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Code Examples


The example data set below is dive data from grey seal over the course of a few days.

Example data set: Seal Dives <_static/seal_dive_data.csv>


Pass a Pandas DataFrame to the function with a time and a depth (in positive meters) column. Provide the surface threshold using surface_threshold (in meters). Refine other arguments as needed.

from divebomb import profile_cluster_export
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')

profile_cluster_export(data, folder='results', surface_threshold=surface_threshold , columns={'depth': 'depth', 'time': 'time'})


To run the profile_cluster_export() function on an animal, such as a shark, just set is_surfacing_animal==False. This variable makes the function call the DeepDive class instead. DeepDives are not dependent on the animal surfacing again.

import pandas as pd
from divebomb import profile_cluster_export

df = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')

dives = profile_cluster_export(df, folder='results', is_surfacing_animal=False)

Changing Surface threshold

A surface threshold is used for surfacing animals to define a depth window for what is considered to be at surface. The surface_threshold argument defaults to 0 but can be changed in the profile_cluster_export() function. For example surface_threshold=2 might be passed for animal that is ~2 meters long. surface_threshold is always passed in meters.


import pandas as pd
from divebomb import profile_cluster_export

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

surface_threshold = 3 # in meters

dives = profile_cluster_export(data, folder='results', surface_threshold=surface_threshold)

Changing At Depth Threshold

An at depth threshold is used in both the Dive and the DeepDive class. The at_depth_thresold argument is a value between 0 and 1 that determines the window for when an animal is considered to be at bottom of its dive. The default value is 0.15 which means the bottom 15% of the relative depth is considered to be at bottom. at_depth_thresold is always as value between 0 and 1 expressing a percentage.


import pandas as pd
from divebomb import profile_cluster_export

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

at_depth_threshold = 0.2 # A value betwen 0 and 1

dives = profile_cluster_export(data, folder='results', minimal_time_between_dives=minimal_time_between_dives)

Changing Dive Detection Sensitivity

The dive_detection_sensitivity argument is a value between 0 and 1. The default is 0.98 for surfacing animals and 0.5 for non-surfacing animals. The dive_detection_sensitivity helps determine range where dive starts can be determined.


import pandas as pd
from divebomb import profile_cluster_export

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

dive_detection_sensitivity = 0.95

dives = profile_cluster_export(data, folder='results', dive_detection_sensitivity=dive_detection_sensitivity)

Changing Minimal Time Between Dives

The minimal_time_between_dives is the minimum time (in seconds) that has to occur before a new dive can start. The default value for this is 10 seconds.


import pandas as pd
from divebomb import profile_cluster_export

data = pd.read_csv('data.csv')

minimal_time_between_dives = 600 # in seconds

dives = profile_cluster_export(data, folder='results', minimal_time_between_dives=minimal_time_between_dives)

Separating Out Components

Each of the components from profile_cluster_export() can run separately but their input may rely on the out put from the previous. Below is how to run each of the components separately to modify the clustering or export to CSVs

Profile Dives

The profile_dives() function only profiles the dives. It finds the start points for the dives, then finds the dive attributes. profile_dives() takes the surface_threshold, dive_detection_sensitivity, at_depth_thresold, and is_surfacing_animal arguments just like profile_cluster_export(). It returns three datasets of the profiled dives, any insufficient dives, and the original data.

from divebomb import profile_dives
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')

# Profile dives and save the 3 outputs
dives, insufficient_dives, data = profile_dives(data, surface_threshold=surface_threshold)

profile_dives() also takes and argument to display the dive in a Jupyter Notebook. If ipython_display_mode=True then the dives will be displayed with with a slider to choose the dive.

from divebomb import profile_dives
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')

profile_dives(data, surface_threshold=surface_threshold, ipython_display_mode=True)

Cluster Dives

The cluster_dives() functions will take a DataFrame of profiled dives and cluster on the arguments passed. You can adjust the number of clusters, the principle component analysis (PCA) components, and which attributes are used througharguments in the function. cluster_dives() returns three datasets: the dives with cluster number, the loadings matrix for the PCA, and the PCA matrix. Below are some examples.

from divebomb import profile_dives, cluster_dives
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')

dives, insufficient_dives, data = profile_dives(data, surface_threshold=surface_threshold)

# Get the profiled dives from the profile_dives function above and
# assign the 3 datasets to variables
clustered_dives, loadings, pca_output_matrix = cluster_dives(dives)

Below is an example of overriding the number of clusters generated.

clustered_dives, loadings, pca_output_matrix  = cluster_dives(dives, n_cluster=4)

Below is an example of overriding dimensionality reduction in the PCA (the default is 8). pca_components must be less than or equal to the number of columns/attributes being used for the clustering (dive_start, dive_end, surface_threshold, and insufficient_data will not count towards the number of columns/attributes).

