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File metadata and controls

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Create your own REST Controller

When you are accessing TAO 3.0, you may notice that the REST Controllers have not yet been ported from TAO 2.6 (this may change in succeeding versions).

Step 1: Create a new PHP file such as TestController.php in the actions folder of your MODULE

class TestController extends \tao_actions_CommonRestModule

    public function __construct(){

    public function index()
        $data = "Hello world";


Step 2: Check you can access the TestController you have created with a URL such as

http://localhost/projects/tao/(YOUR MODULE HERE)/TestController

Step 3: Create a separate PHP file called Test.php (Check you have CURL installed) which will access your new REST Controller


Step 4: Access Test.php through your Browser

You should see something similar to {success world“,”version“:”3.0.0"}200