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MLogger - logging for Oasis projects

oasis/logging provides classes and functions used to write logs.

The component can be referred to as MLog or MLogger in short.

There are a list of log handlers provided by default:

  • Console Handler
  • Local File Handler
  • Local Error Handler
  • AWS SNS Handler

MLog adhere strictly to the PSR-3 standard and uses monolog/monolog as its underlying implementation.


Install the latest version with command below:

$ composer require oasis/logging

Basic Usage

It is easy to use MLogger withour any configuration:


// quick logging methods as global functions
mdebug("This is a debug message");
minfo("This is a info-level log message");
mnotice("Notice is also available");
mwarning("WARNING: something is possibly wrong!");
merror("ERROR: something is definitely wrong!");
mcritical("This is CRITICAL!");
malert("ALERT! ALERT!");

// sprintf compatible logging
$name = 'test';
mdebug("The object %s is being processed", $name);

Using the Logger directly

A Monolog\Logger can be used directly. This provides the freedom to integrate MLog with other PSR-3 compatible components who need logging tools.


use Monolog\Logger as MonoLogger;
use Oasis\Mlib\Logging\MLogging;

/** @var MonoLogger $logger */
$logger = MLogging::getLogger();

// the $logger object can then be injected into any place in need of a MonoLogger

Add Handler

Thanks to the mature community of monolog/monolog, MLog can take use of all the existing Handlers for monolog.

In addition, you can also write your own handler that implements the Monolog\Handler\HandlerInterface interface.

Adding a handler to MLog is as simple as:


use Oasis\Mlib\Logging\ConsoleHandler;
use Oasis\Mlib\Logging\LocalFileHandler;
use Oasis\Mlib\Logging\MLogging;

MLogging::addHandler(new ConsoleHandler());

// or

(new LocalFileHandler())->install();

Use auto-rotated-timestamp for file handler

The Oasis\Mlib\Logging\LocalFileHandler can be easily configured to rotate its filename based on time changes. This is a very useful feature if your script is a longlive script which runs more than just a few seconds. Provided the correct name pattern, the local filename will rotate each time the preset interval has passed. Here is an example:

use Oasis\Mlib\Logging\LocalFileHandler;

$lfh = new LocalFileHandler('/my-log-path', '%date%/%hour%-%minute%-%script%.log');

// This tells the filename to rotate every 30 minutes

The supported name patterns are:

|pattern | meaning| |:--- |: ---| %date% | substituted by date of now, in the format: yyyymmdd %hour% | substituted by hour of now, in the format: HH (00-23) %minute% | substituted by minute of now, in the format: ii (00-59) %second% | substituted by second of now, in the format: ss (00-59) %script% | substituted by name of current script, filename only without directory names %pid% | substituted by current process ID

Using AWS SNS to auto handle alert

The Oasis\Mlib\Logging\AwsSnsHandler provides a handler which is only processed when log above certain level (default to ALERT) is triggered.

It is an especially useful tool under production environment. It buffers all the logs and discard them if the script exits without error. If anything like a fatal error has put the script to exit abnormally, the handler will publish all the buffer as well as an ALERT log to the specified AWS SNS topic.

The AwsSnsHandler is an optional feature and it depends on the oasis/aws-wrappers component:

$ composer require oasis/aws-wrappers

To use the AwsSnsHandler, try the code below:


use Oasis\Mlib\Logging\AwsSnsHandler;
use Oasis\Mlib\AwsWrappers\SnsPublisher;

/** @var string $the_topic_arn      the topic's AWS Resource Name */
/** @var array $some_aws_config     config data to initialize an Sns Publisher */
$publisher = new SnsPublisher($some_aws_config, $the_topic_arn);

$snsHandler = new AwsSnsHandler($publisher, 'This is the subject');