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Merge pull request #72 from yallop/check-errno-in-foreign
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Remove returning_checking_errno; pass a flag to foreign instead.
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yallop committed Sep 3, 2013
2 parents 4b20338 + 816b560 commit c4887ca
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Showing 11 changed files with 67 additions and 51 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions examples/date/
Expand Up @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ let tm_yday = int -: "tm_yday" (* day in the year *)
let tm_isdst = int -: "tm_isdst" (* daylight saving time *)
let () = seal (tm : tm structure typ)

let time = foreign "time" (ptr time_t @-> returning_checking_errno time_t)
let time = foreign "time" ~check_errno:true (ptr time_t @-> returning time_t)

let asctime = foreign "asctime" (ptr tm @-> returning string)

let localtime = foreign "localtime" (ptr time_t @-> returning (ptr tm))
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions examples/fts/
Expand Up @@ -200,20 +200,20 @@ let _fts_open = Foreign.foreign "fts_open"
(ptr string @-> int @-> Foreign.funptr_opt compar_type @-> returning (ptr fts))

(* FTSENT *fts_read(FTS *ftsp); *)
let _fts_read = Foreign.foreign "fts_read"
(ptr fts @-> returning_checking_errno (ptr ftsent))
let _fts_read = Foreign.foreign "fts_read" ~check_errno:true
(ptr fts @-> returning (ptr ftsent))

(* FTSENT *fts_children(FTS *ftsp, int options); *)
let _fts_children = Foreign.foreign "fts_children"
(ptr fts @-> int @-> returning (ptr ftsent))

(* int fts_set(FTS *ftsp, FTSENT *f, int options); *)
let _fts_set = Foreign.foreign "fts_set"
(ptr fts @-> ptr (ftsent) @-> int @-> returning_checking_errno int)
let _fts_set = Foreign.foreign "fts_set" ~check_errno:true
(ptr fts @-> ptr (ftsent) @-> int @-> returning int)

(* int fts_close(FTS *ftsp); *)
let _fts_close = Foreign.foreign "fts_close"
(ptr fts @-> returning_checking_errno int)
let _fts_close = Foreign.foreign "fts_close" ~check_errno:true
(ptr fts @-> returning int)

let crush_options f : 'a list -> int = List.fold_left (fun i o -> i lor (f o)) 0

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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions examples/sigset/
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ let full () =
EINVAL The signum argument doesn't specify a valid signal.
let sigaddset = foreign "sigaddset" (ptr sigset_t @-> int @-> returning_checking_errno int)
let sigaddset = foreign "sigaddset" ~check_errno:true
(ptr sigset_t @-> int @-> returning int)

let add set signal = ignore (sigaddset set signal)

Expand All @@ -50,7 +51,8 @@ let add set signal = ignore (sigaddset set signal)
The return value and error conditions are the same as for
sigaddset. *)
let sigdelset = foreign "sigdelset" (ptr sigset_t @-> int @-> returning_checking_errno int)
let sigdelset = foreign "sigdelset" ~check_errno:true
(ptr sigset_t @-> int @-> returning int)

let del set signal = ignore (sigdelset set signal)

Expand All @@ -62,6 +64,7 @@ let del set signal = ignore (sigdelset set signal)
EINVAL The signum argument doesn't specify a valid signal.
let sigismember = foreign "sigismember" (ptr sigset_t @-> int @-> returning_checking_errno int)
let sigismember = foreign "sigismember" ~check_errno:true
(ptr sigset_t @-> int @-> returning int)

let mem set signal = sigismember set signal <> 0
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions src/ctypes.mli
Expand Up @@ -215,11 +215,6 @@ val returning : 'a typ -> 'a fn
to be used together with {!(@->)}; see the documentation for {!(@->)} for an
example. *)

val returning_checking_errno : 'a typ -> 'a fn
(** Give the return type of a C function. This behaves like {!returning},
except that calls to functions bound using [returning_checking_errno] check
whether errno has been updated and raise {!Unix.Unix_error} if so. *)