clustered_dives, loadings, pca_output_matrix  = cluster_dives(dives, pca_components=4)

Below is an example of selecting which attributes are used in the clustering. The code only clusters on td_ascent_duration, td_bottom_duration, td_descent_duration, and td_dive_duration. We choose pca_components=2 to reduce the dimensionality from 4 to 2.

clustered_dives, loadings, pca_output_matrix = cluster_dives(dives,

Export Dives

Dives can either be exported to NetCDF or CSV. Both profile_dives() and cluster_dives() need to be run and assigned to variables to get all dataset created in the process.

export_to_netcdf() will take all of the datasets and save them to a .nc file as well as saving a .nc for each individual dive in folders sorted by cluster.

from divebomb import profile_dives, cluster_dives, export_to_csv, export_to_netcdf
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')

dives, insufficient_dives, data = profile_dives(data, surface_threshold=surface_threshold)

# Get the profiled dives from the profile_dives function above
clustered_dives, loadings, pca_output_matrix s = cluster_dives(dives)

# Export to netcdf
export_to_netcdf(folder = "nc_results",
                  data = data,

export_to_csv will take the inputs and save the clustered dives, loadings, and PCA matrix to a folder as CSVs.

# Export to CSV (no individual dive files)
export_to_csv(folder = "csv_results",

All outputs are DataFrames and can be saved individually by appending .to_csv('filename.csv', index=False) to the variable. For example, the code below will save the profiled dives (no clustering) to a CSV.

from divebomb import profile_dives
import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')

# Profile dives and save the 3 outputs
dives, insufficient_dives, data = profile_dives(data, surface_threshold=surface_threshold)

dives.to_csv('profile_dives.csv', index=False)

Plotting Results

Divebomb includes two functions to plot dives. The first, plot_from_nc() will plot a single dive with disinguished phases. plot_from_nc() includes a type argument that can either be dive or deepdive.

The second function cluster_summary_plot will plot the minimum, maximum, and mean depth for each cluster. Time is asjusted to be the number of seconds into the dive, rather than a timestamp. Both axes can be individually scaled relative to maximum values of the clusters. For example, time can be scaled to be a proigress percentage through the dive. Scaling can be applied by passing the following: scale={'depth'=True, 'time':True} Below are examples and how they can be applied.

Single Dive

Below is an example of a single dive from a surfacing animal.

from divebomb.plotting import plot_from_nc, cluster_summary_plot

path = '/path/to/results_folder'
cluster = 2
dive_id = 555

# Plot inside a notebook
plot_from_nc(path, cluster, dive_id, ipython_display=True)

# Plot out to an HTML file
plot_from_nc(path, cluster, dive_id, ipython_display=False, filename="dive.html")

Dive Clusters

Below is an example of the clusters from a surfacing animal.

from divebomb.plotting import cluster_summary_plot

path = '/path/to/results_folder'

# Plot inside a notebook
cluster_summary_plot(path, ipython_display=True)

# Plot out to an HTML file
cluster_summary_plot(path, ipython_display=False, filename="clusters.html", scale={'depth':False, 'time':True})

Single DeepDive

Below is an example of non-surfacing animal dive. This example is also a sparser dataset as there are 10 minutes between data points.

from divebomb.plotting import plot_from_nc, cluster_summary_plot

path = '/path/to/results_folder'
cluster = 3
dive_id = 68

# Plot inside a notebook
plot_from_nc(path, cluster, dive_id, ipython_display=True, type='deepdive)

# Plot out to an HTML file
plot_from_nc(path, cluster, dive_id, ipython_display=False, filename='single_deepdive.html', type='deepdive')

Clustered DeepDives

Below is an example of the clusters from a non-surfacing animal. This example is also a sparser dataset as there are 10 minutes between data points.

from divebomb.plotting import cluster_summary_plot

path = '/path/to/results_folder'

# Plot inside a notebook
cluster_summary_plot(path, ipython_display=True)

# Plot out to an HTML file
cluster_summary_plot(path, ipython_display=False, filename='deepdive_clusters.html', title='DeepDive Clusters')

Correcting Depth on Surfacing Animals

Depth recordings can be uncalihrated or drift over time. The following are two ways from divebomb's preprocessing module <preprocessing_functions_page> to correct for the offset on a surfacing animal. The data passes to the function must have time and a depth (in positive meters) columns. The first uses a local max:

from divebomb import profile_cluster_export
import pandas as pd
window = 3600 #seconds

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')
corrected_depth_data = correct_depth_offset(data, window=window, aux_file='results/')

The second wethod uses a rolling average of all surface and near surface values in the time window:

from divebomb import profile_cluster_export
import pandas as pd
window = 3600 # seconds
surface_threshold = 4 # meters

data = pd.read_csv('/path/to/data.csv')
corrected_depth_data = correct_depth_offset(data, window=window, method='mean', surface_threshold=surface_threshold, aux_file='results/')