betti number.

This code was developed for a summer internship with the Center for Forest Disturbance Science in Athens, GA and was supported by funds from the NSF MSGI internship program:, which is administered through the Oak Ridge Center for Education and Science (ORISE).


Topological Data Analysis for Lidar Forestry Data






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