(** {3 Struct and union types} *)

type ('a, 'kind) structured = ('a, 'kind) Static.structured
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19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ let prep_callspec callspec ty =

let rec box_function : type a. a fn -> Ffi_stubs.callspec -> a WeakRef.t -> Ffi_stubs.boxedfn
= fun fn callspec -> match fn with
| Returns (_, ty) ->
| Returns ty ->
let () = prep_callspec callspec ty in
let write_rv = Memory.write ty in
fun f -> Ffi_stubs.Done (write_rv ~offset:0 (WeakRef.get f), callspec)
Expand All @@ -122,26 +122,27 @@ let rec box_function : type a. a fn -> Ffi_stubs.callspec -> a WeakRef.t -> Ffi_
add_argument callspec argn
prep_callspec callspec rettype
let rec build_ccallspec : type a. a fn -> Ffi_stubs.callspec -> a ccallspec
= fun fn callspec -> match fn with
| Returns (check_errno, t) ->
let rec build_ccallspec : type a. check_errno:bool -> a fn -> Ffi_stubs.callspec
-> a ccallspec
= fun ~check_errno fn callspec -> match fn with
| Returns t ->
let () = prep_callspec callspec t in
Call (check_errno, t ~offset:0)
| Function (p, f) ->
let offset = add_argument callspec p in
let rest = build_ccallspec f callspec in
let rest = build_ccallspec ~check_errno f callspec in
WriteArg (Memory.write p ~offset, rest)

let build_function ?name fn =
let build_function ?name ~check_errno fn =
let c = Ffi_stubs.allocate_callspec () in
let e = build_ccallspec fn c in
let e = build_ccallspec ~check_errno fn c in
invoke name e [] c

let ptr_of_rawptr raw_ptr =
{ raw_ptr ; pbyte_offset = 0; reftype = void; pmanaged = None }

let function_of_pointer ?name fn =
let f = build_function ?name fn in
let function_of_pointer ?name ~check_errno fn =
let f = build_function ?name ~check_errno fn in
fun {raw_ptr} -> f raw_ptr

let pointer_of_function fn =
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/ffi.mli
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ open Static

(** Dynamic function calls based on libffi *)

val function_of_pointer : ?name:string -> ('a -> 'b) fn -> unit ptr -> ('a -> 'b)
val function_of_pointer : ?name:string -> check_errno:bool -> ('a -> 'b) fn ->
unit ptr -> ('a -> 'b)
(** Build an OCaml function from a type specification and a pointer to a C
function. *)

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ let format_function_pointer fn k fmt =
Type_printing.format_fn' fn
(fun fmt -> Format.fprintf fmt "(*%t)" k) fmt

let funptr ?name fn =
let funptr ?name ?(check_errno=false) fn =
let open Ffi in
let read = function_of_pointer ?name fn
let read = function_of_pointer ~check_errno ?name fn
and write = pointer_of_function fn
and format_typ = format_function_pointer fn in
Static.(view ~format_typ ~read ~write (ptr void))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ let ptr_of_raw_ptr p =
let foreign_value ?from symbol t =
from_voidp t (ptr_of_raw_ptr (dlsym ?handle:from ~symbol))

let foreign ?(stub = false) ?from symbol typ = let open Ctypes in
let foreign ?from ?(stub=false) ?(check_errno=false) symbol typ =
let p = ptr_of_raw_ptr (dlsym ?handle:from ~symbol) in
let pp = to_voidp (allocate (ptr void) p) in
!@ (from_voidp (funptr ~name:symbol typ) pp)
!@ (from_voidp (funptr ~name:symbol ~check_errno typ) pp)
| exn -> if stub then fun _ -> raise exn else raise exn
38 changes: 28 additions & 10 deletions src/foreign.mli
Expand Up @@ -7,31 +7,49 @@

