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File metadata and controls

50 lines (36 loc) · 1.5 KB

Auto Complete

The auto complete field captures a text or a list of texts. It has some "options", i.e. possible values that are proposed for selection after typing a few characters (at least two). It is also possible to use these options as suggestions only and allow entering new values.

This field is appropriate when there is a long list of options (place names for instance) and for reducing text variations with an open field.


The auto complete field helps with the formatting of open text entries.

The auto complete field helps with the formatting of open text entries.




Property Definition
Hint Help text below the input field.
Default The default value. Only a single value can be specified, even when Multiple choices is set.
Multiple choices When selected, the captured data is a list of texts. Default is false, i.e. a single value is captured.
Options The list of predefined values, either to be selected or used as suggestions. For provisioning a lot of options, see cb_large_select
Can enter new value When selected, an entry that is not in the list of options can be added. Default is false, i.e. a valid entry must be one of the options.
