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Add nothing-as-value to anything to avoid confusion between something and “no such thing“.
Data Structures


An option value wraps another value or contains nothing if there isn't anything to wrap. The predefined type option represents such values.

# #show option;;
type 'a option = None | Some of 'a

Here are option values:

# Some 42;;
- : int option = Some 42

# None;;
- : 'a option = None

Here we have:

  • 42, stored inside an option using the Some constructor and
  • the None value, which doesn't store anything.

The option type is useful when the lack of data is better handled as the special value None rather than an exception. It is the type-safe version of returning error values. Since no wrapped data has any special meaning, confusion between regular values and the absence of value is impossible.

Exceptions vs Options

The function Sys.getenv : string -> string from the OCaml standard library queries the value of an environment variable; however, it throws an exception if the variable is not defined. On the other hand, the function Sys.getenv_opt : string -> string option does the same, except it returns None if the variable is not defined. Here is what may happen if we try to access an undefined environment variable:

Exception: Not_found.

- : string option = None

See Error Handling for a longer discussion on error handling using options, exceptions, and other means.

The Standard Library Option Module

Most of the functions in this section, as well as other useful ones, are provided by the OCaml standard library in the Stdlib.Option module.

Map Over an Option

Using pattern matching, it is possible to define functions, allowing to work with option values. Here is map of type ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option. It allows to apply a function to the wrapped value inside an option, if present:

let map f = function
  | None -> None
  | Some v -> Some (f v)

In the standard library, this is

# (fun x -> x * x) (Some 3);;
- : int option = Some 9

# (fun x -> x * x) None;;
- : int option : None

Peel-Off Doubly Wrapped Options

Here is join of type 'a option option -> 'a option. It peels off one layer from a doubly wrapped option:

let join = function
  | Some Some v -> Some v
  | Some None -> None
  | None -> None

In the standard library, this is Option.join.

# Option.join (Some (Some 42));;
- : int option = Some 42

# Option.join (Some None);;
- : 'a option = None

# Option.join None;;
- : 'a option = None

Access the Content of an Option

The function get of type 'a option -> 'a allows access to the value contained inside an option.

let get = function
  | Some v -> v
  | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "option is None")

Beware, get o throws an exception if o is None. To access the content of an option without the risk of raising an exception, the function value of type 'a option -> 'a -> 'a can be used:

let value opt ~default = match opt with
  | Some v -> v
  | None -> default

However, it needs a default value as an additional parameter.

In the standard library, these functions are Option.get and Option.value.

Fold an Option

The function fold of type none:'a -> some:('b -> 'a) -> 'b option -> 'a can be seen as a combination of map and value

let fold ~none ~some o = o |> some |> Option.value ~default:none

In the standard library, this function is Option.fold.

The Option.fold function can be used to implement a fall-back logic without writing pattern matching. For instance, here is a function that turns the contents of the $PATH environment variable into a list of strings, or the empty list if undefined. This version uses pattern matching:

# let path () =
    let split_on_colon = String.split_on_char ':' in
    let opt = Sys.getenv_opt "PATH" in
    match opt with
    | Some s -> split_on_colon s
    | None -> [];;
val path : unit -> string list = <fun>

Here is the same function, using Option.fold:

# let path () =
    let split_on_colon = String.split_on_char ':' in
    Sys.getenv_opt "PATH" |> Option.fold ~some:split_on_colon ~none:[];;
val path : unit -> string list = <fun>

Bind an Option

The bind function of type 'a option -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option works a bit like map. But whilst map expects a function parameter f that returns an unwrapped value of type b, bind expects an f that returns a value already wrapped in an option 'b option.

Here, we display the type of, with parameters flipped and show a possible implementation of Option.bind.

# Fun.flip;;
- : 'a option -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b option = <fun>

# let bind o f = o |> f |> Option.join;;
val bind : 'a option -> ('a -> 'b option) -> 'b option = <fun>

Observe that the types are the same, except for the codomain of the function parameter.


By the way, any type where map and join functions can be implemented, with similar behaviour, can be called a monad, and option is often used to introduce monads. But don't freak out! You don't need to know what a monad is to use the option type.