(** High-level bindings for C functions and values *)

val foreign : ?stub:bool -> ?from:Dl.library -> string ->
('a -> 'b) Ctypes.fn -> ('a -> 'b)
val foreign :
?from:Dl.library ->
?stub:bool ->
?check_errno:bool ->
string ->
('a -> 'b) Ctypes.fn ->
('a -> 'b)
(** [foreign name typ] exposes the C function of type [typ] named by [name] as
an OCaml value. The argument [?from], if supplied, is a library handle
returned by {!Dl.dlopen}. The argument [?stub], if [true] (defaults to
[false]), indicates that the function should not raise an exception
if [name] is not found but return an OCaml value that raises an
exception when called.
an OCaml value.
@raise Dl.DL_error if [name] is not found in [?from] and [?stub] is
The argument [?from], if supplied, is a library handle returned by
The argument [?stub], if [true] (defaults to [false]), indicates that the
function should not raise an exception if [name] is not found but return
an OCaml value that raises an exception when called.
The value [?check_errno], which defaults to [false], indicates whether
{!Unix.Unix_error} should be raised if the C function modifies [errno].
@raise Dl.DL_error if [name] is not found in [?from] and [?stub] is
[false]. *)

val foreign_value : ?from:Dl.library -> string -> 'a Ctypes.typ -> 'a Ctypes.ptr
(** [foreign_value name typ] exposes the C value of type [typ] named by [name]
as an OCaml value. The argument [?from], if supplied, is a library handle
returned by {!Dl.dlopen}. *)

val funptr : ?name:string -> ('a -> 'b) Ctypes.fn -> ('a -> 'b) Ctypes.typ
val funptr :
?name:string ->
?check_errno:bool ->
('a -> 'b) Ctypes.fn ->
('a -> 'b) Ctypes.typ
(** Construct a function pointer type from a function type.
The ctypes library, like C itself, distinguishes functions and function
pointers. Functions are not first class: it is not possible to use them
as arguments or return values of calls, or store them in addressable
memory. Function pointers are first class, and so have none of these
restrictions. *)
The value [?check_errno], which defaults to [false], indicates whether
{!Unix.Unix_error} should be raised if the C function modifies [errno]. *)

val funptr_opt : ('a -> 'b) Ctypes.fn -> ('a -> 'b) option Ctypes.typ
(** Construct a function pointer type from a function type.
Expand Down
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions src/
Expand Up @@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ and 'a union_type = {
and 's boxed_field = BoxedField : ('a, 's) field -> 's boxed_field

type _ fn =
(* The flag indicates whether we should check errno *)
| Returns : bool * 'a typ -> 'a fn
| Returns : 'a typ -> 'a fn
| Function : 'a typ * 'b fn -> ('a -> 'b) fn

type boxed_typ = BoxedType : 'a typ -> boxed_typ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,8 +154,7 @@ let returning v =
if not (passable v) then
raise (Unsupported "Unsupported return type")
Returns (false, v)
let returning_checking_errno v = Returns (true, v)
Returns v

let structure tag =
Struct { spec = Incomplete { isize = 0 }; tag; fields = [] }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/
Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ and format_fn' : 'a. 'a fn ->
(Format.formatter -> unit) =
let rec gather : type a. a fn -> boxed_typ list * boxed_typ =
| Returns (_, ty) -> [], BoxedType ty
| Returns ty -> [], BoxedType ty
| Function (Void, fn) -> gather fn
| Function (p, fn) -> let ps, r = gather fn in BoxedType p :: ps, r in
fun fn k fmt ->
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions tests/
Expand Up @@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ open Ctypes
is raised.
let test_errno_exception_raised () =
let fdopendir = Foreign.foreign "fdopendir"
(int @-> returning_checking_errno (ptr void)) in
let fdopendir = Foreign.foreign "fdopendir" ~check_errno:true
(int @-> returning (ptr void)) in
assert_raises (Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EBADF, "fdopendir", ""))
(fun () -> fdopendir (-300))

Expand All @@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ let test_errno_exception_raised () =
Call chdir() with a valid directory path and check that zero is returned.
let test_int_return_errno_exception_raised () =
let chdir = Foreign.foreign "chdir"
(string @-> returning_checking_errno int) in
let chdir = Foreign.foreign "chdir" ~check_errno:true
(string @-> returning int) in
assert_raises (Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "chdir", ""))
(fun () -> chdir "/unlikely_to_exist")

Expand All @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ let test_int_return_errno_exception_raised () =
Call chdir() with a valid directory path and check that zero is returned.
let test_errno_no_exception_raised () =
let chdir = Foreign.foreign "chdir"
(string @-> returning_checking_errno int) in
let chdir = Foreign.foreign "chdir" ~check_errno:true
(string @-> returning int) in
assert_equal 0 (chdir (Sys.getcwd ()))

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